- #
- # Copyright (C) 2008-2018 OpenWrt.org
- #
- # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
- #
- include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
- PKG_NAME:=ddns-scripts
- PKG_VERSION:=2.8.0
- include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
- define Package/ddns-scripts/Default
- SECTION:=net
- CATEGORY:=Network
- SUBMENU:=IP Addresses and Names
- PKGARCH:=all
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts
- $(call Package/ddns-scripts/Default)
- TITLE:=Dynamic DNS Client scripts (with IPv6 support)
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts/description
- Dynamic DNS Client scripts (with IPv6 support)
- A highly configurable set of scripts for doing dynamic dns updates.
- - IPv6 support
- - DNS server support
- - Glue Record support (require BIND host or KNOT host)
- - DNS requests via TCP
- - Proxy server support
- - log file support
- - support to run once
- Info : https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/services/ddns/client
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts/conffiles
- /etc/config/ddns
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-services
- $(call Package/ddns-scripts/Default)
- TITLE:=Common ddns providers
- DEPENDS:=ddns-scripts
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-services/description
- Dynamic DNS Client definitions for supported services
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-cloudflare
- $(call Package/ddns-scripts/Default)
- TITLE:=Extension for cloudflare.com API v4
- DEPENDS:=ddns-scripts +curl
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-cloudflare/description
- Dynamic DNS Client scripts extension for cloudflare.com API v4 (require curl)
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-freedns
- $(call Package/ddns-scripts/Default)
- TITLE:=Extension for freedns.42.pl
- DEPENDS:=ddns-scripts +curl
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-freedns/description
- Dynamic DNS Client scripts extension for "freedns.42.pl".
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-godaddy
- $(call Package/ddns-scripts/Default)
- TITLE:=Extension for godaddy.com API v1
- DEPENDS:=ddns-scripts +curl
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-godaddy/description
- Dynamic DNS Client scripts extension for "godaddy.com API v1".
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-digitalocean
- $(call Package/ddns-scripts/Default)
- TITLE:=Extention for digitalocean.com API v2
- DEPENDS:=ddns-scripts +curl
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-digitalocean/description
- Dynamic DNS Client scripts extension for "digitalocean.com API v2".
- The script directly updates a DNS record using the DO API.
- It requires:
- "option dns_server" to be set to the server to be used by nsupdate.
- "option domain" the dns domain to update the record for (eg. A-record: home.<example.com>)
- "option username" the dns record name to update (eg. A-record: <home>.example.com)
- "option param_opt" the id of the dns record to update (check using chrome inspector in the DO dns tab)
- "option password" the api token generated in the DO panel
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-noip
- $(call Package/ddns-scripts/Default)
- TITLE:=Extension for no-ip.com
- DEPENDS:=ddns-scripts
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-noip/description
- Dynamic DNS Client scripts extension for "no-ip.com".
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-nsupdate
- $(call Package/ddns-scripts/Default)
- TITLE:=Extension for using bind nsupdate.
- DEPENDS:=ddns-scripts +bind-client
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-nsupdate/description
- Dynamic DNS Client scripts extension for direct updates using bind nsupdate
- The script directly updates a PowerDNS (or maybe bind server) via nsupdate
- from bind-client package.
- It requires:
- "option dns_server" to be set to the server to be used by nsupdate.
- "option username" should be set to the key name and
- "option password" to the base64 encoded shared secret.
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts_route53-v1
- $(call Package/ddns-scripts/Default)
- TITLE:=Extension for route53 API v1
- DEPENDS:=ddns-scripts +curl +openssl-util
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts_route53-v1/description
- Dynamic DNS Client scripts extension for Amazon AWS "route53 API v1".
- Note: You must also install ca-certificate or ca-bundle.
- It requires:
- "option username" to be a valid AWS access key id
- "option password" to be the matching AWS secret key id
- "option domain" to contain the hosted zone ID
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts_cnkuai_cn
- $(call Package/ddns-scripts/Default)
- DEPENDS:=ddns-scripts +curl +giflib-utils
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts_cnkuai_cn/description
- Dynamic DNS Client scripts extension for "cnkuai.cn".
