- #
- # Copyright (C) 2006-2016 OpenWrt.org
- #
- # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
- # See /LICENSE for more information.
- #
- include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
- PKG_NAME:=collectd
- PKG_VERSION:=5.11.0
- PKG_SOURCE_URL:=https://collectd.org/files/ \
- https://github.com/collectd/collectd/releases/download/collectd-$(PKG_VERSION)
- PKG_HASH:=37b10a806e34aa8570c1cafa6006c604796fae13cc2e1b3e630d33dcba9e5db2
- PKG_FIXUP:=autoreconf
- PKG_REMOVE_FILES:=aclocal.m4 libltdl/aclocal.m4
- PKG_MAINTAINER:=Jo-Philipp Wich <jo@mein.io>, Hannu Nyman <hannu.nyman@iki.fi>
- PKG_CPE_ID:=cpe:/a:collectd:collectd
- amqp \
- ampq1 \
- apple_sensors \
- aquaero \
- barometer \
- battery \
- buddyinfo \
- capabilities \
- ceph \
- cgroups \
- cpusleep \
- curl_json \
- curl_xml \
- dbi \
- dcpmm \
- dpdkevents \
- dpdkstat \
- dpdk_telemetry \
- drbd \
- fhcount \
- genericjmx \
- gmond \
- gps \
- gpu_nvidia \
- grpc \
- hddtemp \
- hugepages \
- intel_pmu \
- intel_rdt \
- ipc \
- ipmi \
- ipstats \
- ipvs \
- java \
- logparser \
- log_logstash \
- lvm \
- lpar \
- madwifi \
- mbmon \
- mcelog \
- md \
- memcachec \
- memcached \
- mic \
- monitorus \
- multimeter \
- netapp \
- nfs \
- notify_desktop \
- notify_email \
- notify_nagios \
- numa \
- onewire \
- openldap \
- openvz \
- oracle \
- ovs_events \
- ovs_stats \
- pcie_errors \
- perl \
- pf \
- pinba \
- procevent \
- python \
- redfish \
- redis \
- rrdcached \
- serial \
- sigrok \
- slurm \
- smart \
- snmp_agent \
- statsd \
- swap \
- synproxy \
- sysevent \
- tape \
- tokyotyrant \
- turbostat \
- ubi \
- uuid \
- varnish \
- virt \
- vserver \
- write_influxdb_udp \
- write_kafka \
- write_log \
- write_mongodb \
- write_prometheus \
- write_redis \
- write_riemann \
- write_sensu \
- write_stackdriver \
- write_syslog \
- write_tsdb \
- xencpu \
- xmms \
- zfs_arc \
- zone \
- zookeeper
- apache \
- apcups \
- ascent \
- bind \
- chrony \
- conntrack \
- contextswitch \
- cpu \
- cpufreq \
- csv \
- curl \
- df \
- disk \
- dns \
- email \
- entropy \
- ethstat \
- exec \
- filecount \
- fscache \
- interface \
- iptables \
- irq \
- iwinfo \
- load \
- logfile \
- lua \
- match_empty_counter \
- match_hashed \
- match_regex \
- match_timediff \
- match_value \
- memory \
- modbus \
- mqtt \
- mysql \
- netlink \
- network \
- nginx \
- ntpd \
- nut \
- olsrd \
- openvpn \
- ping \
- postgresql \
- powerdns \
- processes \
- protocols \
- routeros \
- rrdtool \
- sensors \
- snmp \
- syslog \
- table \
- tail \
- tail_csv \
- tcpconns \
- teamspeak2 \
- ted \
- thermal \
- threshold \
- unixsock \
- uptime \
- users \
- vmem \
- wireless \
- write_graphite \
- write_http \
- $(patsubst %,CONFIG_PACKAGE_collectd-mod-%,$(subst _,-,$(COLLECTD_PLUGINS_SELECTED))) \
- include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
- include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/kernel.mk
- # collectd-mod-mysql needs iconv
- include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/nls.mk
- define Package/collectd/Default
- SECTION:=utils
- CATEGORY:=Utilities
- TITLE:=Lightweight system statistics collection daemon
- URL:=https://collectd.org/
- endef
- define Package/collectd
- $(call Package/collectd/Default)
- DEPENDS:= +libpthread \
- +zlib \
- +libltdl \
- +libip4tc \
- +jshn \
- +PACKAGE_collectd-mod-lua:liblua
- MENU:=1
- endef
- define Package/collectd/description
- collectd is a small daemon which collects system information periodically
- and provides mechanismns to store the values in a variety of ways.
