- #ifndef _UBUS_CXX_HPP
- #define _UBUS_CXX_HPP
- #include <cassert>
- #include <libubus.h>
- #include <memory>
- #include <mutex>
- #include <string>
- #include <utility>
- #include <vector>
- #ifndef NDEBUG
- #include <iostream>
- #endif
- namespace ubus {
- static constexpr int call_timeout = 500;
- using msg_ptr = std::shared_ptr<const blob_attr>;
- using strings = std::vector<std::string>;
- inline auto concat(strings dest) { return dest; }
- template<class ...Strings>
- inline auto concat(strings dest, strings src, Strings ...more)
- {
- dest.reserve(dest.size() + src.size());
- dest.insert(std::end(dest), std::make_move_iterator(std::begin(src)),
- std::make_move_iterator(std::end(src)));
- return concat(std::move(dest), std::move(more)...);
- }
- template<class S, class ...Strings>
- inline auto concat(strings dest, S src, Strings ...more)
- {
- dest.emplace_back(std::move(src));
- return concat(std::move(dest), std::move(more)...);
- }
- class iterator {
- private:
- const strings & keys;
- const size_t n = 0;
- size_t i = 0;
- const blob_attr * pos = nullptr;
- std::unique_ptr<iterator> cur{};
- iterator * parent = nullptr;
- size_t rem = 0;
- [[nodiscard]] inline auto matches() const -> bool
- {
- return (keys[i].empty() || blobmsg_name(cur->pos)==keys[i]);
- }
- explicit iterator(iterator * par)
- : keys{par->keys}, n{par->n}, pos{par->pos}, cur{this}, parent{par}
- {
- if (pos!=nullptr) {
- rem = blobmsg_data_len(pos);
- pos = static_cast<blob_attr *>(blobmsg_data(pos));
- }
- }
- public:
- explicit iterator(const blob_attr * msg, const strings & filter={""})
- : keys{filter}, n{keys.size()-1}, pos{msg}, cur{this}
- {
- if (pos!=nullptr) {
- rem = blobmsg_data_len(pos);
- pos = static_cast<blob_attr *>(blobmsg_data(pos));
- if (rem==0) { pos = nullptr; }
- else if (i!=n || !matches()) { ++*this; }
- }
- }
- inline iterator(iterator &&) noexcept = default;
- inline iterator(const iterator &) = delete;
- inline auto operator=(const iterator &) -> iterator & = delete;
- inline auto operator=(iterator &&) -> iterator & = delete;
- inline auto operator*() { return cur->pos; }
- inline auto operator!=(const iterator & rhs)
- { return (cur->rem!=rhs.cur->rem || cur->pos!=rhs.cur->pos); }
- auto operator++() -> iterator &;
- inline ~iterator()
- { if (cur.get()==this) { static_cast<void>(cur.release()); } }
- };
- class message {
- private:
- const msg_ptr msg{}; // initialized by callback.
- const strings keys{};
- public:
- inline explicit message(msg_ptr message_ptr, strings filter={""})
- : msg{std::move(message_ptr)}, keys{std::move(filter)} {}
- inline message(message &&) = default;
- inline message(const message &) = delete;
- inline auto operator=(message &&) -> message & = delete;
- inline auto operator=(const message &) -> message & = delete;
- [[nodiscard]] inline auto begin() const -> iterator
- { return iterator{msg.get(), keys}; }
- [[nodiscard]] inline auto end() const -> iterator
- { return iterator{nullptr, keys}; }
- inline explicit operator bool() const { return begin()!=end(); }
- template<class ...Strings>
- auto filter(Strings ...filter)
- {
- strings both{};
- if (keys.size()!=1 || !keys[0].empty()) { both = keys; }
- both = concat(std::move(both), std::move(filter)...);
- return std::move(message{msg, std::move(both)});
- }
- inline ~message() = default;
- };
- class lock_shared_resources {
- private:
- static std::mutex inuse;
- public:
- inline lock_shared_resources() { inuse.lock(); }
- inline lock_shared_resources(lock_shared_resources &&) noexcept = default;
- inline lock_shared_resources(const lock_shared_resources &) = delete;
- inline auto operator=(const lock_shared_resources &) -> auto & = delete;
- inline auto operator=(lock_shared_resources &&) -> auto && = delete;
- //NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-convert-member-functions-to-static)
- inline auto get_context() -> ubus_context * // is member to enforce inuse.