- It requires:
- "option username" to be a valid CnKuai control panel id
- "option password" to be the matching CnKuai control panel password
- "option domain" to contain the domain
- endef
- define Build/Configure
- endef
- define Build/Compile
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/iface
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/etc/hotplug.d/iface/ddns \
- $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/iface/95-ddns
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
- $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/etc/init.d/ddns \
- $(1)/etc/init.d/ddns
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config
- $(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/etc/config/ddns \
- $(1)/etc/config/ddns
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/share/ddns
- echo "$(PKG_VERSION)-$(PKG_RELEASE)" > $(1)/usr/share/ddns/version
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/usr/share/ddns/list \
- $(1)/usr/share/ddns
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ddns
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_functions.sh \
- $(1)/usr/lib/ddns
- $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_lucihelper.sh \
- $(1)/usr/lib/ddns
- $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh \
- $(1)/usr/lib/ddns
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
- $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/usr/bin/ddns.sh \
- $(1)/usr/bin/ddns
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts/postinst
- #!/bin/sh
- if [ -z "$${IPKG_INSTROOT}" ]; then
- /etc/init.d/ddns enabled
- /etc/init.d/ddns start
- fi
- exit 0
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts/prerm
- #!/bin/sh
- if [ -n "$${IPKG_INSTROOT}" ]; then
- /etc/init.d/ddns stop
- /etc/init.d/ddns disable
- fi
- exit 0
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-services/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/share/ddns/services
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/usr/share/ddns/services/* \
- $(1)/usr/share/ddns/services
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-cloudflare/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ddns
- $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/usr/lib/ddns/update_cloudflare_com_v4.sh \
- $(1)/usr/lib/ddns
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/share/ddns/services
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/usr/share/ddns/services/cloudflare.com-v4.json \
- $(1)/usr/share/ddns/services/
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-cloudflare/prerm
- #!/bin/sh
- if [ -z "$${IPKG_INSTROOT}" ]; then
- /etc/init.d/ddns stop
- fi
- exit 0
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-freedns/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ddns
- $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/usr/lib/ddns/update_freedns_42_pl.sh \
- $(1)/usr/lib/ddns
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/share/ddns/services
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/usr/share/ddns/services/freedns.42.pl.json \
- $(1)/usr/share/ddns/services
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-freedns/prerm
- #!/bin/sh
- if [ -z "$${IPKG_INSTROOT}" ]; then
- /etc/init.d/ddns stop
- fi
- exit 0
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-godaddy/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ddns
- $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/usr/lib/ddns/update_godaddy_com_v1.sh \
- $(1)/usr/lib/ddns
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/share/ddns/services
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/usr/share/ddns/services/godaddy.com-v1.json \
- $(1)/usr/share/ddns/services
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-godaddy/prerm
- #!/bin/sh
- if [ -z "$${IPKG_INSTROOT}" ]; then
- /etc/init.d/ddns stop
- fi
- exit 0
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-digitalocean/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ddns
- $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/usr/lib/ddns/update_digitalocean_com_v2.sh \
- $(1)/usr/lib/ddns
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/share/ddns/services
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/usr/share/ddns/services/digitalocean.com-v2.json \
- $(1)/usr/share/ddns/services
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-digitalocean/prerm
- #!/bin/sh
- if [ -z "$${IPKG_INSTROOT}" ]; then
- /etc/init.d/ddns stop
- fi
- exit 0
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-noip/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ddns
- $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/usr/lib/ddns/update_no-ip_com.sh \
- $(1)/usr/lib/ddns
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/share/ddns/services
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/usr/share/ddns/services/no-ip.com.json \
- $(1)/usr/share/ddns/services
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-noip/prerm
- #!/bin/sh
- if [ -z "$${IPKG_INSTROOT}" ]; then
- /etc/init.d/ddns stop
- fi
- exit 0
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-nsupdate/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ddns
- $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/usr/lib/ddns/update_nsupdate.sh \
- $(1)/usr/lib/ddns
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/share/ddns/services
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/usr/share/ddns/services/bind-nsupdate.json \
- $(1)/usr/share/ddns/services
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts-nsupdate/prerm
- #!/bin/sh
- if [ -z "$${IPKG_INSTROOT}" ]; then
- /etc/init.d/ddns stop
- fi
- exit 0
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts_route53-v1/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ddns
- $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/usr/lib/ddns/update_route53_v1.sh \
- $(1)/usr/lib/ddns
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/share/ddns/services
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/usr/share/ddns/services/route53-v1.json \
- $(1)/usr/share/ddns/services
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts_route53-v1/prerm
- #!/bin/sh
- if [ -z "$${IPKG_INSTROOT}" ]; then
- /etc/init.d/ddns stop
- fi
- exit 0
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts_cnkuai_cn/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ddns
- $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/usr/lib/ddns/update_cnkuai_cn.sh \
- $(1)/usr/lib/ddns
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/share/ddns/services
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/usr/share/ddns/services/cnkuai.cn.json \
- $(1)/usr/share/ddns/services
- endef
- define Package/ddns-scripts_cnkuai_cn/prerm
- #!/bin/sh
- if [ -z "$${IPKG_INSTROOT}" ]; then
- /etc/init.d/ddns stop
- fi
- exit 0
- endef
- $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ddns-scripts))
- $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ddns-scripts-services))
- $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ddns-scripts-cloudflare))
- $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ddns-scripts-freedns))
- $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ddns-scripts-godaddy))
- $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ddns-scripts-digitalocean))
- $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ddns-scripts-noip))
- $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ddns-scripts-nsupdate))
- $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ddns-scripts_route53-v1))
- $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ddns-scripts_cnkuai_cn))