- #!/bin/sh
- [ -x /usr/bin/ip ] || exit 4
- [ -x /usr/sbin/ipset ] || exit 5
- [ -x /usr/sbin/iptables ] || exit 6
- [ -x /usr/sbin/ip6tables ] || exit 7
- [ -x /usr/bin/logger ] || exit 8
- . /lib/functions.sh
- . /lib/functions/network.sh
- . /lib/mwan3/mwan3.sh
- help()
- {
- cat <<EOF
- Syntax: mwan3 [command]
- Available commands:
- start Load iptables rules, ip rules and ip routes
- stop Unload iptables rules, ip rules and ip routes
- restart Reload iptables rules, ip rules and ip routes
- ifup <iface> Load rules and routes for specific interface
- ifdown <iface> Unload rules and routes for specific interface
- interfaces Show interfaces status
- policies Show currently active policy
- connected Show directly connected networks
- rules Show active rules
- status Show all status
- }
- ifdown()
- {
- if [ -z "$1" ]; then
- echo "Error: Expecting interface. Usage: mwan3 ifdown <interface>" && exit 0
- fi
- if [ -n "$2" ]; then
- echo "Error: Too many arguments. Usage: mwan3 ifdown <interface>" && exit 0
- fi
- ACTION=ifdown INTERFACE=$1 /sbin/hotplug-call iface
- if [ -e /var/run/mwan3track-$1.pid ] ; then
- kill $(cat /var/run/mwan3track-$1.pid)
- rm /var/run/mwan3track-$1.pid
- fi
- }
- ifup()
- {
- local device enabled
- config_load mwan3
- if [ -z "$1" ]; then
- echo "Expecting interface. Usage: mwan3 ifup <interface>" && exit 0
- fi
- if [ -n "$2" ]; then
- echo "Too many arguments. Usage: mwan3 ifup <interface>" && exit 0
- fi
- config_get enabled "$1" enabled 0
- device=$(uci -p /var/state get network.$1.ifname) &> /dev/null
- if [ -n "$device" ] ; then
- [ "$enabled" -eq 1 ] && ACTION=ifup INTERFACE=$1 DEVICE=$device /sbin/hotplug-call iface
- fi
- }
- interfaces()
- {
- config_load mwan3
- echo "Interface status:"
- config_foreach mwan3_report_iface_status interface
- echo -e
- }
- policies()
- {
- echo "Current ipv4 policies:"
- mwan3_report_policies_v4
- echo -e
- echo "Current ipv6 policies:"
- mwan3_report_policies_v6
- echo -e
- }
- connected()
- {
- echo "Directly connected ipv4 networks:"
- mwan3_report_connected_v4
- echo -e
- echo "Directly connected ipv6 networks:"
- mwan3_report_connected_v6
- echo -e
- }
- rules()
- {
- echo "Active ipv4 user rules:"
- mwan3_report_rules_v4
- echo -e
- echo "Active ipv6 user rules:"
- mwan3_report_rules_v6
- echo -e
- }
- status()
- {
- interfaces
- policies
- connected
- rules
- }
- start()
- {
- config_load mwan3
- config_foreach ifup interface
- }
- stop()
- {
- local ipset route rule table IP IPT
- killall mwan3track &> /dev/null
- rm /var/run/mwan3track-* &> /dev/null
- for IP in "$IP4" "$IP6"; do
- for route in $($IP route list table all | sed 's/.*table \([^ ]*\) .*/\1/' | awk '{print $1}' | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if($i+0>0) if($i+0<255) {print;break}}'); do
- $IP route flush table $route &> /dev/null
- done
- for rule in $($IP rule list | egrep '^[1-2][0-9]{3}\:' | cut -d ':' -f 1); do
- $IP rule del pref $rule &> /dev/null
- done
- done
- for IPT in "$IPT4" "$IPT6"; do
- $IPT -D PREROUTING -j mwan3_hook &> /dev/null
- $IPT -D OUTPUT -j mwan3_hook &> /dev/null
- for table in $($IPT -S | awk '{print $2}' | grep mwan3 | sort -u); do
- $IPT -F $table &> /dev/null
- done
- for table in $($IPT -S | awk '{print $2}' | grep mwan3 | sort -u); do
- $IPT -X $table &> /dev/null
- done
- done
- for ipset in $($IPS -n list | grep mwan3_); do
- $IPS -q destroy $ipset
- done
- for ipset in $($IPS -n list | grep mwan3 | grep -E '_v4|_v6'); do
- $IPS -q destroy $ipset
- done
- }
- restart() {
- stop
- start
- }
- case "$1" in
- ifup|ifdown|interfaces|policies|connected|rules|status|start|stop|restart)
- $*
- ;;
- *)
- help
- ;;
- esac
- exit 0