- {
- static auto ubus_freeing = [] (ubus_context * ctx) { ubus_free(ctx); };
- static std::unique_ptr<ubus_context, decltype(ubus_freeing)>
- lazy_ctx{ubus_connect(nullptr), ubus_freeing};
- if (!lazy_ctx) { // it could be available on a later call:
- lazy_ctx.reset(ubus_connect(nullptr));
- if (!lazy_ctx) {
- throw std::runtime_error("ubus error: cannot connect context");
- }
- }
- return lazy_ctx.get();
- }
- //NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-convert-member-functions-to-static)
- inline auto get_blob_buf() -> blob_buf * // is member to enforce inuse.
- {
- static blob_buf buf;
- static auto blob_buf_freeing = [] (blob_buf * b) { blob_buf_free(b); };
- static std::unique_ptr<blob_buf, decltype(blob_buf_freeing)>
- created_to_free_on_the_end_of_life{&buf, blob_buf_freeing};
- blob_buf_init(&buf, 0);
- return &buf;
- }
- inline ~lock_shared_resources() { inuse.unlock(); }
- };
- template<class F>
- auto call(const char * path, const char * method, F set_arguments,
- int timeout=call_timeout) -> message;
- inline auto call(const char * path, const char * method,
- int timeout=call_timeout) -> message
- { return call(path, method, [](blob_buf * /*buf*/) { return 0; }, timeout); }
- inline auto call(const char * path, int timeout=call_timeout) -> message
- { return call(path, "", timeout); }
- // ------------------------- implementation: ----------------------------------
- std::mutex lock_shared_resources::inuse;
- inline auto iterator::operator++() -> iterator &
- {
- for(;;) {
- #ifndef NDEBUG
- std::cout<<std::string(i,'>')<<" look for "<<keys[i]<<" at ";
- std::cout<<blobmsg_name(cur->pos)<<std::endl;
- #endif
- auto id = blob_id(cur->pos);
- && i<n
- && matches()
- && blobmsg_data_len(cur->pos)>0 )
- { //immmerge:
- ++i;
- auto tmp = cur.release();
- struct new_iterator : public iterator // use private constructor:
- { explicit new_iterator(iterator * par) : iterator{par} {} };
- cur = std::make_unique<new_iterator>(tmp);
- } else {
- while (true) {
- cur->rem -= blob_pad_len(cur->pos);
- cur->pos = blob_next(cur->pos);
- auto len = blob_pad_len(cur->pos);
- if (cur->rem>0 && len<=cur->rem && len>=sizeof(blob_attr))
- { break; }
- //emerge:
- auto tmp = cur->parent;
- if (tmp == nullptr) {
- cur->pos = nullptr;
- return *cur;
- }
- cur.reset(tmp);
- --i;
- }
- }
- if (i==n && matches()) { return *cur; }
- }
- }
- template<class F>
- inline auto call(const char * path, const char * method, F set_arguments,
- int timeout) -> message
- {
- auto shared = lock_shared_resources{};
- auto ctx = shared.get_context();
- uint32_t id;
- int err = ubus_lookup_id(ctx, path, &id);
- if (err==0) { // call
- ubus_request request{};
- auto buf = shared.get_blob_buf();
- err = set_arguments(buf);
- if (err==0) {
- err = ubus_invoke_async(ctx, id, method, buf->head, &request);
- }
- if (err==0) {
- msg_ptr message_ptr;
- /* Cannot capture message_ptr, the lambda would be another type.
- * Pass a location where to save the message as priv pointer when
- * invoking and get it back here:
- */
- request.priv = &message_ptr;
- request.data_cb =
- [](ubus_request * req, int /*type*/, blob_attr * msg)
- {
- if (req==nullptr || msg==nullptr) { return; }
- auto saved = static_cast<msg_ptr *>(req->priv);
- if (saved==nullptr || *saved) { return; }
- saved->reset(blob_memdup(msg), free);
- if (!*saved) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
- };
- err = ubus_complete_request(ctx, &request, timeout);
- if (err==0) { return message{message_ptr}; }
- }
- }
- std::string errmsg = "ubus::call error: cannot invoke";
- errmsg += " (" + std::to_string(err) + ") " + path + " " + method;
- throw std::runtime_error(errmsg);
- }
- } // namespace ubus
- #endif