- #!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
- START=25
- extra_command "uciadd" "<interface> <device> <zone> Add docker bridge configuration to network and firewall uci config"
- extra_command "ucidel" "<interface> <device> <zone> Delete docker bridge configuration from network and firewall uci config"
- DOCKER_CONF_DIR="/tmp/dockerd"
- uci_quiet() {
- uci -q "${@}" >/dev/null
- }
- json_add_array_string() {
- json_add_string "" "${1}"
- }
- boot() {
- uciadd
- rc_procd start_service
- }
- uciadd() {
- local iface="${1}"
- local device="${2}"
- local zone="${3}"
- [ -z "${iface}" ] && {
- iface="docker"
- device="docker0"
- zone="docker"
- }
- /etc/init.d/dockerd running && {
- echo "Please stop dockerd service first"
- exit 0
- }
- # Add network interface
- if ! uci_quiet get network.${iface}; then
- logger -t "dockerd-init" -p notice "Adding docker default interface to network uci config (${iface})"
- uci_quiet add network interface
- uci_quiet rename network.@interface[-1]="${iface}"
- uci_quiet set network.@interface[-1].ifname="${device}"
- uci_quiet set network.@interface[-1].proto="none"
- uci_quiet set network.@interface[-1].auto="0"
- uci_quiet commit network
- fi
- # Add docker bridge device
- if ! uci_quiet get network.${device}; then
- logger -t "dockerd-init" -p notice "Adding docker default bridge device to network uci config (${device})"
- uci_quiet add network device
- uci_quiet rename network.@device[-1]="${device}"
- uci_quiet set network.@device[-1].type="bridge"
- uci_quiet set network.@device[-1].name="${device}"
- uci_quiet add_list network.@device[-1].ifname="${device}"
- uci_quiet commit network
- fi
- # Add firewall zone
- if ! uci_quiet get firewall.${zone}; then
- logger -t "dockerd-init" -p notice "Adding docker default firewall zone to firewall uci config (${zone})"
- uci_quiet add firewall zone
- uci_quiet rename firewall.@zone[-1]="${zone}"
- uci_quiet set firewall.@zone[-1].network="${iface}"
- uci_quiet set firewall.@zone[-1].input="REJECT"
- uci_quiet set firewall.@zone[-1].output="ACCEPT"
- uci_quiet set firewall.@zone[-1].forward="REJECT"
- uci_quiet set firewall.@zone[-1].name="${zone}"
- uci_quiet commit firewall
- fi
- reload_config
- }
- ucidel() {
- local iface="${1}"
- local device="${2}"
- local zone="${3}"
- [ -z "${iface}" ] && {
- iface="docker"
- device="docker0"
- zone="docker"
- }
- /etc/init.d/dockerd running && {
- echo "Please stop dockerd service first"
- exit 0
- }
- if uci_quiet get network.${device}; then
- logger -t "dockerd-init" -p notice "Deleting docker default bridge device from network uci config (${device})"
- uci_quiet delete network.${device}
- uci_quiet commit network
- fi
- if uci_quiet get network.${iface}; then
- logger -t "dockerd-init" -p notice "Deleting docker default interface from network uci config (${iface})"
- uci_quiet delete network.${iface}
- uci_quiet commit network
- fi
- if uci_quiet get firewall.${zone}; then
- logger -t "dockerd-init" -p notice "Deleting docker firewall zone from firewall uci config (${zone})"
- uci_quiet delete firewall.${zone}
- uci_quiet commit firewall
- fi
- reload_config
- }
- process_config() {
- local alt_config_file data_root log_level iptables bip
- [ -f /etc/config/dockerd ] || {
- # Use the daemon default configuration
- return 0
- }
- # reset configuration
- rm -fr "${DOCKER_CONF_DIR}"
- mkdir -p "${DOCKER_CONF_DIR}"
- config_load 'dockerd'
- config_get alt_config_file globals alt_config_file
- [ -n "${alt_config_file}" ] && [ -f "${alt_config_file}" ] && {
- ln -s "${alt_config_file}" "${DOCKERD_CONF}"
- return 0
- }
- config_get data_root globals data_root "/opt/docker/"
- config_get log_level globals log_level "warn"
- config_get_bool iptables globals iptables "1"
- config_get bip globals bip ""
- . /usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh
- json_init
- json_add_string "data-root" "${data_root}"
- json_add_string "log-level" "${log_level}"
- [ -z "${bip}" ] || json_add_string "bip" "${bip}"
- json_add_array "registry-mirrors"
- config_list_foreach globals registry_mirrors json_add_array_string
- json_close_array
- json_add_array "hosts"
- config_list_foreach globals hosts json_add_array_string
- json_close_array
- json_add_boolean iptables "${iptables}"
- [ "${iptables}" -ne "0" ] && config_foreach iptables_add_blocking_rule firewall
- json_dump > "${DOCKERD_CONF}"
- }
- start_service() {
- local nofile=$(cat /proc/sys/fs/nr_open)
- process_config
- procd_open_instance
- procd_set_param stderr 1
- if [ -z "${DOCKERD_CONF}" ]; then
- procd_set_param command /usr/bin/dockerd
- else
- procd_set_param command /usr/bin/dockerd --config-file="${DOCKERD_CONF}"
- fi
- procd_set_param limits nofile="${nofile} ${nofile}"
- procd_close_instance
- }
- reload_service() {
- process_config
- procd_send_signal dockerd
- }
- service_triggers() {
- procd_add_reload_trigger 'dockerd'
- }
- iptables_add_blocking_rule() {
- local cfg="${1}"
- local device=""
- local extra_iptables_args=""
- handle_iptables_rule() {
- local interface="${1}"
- local outbound="${2}"
- local extra_iptables_args="${3}"
- local inbound=""
- . /lib/functions/network.sh
- network_get_physdev inbound "${interface}"
- [ -z "${inbound}" ] && {
- logger -t "dockerd-init" -p notice "Unable to get physical device for interface ${interface}"
- return
- }
- # Ignore errors as it might already be present
- iptables --table filter --new DOCKER-USER 2>/dev/null
- if ! iptables --table filter --check DOCKER-USER --in-interface "${inbound}" --out-interface "${outbound}" ${extra_iptables_args} --jump DROP 2>/dev/null; then
- logger -t "dockerd-init" -p notice "Drop traffic from ${inbound} to ${outbound}"
- iptables --table filter --insert DOCKER-USER --in-interface "${inbound}" --out-interface "${outbound}" ${extra_iptables_args} --jump DROP
- fi
- }
- config_get device "${cfg}" device
- [ -z "${device}" ] && {
- logger -t "dockerd-init" -p notice "No device configured for ${cfg}"
- return
- }
- config_get extra_iptables_args "${cfg}" extra_iptables_args
- config_list_foreach "${cfg}" blocked_interfaces handle_iptables_rule "${device}" "${extra_iptables_args}"
- }
- stop_service() {
- if /etc/init.d/dockerd running; then
- service_stop "/usr/bin/dockerd"
- fi
- }