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  1. config "client1"
  2. option disabled 0
  3. # option username 'nobody'
  4. # option groupname 'nogroup'
  5. # option chroot "/var/run/uanytun"
  6. # option interface '<ip-address>'
  7. # option port '4444'
  8. # option sender_id '1'
  9. option cipher 'aes-ctr'
  10. # option cipher 'null'
  11. # option cipher 'aes-ctr-128'
  12. # option cipher 'aes-ctr-192'
  13. # option cipher 'aes-ctr-256'
  14. option auth_algo 'sha1'
  15. # option auth_algo 'null'
  16. # option auth_tag_length 10
  17. # option dev 'anytun0'
  18. option type 'tun'
  19. option ifconfig ''
  20. # option post-up-script '/etc/uanytun/'
  21. option remote_host ''
  22. option remote_port '4444'
  23. option window_size 0
  24. option mux 1
  25. option role 'client'
  26. # option kd_prf 'null'
  27. # option kd_prf 'aes-ctr'
  28. # option kd_prf 'aes-ctr-128'
  29. # option kd_prf 'aes-ctr-192'
  30. # option kd_prf 'aes-ctr-256'
  31. # option ld_kdr '0'
  32. # option key '0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF'
  33. # option salt '0123456789ABCD0123456789ABCD'
  34. option passphrase 'Creating_VPN_Tunnels_With_Anytun_Is_Easy'
  35. option log 'syslog:3,anytun-client1,daemon'
  36. config "client2"
  37. option disabled 1
  38. option cipher 'aes-ctr'
  39. option auth_algo 'sha1'
  40. option type 'tun'
  41. option ifconfig ''
  42. option remote_host ''
  43. option remote_port '4444'
  44. option window_size 0
  45. option mux 2
  46. option role 'client'
  47. option passphrase 'Creating_VPN_Tunnels_With_Anytun_Is_Easy'
  48. option log 'syslog:3,anytun-client2,daemon'
  49. config "client3"
  50. option disabled 1
  51. option cipher 'aes-ctr'
  52. option auth_algo 'sha1'
  53. option type 'tun'
  54. option ifconfig ''
  55. option remote_host ''
  56. option remote_port '4444'
  57. option window_size 0
  58. option mux 3
  59. option role 'client'
  60. option passphrase 'Creating_VPN_Tunnels_With_Anytun_Is_Easy'
  61. option log 'syslog:3,anytun-client3,daemon'
  62. config "p2p-a"
  63. option disabled 1
  64. option cipher 'aes-ctr'
  65. option auth_algo 'sha1'
  66. option type 'tun'
  67. option ifconfig ''
  68. option remote_host ''
  69. option remote_port '4444'
  70. option window_size 0
  71. option role 'alice'
  72. option passphrase 'Creating_P2P_VPN_Tunnels_With_Anytun_Is_Easy'
  73. option log 'syslog:3,anytun-p2p-a,daemon'
  74. config "p2p-b"
  75. option disabled 1
  76. option cipher 'aes-ctr'
  77. option auth_algo 'sha1'
  78. option type 'tun'
  79. option ifconfig ''
  80. option remote_host ''
  81. option remote_port '4444'
  82. option window_size 0
  83. option role 'bob'
  84. option passphrase 'Creating_P2P_VPN_Tunnels_With_Anytun_Is_Easy'
  85. option log 'syslog:3,anytun-p2p-b,daemon'