- #!/bin/sh
- . /lib/functions.sh
- . /lib/functions/network.sh
- . /lib/mwan3/mwan3.sh
- . /lib/mwan3/common.sh
- mwan3_rtmon_route_handle()
- {
- config_load mwan3
- local section action route_line family tbl device metric tos dst line
- local route_device tid
- route_line=${1##"Deleted "}
- route_family=$2
- if [ "$route_family" = "ipv4" ]; then
- IP="$IP4"
- elif [ "$route_family" = "ipv6" ] && [ $NO_IPV6 -eq 0 ]; then
- IP="$IP6"
- else
- return
- fi
- if [ "$route_line" == "$1" ]; then
- action="add"
- else
- action="del"
- fi
- # never add default route lines, since this is handled elsewhere
- [ -z "${route_line##default*}" ] && return
- [ -z "${route_line##::/0*}" ] && return
- route_line=${route_line%% linkdown*}
- route_line=${route_line%% unreachable*}
- mwan3_update_dev_to_table
- mwan3_route_line_dev "tid" "$route_line" "$route_family"
- handle_route() {
- tbl=$($IP route list table $tid)
- if [ $action = "add" ]; then
- echo "$tbl" | grep -q "^default\|^::/0" || return
- else
- [ -z "$tbl" ] && return
- fi
- # check that action needs to be performed. May not need to take action if:
- # Got a route update on ipv6 where route is already in the table
- # Got a delete event, but table was already flushed
- [ $action = "add" ] && [ -z "${tbl##*$route_line*}" ] && return
- [ $action = "del" ] && [ -n "${tbl##*$route_line*}" ] && return
- network_get_device device "$section"
- LOG debug "adjusting route $device: $IP route "$action" table $tid $route_line"
- $IP route "$action" table $tid $route_line ||
- LOG warn "failed: $IP route $action table $tid $route_line"
- }
- handle_route_cb(){
- let tid++
- config_get family "$section" family ipv4
- [ "$family" != "$route_family" ] && return
- handle_route
- }
- if [ $action = "add" ]; then
- ## handle old routes from 'change' or 'replace'
- metric=${route_line##*metric }
- [ "$metric" = "$route_line" ] && unset metric || metric=${metric%% *}
- tos=${route_line##*tos }
- [ "$tos" = "$route_line" ] && unset tos || tos=${tos%% *}
- dst=${route_line%% *}
- grep_line="$dst ${tos:+tos $tos}.*table [0-9].*${metric:+metric $metric}"
- $IP route list table all | grep "$grep_line" | while read line; do
- tbl=${line##*table }
- tbl=${tbl%% *}
- [ $tbl -gt $MWAN3_INTERFACE_MAX ] && continue
- LOG debug "removing route on ip route change/replace: $line"
- $IP route del $line
- done
- fi
- if [ -n "$tid" ]; then
- handle_route
- else
- config_foreach handle_route_cb interface
- fi
- }
- main()
- {
- local IP family
- config_load mwan3
- family=$1
- [ -z $family ] && family=ipv4
- if [ "$family" = ipv6 ]; then
- IP="$IP6"
- else
- IP="$IP4"
- fi
- mwan3_init
- $IP monitor route | while read line; do
- [ -z "${line##*table*}" ] && continue
- LOG debug "handling route update $family $line"
- mwan3_lock "service" "mwan3rtmon"
- mwan3_rtmon_route_handle "$line" "$family"
- mwan3_unlock "service" "mwan3rtmon"
- done
- }
- main "$@"