- #
- # Copyright (C) 2009-2015 OpenWrt.org
- #
- # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
- # See /LICENSE for more information.
- #
- include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
- PKG_NAME:=erlang
- PKG_SOURCE:=otp_src_$(PKG_VERSION).tar.gz
- PKG_SOURCE_URL:= http://www.erlang.org/download/
- PKG_HASH:=c7d247c0cad2d2e718eaca2e2dff051136a1347a92097abf19ebf65ea2870131
- PKG_MAINTAINER:=Arnaud Sautaux <arnaud.sautaux@infoteam.ch>
- PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS:=erlang/host openssl
- include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/host-build.mk
- include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
- define Package/erlang/Default
- SUBMENU:=Erlang
- SECTION:=lang
- CATEGORY:=Languages
- TITLE:=Erlang/OTP programming language
- URL:=http://www.erlang.org/
- endef
- define Package/erlang/Default/description
- Erlang/OTP is a general-purpose programming language and runtime
- environment. Erlang has built-in support for concurrency, distribution
- and fault tolerance.
- endef
- define Package/erlang
- $(call Package/erlang/Default)
- DEPENDS+= +libncurses +librt +zlib
- PROVIDES:= erlang-erts=10.0.1 erlang-kernel=6.0 erlang-sasl=3.2 erlang-stdlib=3.5
- endef
- define Package/erlang/description
- $(call Package/erlang/Default/description)
- .
- This package contains the runtime implementation and a minimal set of
- modules (erts, kernel, sasl & stdlib).
- endef
- define Package/erlang-asn1
- $(call Package/erlang/Default)
- TITLE:=Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) support
- VERSION:=5.0.6
- DEPENDS+= +erlang +erlang-syntax-tools
- endef
- define Package/erlang-asn1/description
- $(call Package/erlang/Default/description)
- .
- This Erlang/OTP package provides Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)
- support.
- endef
- define Package/erlang-compiler
- $(call Package/erlang/Default)
- TITLE:=Byte code compiler
- VERSION:=7.2
- DEPENDS+= +erlang +erlang-hipe
- endef
- define Package/erlang-compiler/description
- $(call Package/erlang/Default/description)
- .
- This Erlang/OTP package provides a byte code compiler for Erlang which
- produces highly compact code.
- endef
- define Package/erlang-crypto
- $(call Package/erlang/Default)
- TITLE:=Cryptography support
- VERSION:=4.3
- DEPENDS+= +erlang +libopenssl
- endef
- define Package/erlang-crypto/description
- $(call Package/erlang/Default/description)
- .
- This Erlang/OTP package provides functions for computation of message
- digests, and encryption and decryption functions.
- endef
- define Package/erlang-hipe
- $(call Package/erlang/Default)
- TITLE:=High Performance Erlang
- VERSION:=3.18
- DEPENDS+= +erlang
- endef
- define Package/erlang-hipe/description
- $(call Package/erlang/Default/description)
- .
- This Erlang/OTP package provides HiPE (High Performance Erlang)
- support.
- endef
- define Package/erlang-inets
- $(call Package/erlang/Default)
- TITLE:=Internet clients and servers
- VERSION:=7.0
- DEPENDS+= +erlang
- endef
- define Package/erlang-inets/description
- $(call Package/erlang/Default/description)
- .
- This Erlang/OTP package provides a container for Internet clients and
- servers. Currently a FTP client, a HTTP client and server, and a tftp
- client and server have been incorporated in Inets.
- endef
- define Package/erlang-mnesia
- $(call Package/erlang/Default)
- TITLE:=Distributed database
- VERSION:=4.15.4
- DEPENDS+= +erlang
- endef
- define Package/erlang-mnesia/description
- $(call Package/erlang/Default/description)
- .
- This Erlang/OTP package provides a distributed DataBase Management
- System (DBMS), appropriate for telecommunications applications and
- other Erlang applications which require continuous operation and
- exhibit soft real-time properties.
- endef
- define Package/erlang-runtime-tools
- $(call Package/erlang/Default)
- TITLE:=Low-profile debugging/tracing tools
- VERSION:=1.13
- DEPENDS+= +erlang
- endef
- define Package/erlang-runtime-tools/description
- $(call Package/erlang/Default/description)
- .
