- #!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
- # Copyright (C) 2011 OpenWrt.org
- # Copyright (C) 2011 Linus Lüssing
- # Based on Jo-Philipp Wich's OpenVPN init script
- # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
- # See /LICENSE for more information.
- START=42
- BIN=/usr/sbin/tincd
- if ( type extra_command >/dev/null 2>&1 ); then
- extra_command "up" "<instance> Setting instance up"
- extra_command "down" "<instance> Setting instance down"
- else
- EXTRA_COMMANDS="up down"
- fi
- "
- TMP_TINC="/tmp/tinc"
- append_param() {
- local v="$1"
- case "$v" in
- *_*_*_*) v=${v%%_*}-${v#*_}; v=${v%%_*}-${v#*_}; v=${v%%_*}-${v#*_} ;;
- *_*_*) v=${v%%_*}-${v#*_}; v=${v%%_*}-${v#*_} ;;
- *_*) v=${v%%_*}-${v#*_} ;;
- esac
- ARGS="$ARGS --$v"
- return 0
- }
- append_conf_bools() {
- local p; local v; local s="$1"; local f="$2"; shift; shift
- for p in $*; do
- config_get_bool v "$s" "$p"
- [ "$v" == 1 ] && echo "$p = yes" >> "$f"
- [ "$v" == 0 ] && echo "$p = no" >> "$f"
- done
- }
- append_params() {
- local p; local v; local s="$1"; shift
- for p in $*; do
- config_get v "$s" "$p"
- for v in $v; do
- [ -n "$v" ] && append_param "$p" && ARGS="$ARGS=$v"
- done
- unset IFS
- done
- }
- append_conf_params() {
- local p; local v; local s="$1"; local f="$2"; shift; shift
- for p in $*; do
- config_get v "$s" "$p"
- for v in $v; do
- # Look up OpenWRT interface names
- [ "$p" = "BindToInterface" ] && {
- local ifname=$(uci -P /var/state get network.$v.ifname 2>&-)
- [ -n "$ifname" ] && v="$ifname"
- }
- [ -n "$v" ] && echo "$p = $v" >> "$f"
- done
- unset IFS
- done
- }
- section_enabled() {
- config_get_bool enabled "$1" 'enabled' 0
- [ $enabled -gt 0 ]
- }
- prepare_host() {
- local s="$1"
- local n
- # net disabled?
- config_get n "$s" net
- section_enabled "$n" || return 1
- if [ "$#" = "2" ]; then
- [ "$2" != "$n" ] && return 1
- fi
- HOST_CONF_FILE="$TMP_TINC/$n/hosts/$s"
- [ ! -f "/etc/tinc/$n/hosts/$s" ] && {
- config_get pk "$s" "PublicKey"
- config_get na "$s" "Name"
- if [ -n "$pk" -a -n "$na" ] ; then
- HOST_CONF_FILE="$TMP_TINC/$n/hosts/$na"
- fi
- }
- # host disabled?
- section_enabled "$s" || {
- [ -f "$HOST_CONF_FILE" ] && rm "$HOST_CONF_FILE"
- return 1
- }
- [ ! -f "/etc/tinc/$n/hosts/$s" ] && {
- if [ "$MANDATORY_PARAM_IN_UCI" -eq 1 ] ; then
- touch "$HOST_CONF_FILE" ;
- else
- echo -n "tinc: Warning, public key for $s for network $n "
- echo -n "missing in /etc/tinc/$n/hosts/$s, "
- echo "skipping configuration of $s"
- return 1
- fi
- }
- # append flags
- append_conf_bools "$s" "$HOST_CONF_FILE" \
- ClampMSS IndirectData PMTUDiscovery TCPOnly
- # append params
- append_conf_params "$s" "$HOST_CONF_FILE" \
- Address Cipher Compression Digest Ed25519PublicKey MACLength Name PMTU \
- Port PublicKey PublicKeyFile Subnet
- }
- check_gen_own_key() {
- local s="$1"; local n; local k
- config_get n "$s" Name
- config_get_bool k "$s" generate_keys 0
- [ "$k" == 0 ] && return 0
- ([ -z "$n" ] || [ -f "$TMP_TINC/$s/hosts/$n" ] || [ -f "$TMP_TINC/$s/rsa_key.priv" ]) && \
- return 0
