- #
- # Copyright (C) 2016 Daniel Engberg <daniel.engberg.lists@pyret.net>
- #
- #
- # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
- # See /LICENSE for more information.
- #
- include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
- PKG_NAME:=gptfdisk
- PKG_VERSION:=1.0.1
- PKG_SOURCE_URL:=@SF/gptfdisk
- PKG_MD5SUM:=d7f3d306b083123bcc6f5941efade586
- include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
- define Package/gptfdisk/default
- SECTION:=utils
- CATEGORY:=Utilities
- SUBMENU:=disc
- URL:=http://www.rodsbooks.com/gdisk
- MAINTAINER:=Daniel Engberg <daniel.engberg.lists@pyret.net>
- endef
- define Package/gdisk
- $(call Package/gptfdisk/default)
- TITLE:=GPT partition table manipulation utility
- DEPENDS:=+libstdcpp +libuuid +libpopt
- endef
- define Package/gdisk/description
- GPT partition table manipulation utility with an interface
- similar to fdisk. It can read and convert MBR partitions in GPT
- but is otherwise unable to generate or modify MBR partitions.
- endef
- define Package/sgdisk
- $(call Package/gptfdisk/default)
- TITLE:=script-friendly GPT partition table manipulation utility
- DEPENDS:=+libstdcpp +libuuid +libpopt
- endef
- define Package/sgdisk/description
- Script-friendly GPT partition table manipulation utility.
- It can read and convert MBR partitions in GPT but is otherwise
- unable to generate or modify MBR partitions.
- To the contrary of gdisk, its interface is geared towards scripts,
- so it takes command line arguments instead of being interactive.
- It will NOT ask confirmation before carrying out the operations.
- It has a slightly smaller footprint than gdisk tool.
- endef
- define Package/cgdisk
- $(call Package/gptfdisk/default)
- TITLE:=ncurses-based GPT partition table manipulation utility
- DEPENDS:=+libstdcpp +libuuid +libncurses +libpopt
- endef
- define Package/cgdisk/description
- ncurses-based partition table manipulation utility with GPT support.
- Similar to sfdisk, but works with GPT partitions. Shares the same limitations
- of the gdisk partition utility. While it can read and convert MBR partitions
- in GPT, it cannot modify MBR partitions on its own.
- endef
- define Package/gdisk/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
- $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/gdisk $(1)/usr/sbin
- endef
- define Package/sgdisk/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
- $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/sgdisk $(1)/usr/sbin
- endef
- define Package/cgdisk/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
- $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/cgdisk $(1)/usr/sbin
- endef
- $(eval $(call BuildPackage,gdisk))
- $(eval $(call BuildPackage,sgdisk))
- $(eval $(call BuildPackage,cgdisk))