- #!/bin/sh
- # travelmate, a wlan connection manager for travel router
- # written by Dirk Brenken (dev@brenken.org)
- # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- # prepare environment
- #
- PATH="/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
- trm_debug="0"
- trm_pid="${$}"
- trm_ver="0.2.2"
- trm_loop=30
- trm_maxretry=3
- trm_device=""
- trm_iw="$(which iw)"
- # function to prepare all relevant AP and STA interfaces
- #
- trm_prepare()
- {
- local config="${1}"
- local device="$(uci -q get wireless."${config}".device)"
- local mode="$(uci -q get wireless."${config}".mode)"
- local network="$(uci -q get wireless."${config}".network)"
- local disabled="$(uci -q get wireless."${config}".disabled)"
- if [ "${mode}" = "ap" ] &&
- ([ -z "${trm_device}" ] || [ "${trm_device}" = "${device}" ])
- then
- ifname="$(uci -q get wireless."${config}".ifname)"
- trm_aplist="${trm_aplist} ${ifname}"
- if [ -z "${disabled}" ] || [ "${disabled}" = "1" ]
- then
- trm_set "none" "${config}" "${network}" "up"
- fi
- elif [ "${mode}" = "sta" ]
- then
- trm_stalist="${trm_stalist} ${config}_${network}"
- if [ -z "${disabled}" ] || [ "${disabled}" = "0" ]
- then
- trm_set "none" "${config}" "${network}" "down"
- fi
- fi
- }
- # function to set different wlan interface states
- #
- trm_set()
- {
- local change="${1}"
- local config="${2}"
- local interface="${3}"
- local command="${4}"
- if [ "${command}" = "up" ]
- then
- uci -q set wireless."${config}".disabled=0
- ubus call network.interface."${interface}" "${command}"
- trm_checklist="${trm_checklist} ${interface}"
- elif [ "${command}" = "down" ]
- then
- uci -q set wireless."${config}".disabled=1
- ubus call network.interface."${interface}" "${command}"
- fi
- trm_log "debug" "set ::: change: ${change}, config: ${config}, interface: ${interface}, command: ${command}, checklist: ${trm_checklist}, uci-changes: $(uci -q changes wireless)"
- if [ -n "$(uci -q changes wireless)" ]
- then
- if [ "${change}" = "commit" ]
- then
- uci -q commit wireless
- ubus call network reload
- trm_check
- elif [ "${change}" = "partial" ]
- then
- ubus call network reload
- trm_check
- elif [ "${change}" = "defer" ]
- then
- uci -q revert wireless
- elif [ "${change}" = "revert" ]
- then
- uci -q revert wireless
- ubus call network reload
- trm_check
- fi
- fi
- }
- # function to check interface state on "up" event
- #
- trm_check()
- {
- local interface value
- local cnt=0
- for interface in ${trm_checklist}
- do
- while [ $((cnt)) -lt 15 ]
- do
- json_load "$(ubus -S call network.interface."${interface}" status)"
- json_get_var trm_state up
- if [ "${trm_state}" = "1" ] || [ -n "${trm_uplink}" ]
- then
- trm_log "debug" "check::: interface: ${interface}, status: ${trm_state}, uplink: ${trm_uplink}, count: ${cnt}"
- json_cleanup
- break
- fi
- cnt=$((cnt+1))
- sleep 1
- done
- done
- if [ -n "${trm_uplink}" ] && [ "${trm_state}" = "0" ]
- then
- ubus call network reload
- trm_checklist=""
- trm_log "info" "uplink ${ssid} get lost"
- elif [ -z "${trm_uplink}" ] && [ -n "${trm_checklist}" ]
- then
- trm_checklist=""
- fi
- }
- # function to write to syslog
- #
- trm_log()
- {
- local class="${1}"
- local log_msg="${2}"
- if [ -n "${log_msg}" ] && ([ "${class}" != "debug" ] || ([ "${class}" = "debug" ] && [ "${trm_debug}" = "1" ]))
- then
- logger -t "travelmate-${trm_ver}[${trm_pid}] ${class}" "${log_msg}" 2>&1
- fi
- }
- # source required system libraries
- #
- if [ -r "/lib/functions.sh" ] && [ -r "/usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh" ]
- then
- . "/lib/functions.sh"
- . "/usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh"
- json_init
- else
- trm_log "error" "required system libraries not found"
- exit 255
- fi
- # load uci config and check 'enabled' option
- #
- option_cb()
- {
- local option="${1}"
- local value="${2}"
- eval "${option}=\"${value}\""
- }
- config_load travelmate
- if [ "${trm_enabled}" != "1" ]
- then
- trm_log "info" "travelmate is currently disabled, please set 'trm_enabled' to '1' to use this service"
- exit 0
- fi
- # check for preferred wireless tool
- #
- if [ ! -f "${trm_iw}" ]
- then
- trm_iwinfo="$(which iwinfo)"
- if [ ! -f "${trm_iwinfo}" ]
- then
- trm_log "error" "no wireless tool for scanning found, please install 'iw' or 'iwinfo'"
- exit 255
- fi
- fi
- # infinitive loop to establish and track STA uplink connections
- #
- while true
- do
- if [ -z "${trm_uplink}" ] || [ "${trm_state}" = "0" ]
- then
- trm_uplink=""
- trm_aplist=""
- trm_stalist=""
- config_load wireless
- config_foreach trm_prepare wifi-iface
- trm_set "commit"
- for ap in ${trm_aplist}
- do
- ubus -t 10 wait_for hostapd."${ap}"
- if [ -f "${trm_iw}" ]
- then
- trm_ssidlist="$(${trm_iw} dev "${ap}" scan 2>/dev/null | awk '/SSID: /{if(!seen[$0]++){printf "\"";for(i=2; i<=NF; i++)if(i==2)printf $i;else printf " "$i;printf "\" "}}')"
- else
- trm_ssidlist="$(${trm_iwinfo} "${ap}" scan | awk '/ESSID: ".*"/{ORS=" ";if (!seen[$0]++) for(i=2; i<=NF; i++) print $i}')"
- fi
- trm_log "debug" "main ::: iw: ${trm_iw}, iwinfo: ${trm_iwinfo}, ssidlist: ${trm_ssidlist}"
- if [ -n "${trm_ssidlist}" ]
- then
- for sta in ${trm_stalist}
- do
- config="${sta%%_*}"
- network="${sta##*_}"
- ssid="\"$(uci -q get wireless."${config}".ssid)\""
- if [ $((trm_count_${network})) -lt $((trm_maxretry)) ]
- then
- if [ -n "$(printf "${trm_ssidlist}" | grep -Fo "${ssid}")" ]
- then
- trm_set "partial" "${config}" "${network}" "up"
- if [ "${trm_state}" = "1" ]
- then
- trm_uplink="${network}"
- trm_checklist="${trm_uplink}"
- trm_set "defer"
- trm_log "info" "wlan interface \"${network}\" connected to uplink ${ssid}"
- break 2
- else
- trm_set "revert"
- eval "trm_count_${network}=\$((trm_count_${network}+1))"
- fi
- fi
- elif [ $((trm_count_${network})) -eq $((trm_maxretry)) ]
- then
- eval "trm_count_${network}=\$((trm_count_${network}+1))"
- trm_log "info" "uplink ${ssid} disabled due to permanent connection failures"
- fi
- done
- fi
- sleep 1
- done
- sleep 5
- else
- trm_check
- if [ -n "${trm_checklist}" ]
- then
- sleep ${trm_loop}
- fi
- fi
- done