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  1. #
  2. # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
  3. # See /LICENSE for more information.
  4. #
  5. include $(TOPDIR)/
  6. PKG_NAME:=libvorbis
  7. PKG_VERSION:=1.3.5
  11. PKG_HASH:=54f94a9527ff0a88477be0a71c0bab09a4c3febe0ed878b24824906cd4b0e1d1
  12. PKG_MAINTAINER:=Ted Hess <>
  13. PKG_LICENSE:=BSD-3-Clause
  15. PKG_FIXUP:=autoreconf
  16. PKG_INSTALL:=1
  17. include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
  18. define Package/libvorbis
  19. SECTION:=libs
  20. CATEGORY:=Libraries
  21. TITLE:=libvorbis
  22. URL:=
  23. DEPENDS:=+libogg
  24. endef
  25. define Package/libvorbis/description
  26. Vorbis is a general purpose audio and music encoding format
  27. contemporary to MPEG-4's AAC and TwinVQ, the next generation beyond
  28. MPEG audio layer 3. Unlike the MPEG sponsored formats (and other
  29. proprietary formats such as RealAudio G2 and Windows' flavor of the
  30. month), the Vorbis CODEC specification belongs to the public domain.
  31. All the technical details are published and documented, and any
  32. software entity may make full use of the format without license
  33. fee, royalty or patent concerns.
  34. endef
  36. --disable-oggtest \
  37. define Build/InstallDev
  38. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/include/vorbis/
  39. $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/include/vorbis/* $(1)/usr/include/vorbis/
  40. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/
  41. $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/*.{so*,a,la} $(1)/usr/lib/
  42. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/pkgconfig/
  43. $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/pkgconfig/* $(1)/usr/lib/pkgconfig/
  44. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/share/aclocal/
  45. $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/share/aclocal/* $(1)/usr/share/aclocal/
  46. endef
  47. define Package/libvorbis/install
  48. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/
  49. $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/*.so.* $(1)/usr/lib/
  50. endef
  51. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,libvorbis))