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201 lines
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  1. config global_defs
  2. # option alt_config_file "/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf"
  3. # list notification_email "acassen@firewall.loc"
  4. # list notification_email "failover@firewall.loc"
  5. # list notification_email "sysadmin@firewall.loc"
  6. # option notification_email_from "Alexandre.Cassen@firewall.loc"
  7. # option smtp_server ""
  8. # option smtp_connect_timeout "30"
  9. # option router_id "LVS_DEVEL"
  10. # option vrrp_mcast_group4 "" # optional, default
  11. # option vrrp_mcast_group6 "f02::12" # optional, default ff02::12
  12. # option linkbeat_use_polling "1"
  13. #config ipaddress
  14. # option name "ipaddress0"
  15. # option address ""
  16. # option device "eth0"
  17. # option scope "global"
  18. #config ipaddress
  19. # option name "ipaddress1"
  20. # option address ""
  21. # option device "eth1"
  22. # option scope "global"
  23. #config ipaddress
  24. # option name "ipaddress2"
  25. # option address ""
  26. # option device "eth0"
  27. # option scope "link"
  28. #config ipaddress
  29. # option name "ipaddress3"
  30. # option address ""
  31. # option device "eth2"
  32. # option scope "site"
  33. #config ipaddress
  34. # option name "ipaddress4"
  35. # option address ""
  36. # option device "eth0"
  37. # option scope "host"
  38. #config ipaddress
  39. # option name "ipaddress5"
  40. # option address ""
  41. # option device "eth0"
  42. # option scope "nowhere"
  43. #config route
  44. # option name "route0"
  45. # option address ""
  46. # option gateway ""
  47. # option device "eth0"
  48. #config route
  49. # option name "route1"
  50. # option address ""
  51. # option gateway ""
  52. # option device "eth0"
  53. #config route
  54. # option name "route2"
  55. # option address ""
  56. # option blackhole "1"
  57. #config static_ipaddress
  58. # list address "ipaddress0"
  59. # list address "ipaddress1"
  60. #config static_routes
  61. # list route "route0"
  62. # list route "route1"
  63. #config vrrp_sync_group
  64. # option name "VI_sync_group_1"
  65. # list group "VI_1"
  66. # list group "VI_2"
  67. # option smtp_alert "1"
  68. # option notify_backup "<switch-backup-state-script>"
  69. # option notify_master "<switch-master-state-script>"
  70. # option notify_fault "<switch-fault-state-script>"
  71. # option notify "<switch-any-state-script>"
  72. # option global_tracking 1
  73. #config track_interface
  74. # option name "track_intf1"
  75. # option value "eth0"
  76. # option weight "1"
  77. #config track_interface
  78. # option name "track_intf2"
  79. # option value "eth1"
  80. # option weight "2"
  81. #config track_script
  82. # option name "track_script1"
  83. # option value "<script-file1>"
  84. # option weight "1"
  85. #config track_script
  86. # option name "track_script2"
  87. # option value "<script-file2>"
  88. # option weight "2"
  89. #config vrrp_instance
  90. # option name "VI_1"
  91. # option use_vmac "eth0"
  92. # option native_ipv6 "1"
  93. # option state "MASTER"
  94. # option interface "eth0"
  95. # list track_interface "track_intf1"
  96. # list track_interface "track_intf2"
  97. # list track_script "track_script1"
  98. # list track_script "track_script2"
  99. # option dont_track_primary "1"
  100. # list unicast_peer ""
  101. # list unicast_peer ""
  102. # list virtual_ipaddress "ipaddress2"
  103. # list virtual_ipaddress "ipaddress3"
  104. # list virtual_ipaddress_excluded "ipaddress4"
  105. # list virtual_ipaddress_excluded "ipaddress5"
  106. # list virtual_routes "route1"
  107. # list virtual_routes "route2"
  108. # option mcast_src_ip ""
  109. # option unicast_src_ip ""
  110. # option virtual_router_id "128"
  111. # option priority "128"
  112. # option advert_int "5"
  113. # option nopreempt "1"
  114. # option preempt_delay "500"
  115. # option debug "2"
  116. # option notify_backup "<switch-backup-state-script>"
  117. # option notify_master "<switch-master-state-script>"
  118. # option notify_fault "<switch-fault-state-script>"
  119. # option notify_stop "<switch-stop-state-script>"
  120. # option notify "<switch-any-state-script>"
  121. # option smtp_alert "1"
  122. # option accept "1"
  123. #config vrrp_script
  124. # option script "<script-file>"
  125. # option interval "5"
  126. # option weight "10"
  127. # option fall "2"
  128. # option rise "3"
  129. #config virtual_server
  130. # option enabled "1"
  131. # option ipaddr ""
  132. # option port "80"
  133. # option fwmark "0x42"
  134. # option delay_loop "30"
  135. # valid values for lb_algo rr|wrr|lc|wlc
  136. # option lb_algo "rr"
  137. # valid values for lb_kind NAT|DR|TUN
  138. # option lb_kind "NAT"
  139. # option persistence_timeout "50"
  140. # option persistence_granularity ""
  141. # option virtualhost ""
  142. # valid values for protocol TCP|UDP
  143. # option protocol "TCP"
  144. # option sorry_server_ip ""
  145. # option sorry_server_port "80"
  146. # list real_server "Server1"
  147. # list real_server "Server2"
  148. #config real_server
  149. # option enabled "1"
  150. # option name "Server1"
  151. # option weight "2"
  152. # option check "HTTP_GET"
  153. # only for check TCP_CHECK|HTTP_GET|SSL_GET
  154. # option connect_port "80"
  155. # option connect_timeout "3"
  156. # only for check MISC_CHECK
  157. # option misc_path "<user-defined-check-script>"
  158. # only for check HTTP_GET | SSL_GET
  159. # list url "url1"
  160. # list url "url2"
  161. # option nb_get_retry "3"
  162. # option delay_before_retry "2"
  163. #config real_server
  164. # option enabled "1"
  165. # option name "Server2"
  166. # option weight "2"
  167. # option check "TCP_CHECK"
  168. # option connect_port "80"
  169. # option connect_timeout "3"
  170. #config url
  171. # option name "url1"
  172. # option path "/testurl/test1.jsp"
  173. # option digest "11"
  174. #config url
  175. # option name "url2"
  176. # option path "/testurl/test2.jsp"
  177. # option digest "22"