- <?php
- include("include.php");
- ?>
- <html>
- <center>
- <img src=logo.gif>
- <?php
- if (isset($_GET['sensor_name']))
- $sensor_name = $_GET['sensor_name'];
- else
- {
- echo "<br>Please provide a sensor_name";
- exit(1);
- }
- if (isset($_GET['ip']))
- $ip = $_GET['ip'];
- else
- {
- echo "<br>Please provide an ip address";
- exit(1);
- }
- echo "<h3>";
- if (strpos($ip, "/") === FALSE)
- echo "$ip - ".gethostbyaddr($ip)."</h3>";
- else
- echo "Total - $ip</h3>";
- $db = ConnectDb();
- if ($ip == "")
- {
- $rxtable = "bd_rx_total_log";
- $txtable = "bd_tx_total_log";
- }
- else
- {
- $rxtable = "bd_rx_log";
- $txtable = "bd_tx_log";
- }
- $sql = "select rx.scale as rxscale, tx.scale as txscale, tx.total+rx.total as total, tx.total as sent,
- rx.total as received, tx.tcp+rx.tcp as tcp, tx.udp+rx.udp as udp,
- tx.icmp+rx.icmp as icmp, tx.http+rx.http as http,
- tx.p2p+rx.p2p as p2p, tx.ftp+rx.ftp as ftp
- from
- (SELECT ip, max(total/sample_duration)*8 as scale, sum(total) as total, sum(tcp) as tcp, sum(udp) as udp, sum(icmp) as icmp,
- sum(http) as http, sum(p2p) as p2p, sum(ftp) as ftp
- from sensors, $txtable
- where sensor_name = '$sensor_name'
- and sensors.sensor_id = ".$txtable.".sensor_id
- and ip <<= '$ip'
- group by ip) as tx,
- (SELECT ip, max(total/sample_duration)*8 as scale, sum(total) as total, sum(tcp) as tcp, sum(udp) as udp, sum(icmp) as icmp,
- sum(http) as http, sum(p2p) as p2p, sum(ftp) as ftp
- from sensors, $rxtable
- where sensor_name = '$sensor_name'
- and sensors.sensor_id = ".$rxtable.".sensor_id
- and ip <<= '$ip'
- group by ip) as rx
- where tx.ip = rx.ip;";
- //echo "</center><pre>$sql</pre><center>";exit(0);
- $result = pg_query($sql);
- echo "<table width=100% border=1 cellspacing=0><tr><td>Ip<td>Name<td>Total<td>Sent<td>Received<td>tcp<td>udp<td>icmp<td>http<td>p2p<td>ftp";
- $r = pg_fetch_array($result);
- echo "<tr><td>";
- if (strpos($ip, "/") === FALSE)
- echo "$ip<td>".gethostbyaddr($ip);
- else
- echo "Total<td>$ip";
- echo fmtb($r['total']).fmtb($r['sent']).fmtb($r['received']).
- fmtb($r['tcp']).fmtb($r['udp']).fmtb($r['icmp']).fmtb($r['http']).
- fmtb($r['p2p']).fmtb($r['ftp']);
- echo "</table></center>";
- echo "<center><h4>Daily</h4></center>";
- echo "Send:<br><img src=graph.php?ip=$ip&sensor_name=".$sensor_name."&table=$txtable&yscale=".(max($r['txscale'], $r['rxscale']))."><br>";
- echo "<img src=legend.gif><br>";
- echo "Receive:<br><img src=graph.php?ip=$ip&sensor_name=".$sensor_name."&table=$rxtable&yscale=".(max($r['txscale'], $r['rxscale']))."><br>";
- echo "<img src=legend.gif><br>";
- echo "<center><h4>Weekly</h4></center>";
- echo "Send:<br><img src=graph.php?interval=".INT_WEEKLY."&ip=$ip&sensor_name=$sensor_name&table=$txtable&yscale=".(max($r['txscale'], $r['rxscale']))."><br>";
- echo "<img src=legend.gif><br>";
- echo "Receive:<br><img src=graph.php?interval=".INT_WEEKLY."&ip=$ip&sensor_name=$sensor_name&table=$rxtable&yscale=".(max($r['txscale'], $r['rxscale']))."><br>";
- echo "<img src=legend.gif><br>";
- echo "<center><h4>Monthly</h4></center>";
- echo "Send:<br><img src=graph.php?interval=".INT_MONTHLY."&ip=$ip&sensor_name=$sensor_name&table=$txtable&yscale=".(max($r['txscale'], $r['rxscale']))."><br>";
- echo "<img src=legend.gif><br>";
- echo "Receive:<br><img src=graph.php?interval=".INT_MONTHLY."&ip=$ip&sensor_name=$sensor_name&table=$rxtable&yscale=".(max($r['txscale'], $r['rxscale']))."><br>";
- echo "<img src=legend.gif><br>";
- echo "<center><h4>Yearly</h4></center>";
- echo "Send:<br><img src=graph.php?interval=".INT_YEARLY."&ip=$ip&sensor_name=$sensor_name&table=$txtable&yscale=".(max($r['txscale'], $r['rxscale']))."><br>";
- echo "<img src=legend.gif><br>";
- echo "Receive:<br><img src=graph.php?interval=".INT_YEARLY."&ip=$ip&sensor_name=$sensor_name&table=$rxtable&yscale=".(max($r['txscale'], $r['rxscale']))."><br>";
- echo "<img src=legend.gif><br>";