- This Erlang/OTP package provides low footprint tracing/debugging tools
- suitable for inclusion in a production system.
- endef
- define Package/erlang-snmp
- $(call Package/erlang/Default)
- TITLE:=Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) support
- VERSION:=5.2.11
- DEPENDS+= +erlang +erlang-asn1
- endef
- define Package/erlang-snmp/description
- $(call Package/erlang/Default/description)
- .
- This Erlang/OTP package provides Simple Network Management Protocol
- (SNMP) support including a MIB compiler and tools for creating SNMP
- agents.
- endef
- define Package/erlang-public-key
- $(call Package/erlang/Default)
- TITLE:=Public Key support
- VERSION:=1.6
- DEPENDS+= +erlang +erlang-crypto +erlang-asn1
- endef
- define Package/erlang-public-key/description
- $(call Package/erlang/Default/description)
- .
- This Erlang/OTP package provides functions to handle public-key infrastructure.
- endef
- define Package/erlang-ssh
- $(call Package/erlang/Default)
- TITLE:=Secure Shell (SSH) support
- VERSION:=4.7
- DEPENDS+= +erlang +erlang-crypto
- endef
- define Package/erlang-ssh/description
- $(call Package/erlang/Default/description)
- .
- This Erlang/OTP package provides an implementation of the Secure Shell
- protocol, with SSH & SFTP support.
- endef
- define Package/erlang-ssl
- $(call Package/erlang/Default)
- TITLE:=Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support
- VERSION:=9.0
- DEPENDS+= +erlang +erlang-crypto
- endef
- define Package/erlang-ssl/description
- $(call Package/erlang/Default/description)
- .
- This Erlang/OTP package provides support for secure communication over
- sockets.
- endef
- define Package/erlang-syntax-tools
- $(call Package/erlang/Default)
- TITLE:=Abstract Erlang syntax trees handling support
- VERSION:=2.1.5
- DEPENDS+= +erlang
- endef
- define Package/erlang-syntax-tools/description
- $(call Package/erlang/Default/description)
- .
- This Erlang/OTP package provides support for handling abstract Erlang
- syntax trees.
- endef
- define Package/erlang-tools
- $(call Package/erlang/Default)
- TITLE:=Erlang tools support
- VERSION:=3.0
- DEPENDS+= +erlang
- endef
- define Package/erlang-tools/description
- $(call Package/erlang/Default/description)
- .
- This Erlang/OTP package provides support for misc tools.
- endef
- define Package/erlang-reltool
- $(call Package/erlang/Default)
- TITLE:=Erlang reltool support
- VERSION:=0.7.6
- DEPENDS+= +erlang
- endef
- define Package/erlang-reltool/description
- $(call Package/erlang/Default/description)
- .
- This Erlang/OTP package provides support for release management.
- endef
- define Package/erlang-erl-interface
- $(call Package/erlang/Default)
- TITLE:=Erlang erl_interface support
- VERSION:=3.9.3
- DEPENDS+= +erlang
- endef
- define Package/erlang-erl-interface/description
- $(call Package/erlang/Default/description)
- .
- This Erlang/OTP package provides support for erlang interoperability with other languages.
- endef
- define Package/erlang-os_mon
- $(call Package/erlang/Default)
- TITLE:=Erlang OS Monitoring Application
- VERSION:=2.4.5
- DEPENDS+= +erlang
- endef
- define Package/erlang-os_mon/description
- $(call Package/erlang/Default/description)
- .
- This Erlang/OTP package provides the following services:
- cpu_sup CPU load and utilization supervision
- disksup Disk supervision
- memsup Memory supervision
- endef
- define Package/erlang-xmerl
- $(call Package/erlang/Default)
- TITLE:=Erlang XML export
- VERSION:=1.3.17
- DEPENDS+= +erlang
- endef
- define Package/erlang-xmerl/description
- $(call Package/erlang/Default/description)
- .