- endef
- define Package/collectd/config
- bool "Enable ability to use encrypted networking"
- default n
- depends on PACKAGE_collectd
- select PACKAGE_collectd-mod-network
- endef
- # common configure args
- --disable-werror \
- --disable-debug \
- --enable-daemon \
- --with-nan-emulation \
- --with-libyajl=no \
- --without-perl-bindings \
- --without-libudev
- LDFLAGS="$$$$LDFLAGS -lm -lz" \
- ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_collectd-mod-lua),)
- LDFLAGS="$$$$LDFLAGS -llua"
- endif
- --with-libgcrypt=$(STAGING_DIR)/usr
- GCRYPT_LIBS="-lgcrypt"
- else
- --without-libgcrypt
- endif
- $(foreach m, $(1), \
- $(if $(CONFIG_PACKAGE_collectd-mod-$(subst _,-,$(m))),--enable-$(m),--disable-$(m)) \
- )
- # exception: mod-ascent needs libxml2
- ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_collectd-mod-ascent),)
- CPPFLAGS="$$$$CPPFLAGS -I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/libxml2"
- endif
- ifneq ($(CONFIG_BIG_ENDIAN),)
- CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-fp-layout=endianflip
- else
- CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-fp-layout=nothing
- endif
- ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_collectd-mod-postgresql),)
- CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-libpq="$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/"
- endif
- ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_collectd-mod-mysql),)
- CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-libmysql="$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/"
- endif
- # exception: mod-netlink needs libnetlink from iproute
- ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_collectd-mod-netlink),)
- CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-libnetlink="$(STAGING_DIR)/usr"
- endif
- # exception: mod-modbus needs libmodbus
- ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_collectd-mod-modbus),)
- CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-libmodbus="$(STAGING_DIR)/usr"
- endif
- # exception: mod-rrdtool needs rrdtool-1.0.x
- ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_collectd-mod-rrdtool),)
- CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-librrd="$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib/rrdtool-1.0"
- endif
- define Package/collectd/conffiles
- /etc/collectd.conf
- /etc/config/collectd
- endef
- define Package/collectd/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
- $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/sbin/collectd $(1)/usr/sbin/
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/share/collectd
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/share/collectd/types.db $(1)/usr/share/collectd/
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
- $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/collectd.init $(1)/etc/init.d/collectd
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config
- $(INSTALL_CONF) files/collectd.uci $(1)/etc/config/collectd
- endef
- # 1: plugin name
- # 2: plugin title/description
- # 3: files
- # 4: extra dependency
- define BuildPlugin
- define Package/collectd-mod-$(1)
- $$(call Package/collectd/Default)
- TITLE:=$(2) plugin
- DEPENDS:= collectd $(4)
- endef
- define Package/collectd-mod-$(1)/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/usr/lib/collectd
- for m in $(3); do \
- $(CP) \
- $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/collectd/$$$$$$$${m}.so \
- $$(1)/usr/lib/collectd/ ; \
- done
- if [ -f ./files/usr/share/collectd/plugin/$(1).json ]; then \
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/usr/share/collectd/plugin ; \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/usr/share/collectd/plugin/$(1).json \
- $$(1)/usr/share/collectd/plugin/$(1).json ; \
- fi
- endef
- $$(eval $$(call BuildPackage,collectd-mod-$(1)))
- endef
- define BuildScriptPlugin
- define Package/collectd-mod-$(1)
- $$(call Package/collectd/Default)
- TITLE:=$(2) plugin
- DEPENDS:= $(4)
- endef
- define Package/collectd-mod-$(1)/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/usr/libexec/collectd
- for m in $(3); do \
- ./files/exec-scripts/$$$$$$$${m}.sh $$(1)/usr/libexec/collectd/ ; \
- done
- if [ -f ./files/usr/share/collectd/plugin/$(1).json ]; then \
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/usr/share/collectd/plugin ; \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/usr/share/collectd/plugin/$(1).json \
- $$(1)/usr/share/collectd/plugin/$(1).json ; \
- fi
- endef
- $$(eval $$(call BuildPackage,collectd-mod-$(1)))
- endef
- $(eval $(call BuildPackage,collectd))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,apache,apache status input,apache,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-apache:libcurl))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,apcups,apcups status input,apcups,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,ascent,ascent status input,ascent,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-ascent:libcurl +PACKAGE_collectd-mod-ascent:libxml2))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,bind,BIND server/zone input,bind,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-bind:libcurl +PACKAGE_collectd-mod-bind:libxml2))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,chrony,chrony status input,chrony,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,conntrack,connection tracking table size input,conntrack,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,contextswitch,context switch input,contextswitch,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,cpu,CPU input,cpu,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,cpufreq,CPU Freq input,cpufreq,@(TARGET_x86||TARGET_x86_64||TARGET_mvebu||TARGET_ipq806x||TARGET_armvirt||TARGET_ipq40xx||TARGET_bcm27xx_bcm2709))) # Only enable on targets with CPUs supporting frequency scaling
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,csv,CSV output,csv,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,curl,cURL input,curl,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-curl:libcurl))