- [ ! -d "$TMP_TINC/$s/hosts" ] && mkdir -p "$TMP_TINC/$s/hosts"
- config_get k "$s" key_size
- if [ -z "$k" ]; then
- $BIN -c "$TMP_TINC/$s" --generate-keys </dev/null
- else
- $BIN -c "$TMP_TINC/$s" "--generate-keys=$k" </dev/null
- fi
- [ ! -d "/etc/tinc/$s/hosts" ] && mkdir -p "/etc/tinc/$s/hosts"
- cp "$TMP_TINC/$s/rsa_key.priv" "/etc/tinc/$s/"
- [ -n "$n" ] && cp "$TMP_TINC/$s/hosts/$n" "/etc/tinc/$s/hosts/"
- }
- prepare_net() {
- local s="$1"
- local n
- section_enabled "$s" || return 1
- [ -d "$TMP_TINC/$s" ] && rm -rf "$TMP_TINC/$s/"
- mkdir -p "$TMP_TINC/$s"
- [ -d "/etc/tinc/$s" ] && cp -r "/etc/tinc/$s" "$TMP_TINC/"
- # append flags
- append_conf_bools "$s" "$TMP_TINC/$s/tinc.conf" \
- AutoConnect \
- DecrementTTL \
- DeviceStandby \
- DirectOnly \
- ExperimentalProtocol \
- Hostnames \
- LocalDiscovery \
- PriorityInheritance \
- StrictSubnets \
- TunnelServer \
- ClampMSS \
- IndirectData \
- PMTUDiscovery \
- TCPOnly
- # append params
- append_conf_params "$s" "$TMP_TINC/$s/tinc.conf" \
- AddressFamily \
- BindToAddress \
- BindToInterface \
- Broadcast \
- BroadcastSubnet \
- ConnectTo \
- Device \
- DeviceType \
- Ed25519PrivateKeyFile \
- ECDSAPublicKey \
- Forwarding \
- Interface \
- ListenAddress \
- LocalDiscoveryAddress \
- Mode \
- KeyExpire \
- MACExpire \
- MaxConnectionBurst \
- Name \
- PingInterval \
- PingTimeout \
- PrivateKey \
- PrivateKeyFile \
- ProcessPriority \
- Proxy \
- ReplayWindow \
- UDPRcvBuf \
- UDPSndBuf \
- Address \
- Cipher \
- Compression \
- Digest \
- MACLength \
- PMTU \
- Port \
- PublicKey \
- PublicKeyFile \
- Subnet \
- Weight
- check_gen_own_key "$s" && return 0
- }
- start_instance() {
- local s="$1"
- section_enabled "$s" || return 1
- ARGS=""
- # append params
- append_params "$s" logfile debug
- SERVICE_PID_FILE="/var/run/tinc.$s.pid"
- service_start $BIN -c "$TMP_TINC/$s" $ARGS --pidfile="$SERVICE_PID_FILE"
- }
- stop_instance() {
- local s="$1"
- section_enabled "$s" || return 1
- SERVICE_PID_FILE="/var/run/tinc.$s.pid"
- service_stop $BIN
- # rm old config
- rm -rf "$TMP_TINC/$s/"
- }
- reload_instance() {
- local s="$1"
- section_enabled "$s" || return 1
- SERVICE_PID_FILE="/var/run/tinc.$s.pid"
- service_reload $BIN
- }
- start() {
- config_load 'tinc'
- config_foreach prepare_net 'tinc-net'
- config_foreach prepare_host 'tinc-host'
- config_foreach start_instance 'tinc-net'
- }
- stop() {
- config_load 'tinc'
- config_foreach stop_instance 'tinc-net'
- }
- reload() {
- config_load 'tinc'
- config_foreach reload_instance 'tinc-net'
- }
- up() {
- local exists
- local instance
- config_load 'tinc'
- for instance in "$@"; do
- config_get exists "$instance" 'TYPE'
- if [ "$exists" == "tinc-net" ]; then
- prepare_net "$instance"
- config_foreach prepare_host 'tinc-host' "$instance"
- start_instance "$instance"
- fi
- done
- }
- down() {
- local exists
- local instance
- config_load 'tinc'
- for instance in "$@"; do
- config_get exists "$instance" 'TYPE'
- if [ "$exists" == "tinc-net" ]; then
- stop_instance "$instance"
- fi
- done
- }