- This Erlang/OTP package provides functions for exporting XML data to an external format
- endef
- # Host
- --disable-hipe \
- --disable-smp-support \
- --without-javac
- define Host/Compile
- $(MAKE) -C $(HOST_BUILD_DIR) all
- endef
- define Host/Install
- $(MAKE) -C $(HOST_BUILD_DIR) install
- endef
- # Target
- --disable-hipe \
- --disable-smp-support \
- --without-javac \
- --enable-dynamic-ssl-lib
- ac_cv_func_mmap_fixed_mapped=yes \
- ac_cv_path_WX_CONFIG_PATH=no \
- erl_xcomp_getaddrinfo=no \
- erl_xcomp_sysroot="$(STAGING_DIR)"
- define Build/Compile
- noboot
- install
- endef
- define Package/erlang/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
- for f in epmd erl erlc escript run_erl; do \
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/bin/$$$$f $(1)/usr/bin/ ; \
- done
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/erlang/bin
- for f in erl erlc escript run_erl start start.boot start.script start_clean.boot start_erl start_sasl.boot to_erl; do \
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/erlang/bin/$$$$f $(1)/usr/lib/erlang/bin/ ; \
- done
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/erlang/lib
- for m in erts kernel sasl stdlib; do \
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/erlang/lib/$$$$m-* $(1)/usr/lib/erlang/lib/ ; \
- rm -rf $(1)/usr/lib/erlang/lib/$$$$m-*/examples ; \
- rm -rf $(1)/usr/lib/erlang/lib/$$$$m-*/src ; \
- done
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/erlang
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/erlang/erts-* $(1)/usr/lib/erlang/
- rm -rf $(1)/usr/lib/erlang/erts-*/{doc,include,lib,man,src}
- rm -rf $(1)/usr/lib/erlang/erts-*/bin/*.src
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/erlang/releases
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/erlang/releases/* $(1)/usr/lib/erlang/releases/
- $(SED) 's,%ERL_ROOT%,/usr/lib/erlang,g' \
- $(1)/usr/lib/erlang/releases/RELEASES.src
- mv -f $(1)/usr/lib/erlang/releases/RELEASES.src \
- $(1)/usr/lib/erlang/releases/RELEASES
- for f in bin/erl bin/start erts-*/bin/erl erts-*/bin/start; do \
- $(SED) 's,^\(ROOTDIR\)=.*,\1=/usr/lib/erlang,g' \
- $(1)/usr/lib/erlang/$$$$f ; \
- done
- endef
- define Build/InstallDev
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib
- $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/lib/erl_interface/obj/*/*.a $(1)/usr/lib/
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/include
- $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/lib/erl_interface/include/*.h $(1)/usr/include/
- endef
- define BuildModule
- define Package/erlang-$(1)/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/usr/lib/erlang/lib
- for m in $(2); do \
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/erlang/lib/$$$$$$$$m-* $$(1)/usr/lib/erlang/lib/ ; \
- rm -rf $$(1)/usr/lib/erlang/lib/$$$$$$$$m-*/{examples,priv/obj,src} ; \
- done
- endef
- $$(eval $$(call BuildPackage,erlang-$(1)))
- endef
- $(eval $(call HostBuild))
- $(eval $(call BuildPackage,erlang))
- $(eval $(call BuildModule,asn1,asn1))
- $(eval $(call BuildModule,compiler,compiler))
- $(eval $(call BuildModule,crypto,crypto))
- $(eval $(call BuildModule,hipe,hipe))
- $(eval $(call BuildModule,inets,inets))
- $(eval $(call BuildModule,mnesia,mnesia))
- $(eval $(call BuildModule,runtime-tools,runtime_tools))
- $(eval $(call BuildModule,snmp,snmp))
- $(eval $(call BuildModule,public-key,public_key))
- $(eval $(call BuildModule,ssh,ssh))
- $(eval $(call BuildModule,ssl,ssl))
- $(eval $(call BuildModule,syntax-tools,syntax_tools))
- $(eval $(call BuildModule,tools,tools))
- $(eval $(call BuildModule,reltool,reltool))
- $(eval $(call BuildModule,erl-interface,erl_interface))
- $(eval $(call BuildModule,os_mon,os_mon))
- $(eval $(call BuildModule,xmerl,xmerl))