- #$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,dbi,relational database input,dbi,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-dbi:libdbi))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,df,disk space input,df,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,disk,disk usage/timing input,disk,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,dns,DNS traffic input,dns,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-dns:libpcap))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,email,email output,email,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,entropy,Entropy amount input,entropy,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,ethstat,Ethernet adapter statistics input,ethstat,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,exec,process exec input,exec,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,filecount,file count input,filecount,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,fscache,file-system based caching framework input,fscache,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,interface,network interfaces input,interface,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,iptables,iptables status input,iptables,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-iptables:iptables +libip4tc +libip6tc))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,irq,interrupt usage input,irq,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,iwinfo,libiwinfo wireless statistics,iwinfo,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-iwinfo:libiwinfo))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,load,system load input,load,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,logfile,log files output,logfile,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,lua,lua input/output,lua,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-lua:liblua))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,match-empty-counter,empty-counter match,match_empty_counter,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,match-hashed,hashed match,match_hashed,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,match-regex,regex match,match_regex,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,match-timediff,timediff match,match_timediff,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,match-value,value match,match_value,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,mysql,MySQL status input,mysql,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-mysql:libmysqlclient-r))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,memory,physical memory usage input,memory,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,modbus,read variables through libmodbus,modbus,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-modbus:libmodbus))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,mqtt,transmit data with MQTT,mqtt,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-mqtt:libmosquitto))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,netlink,netlink input,netlink,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-netlink:libmnl))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,network,network input/output,network,+PACKAGE_COLLECTD_ENCRYPTED_NETWORK:libgcrypt))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,nginx,nginx status input,nginx,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-nginx:libcurl))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,ntpd,NTP daemon status input,ntpd,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,nut,UPS monitoring input,nut,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-nut:nut-common))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,olsrd,OLSRd status input,olsrd,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,openvpn,OpenVPN traffic/compression input,openvpn,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,ping,ping status input,ping,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-ping:liboping))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,postgresql,PostgreSQL status input,postgresql,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-postgresql:libpq))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,powerdns,PowerDNS server status input,powerdns,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,processes,process status input,processes,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-processes:libmnl))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,protocols,network protocols input,protocols,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,routeros,MikroTik RouterOS input,routeros,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-routeros:librouteros))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,rrdtool,RRDtool output,rrdtool,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-rrdtool:librrd1))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,sensors,lm_sensors input,sensors,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-sensors:libsensors))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,snmp,SNMP input,snmp,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-snmp:libnetsnmp))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,syslog,syslog output,syslog,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,tail,tail input,tail,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,tail-csv,tail CSV input,tail_csv,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,table,table-like structured file input,table,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,teamspeak2,TeamSpeak2 input,teamspeak2,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,ted,The Energy Detective input,ted,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,tcpconns,TCP connection tracking input,tcpconns,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,thermal,system temperatures input,thermal,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,threshold,Notifications and thresholds,threshold,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,unixsock,unix socket output,unixsock,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,uptime,uptime status input,uptime,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,users,user logged in status input,users,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,vmem,virtual memory usage input,vmem,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,wireless,wireless status input,wireless,))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,write-graphite,Carbon/Graphite output,write_graphite,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-write-graphite:libpthread))
- $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,write-http,HTTP POST output,write_http,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-write-http:libcurl))
- $(eval $(call BuildScriptPlugin,sqm,SQM/qdisc collection,sqm_collectd,+PACKAGE_collectd-mod-sqm:collectd-mod-exec))