- #!/bin/sh
- #
- # Dual Channel Wi-Fi Startup Script
- #
- # This script creates the proper network bridge configuration
- # necessary for Dual Channel Wi-Fi, and starts the dcwapd daemon
- #
- # Note - shellcheck cannot deal with the dynamic sourcing
- # shellcheck disable=SC1090
- # which also messes with variables defined in the sourced file
- # shellcheck disable=SC2154
- scriptdir=$(dirname -- "$(readlink -f -- "$0")")
- . "$scriptdir"/dcwapd.inc
- get_channelsets
- # get the list of channel sets
- channelsets=$result
- for channelset in $channelsets; do
- if [ -n "$channelset" ]; then
- get_channelset_enabled "$channelset"
- enabled=$result
- if [ "$enabled" = "1" ]; then
- # the channel set is enabled
- # get the list of data channels used by the channel set
- get_datachannels "$channelset"
- datachannels=$result
- for datachannel in $datachannels; do
- datachannel_up "$datachannel"
- done
- fi
- fi
- done
- # start dcwapd, sending stdout and stderr to the system log
- dcwapd 2>&1 | logger &