- include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
- PKG_NAME:=gnunet
- PKG_VERSION:=0.11.6
- PKG_HASH:=f8a07063b1e0890a1386fed2313a967f58f5495c075a25725aba200469c857bf
- PKG_MAINTAINER:=Daniel Golle <daniel@makrotopia.org>
- PKG_FIXUP:=gettext-version
- include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
- include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/nls.mk
- --with-libiconv-prefix="$(ICONV_PREFIX)" \
- --with-libintl-prefix="$(INTL_PREFIX)" \
- --with-ltdl \
- $(if $(CONFIG_PACKAGE_$(PKG_NAME)-mysql),--with-mysql="$(STAGING_DIR)/usr",--without-mysql) \
- $(if $(CONFIG_PACKAGE_$(PKG_NAME)-pgsql),--with-postgresql="$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/bin/pg_config",--without-postgresql) \
- $(if $(CONFIG_PACKAGE_libsqlite3),--with-sqlite="$(STAGING_DIR)/usr",--without-sqlite) \
- --enable-testing \
- --disable-testruns \
- --disable-documentation \
- --enable-experimental \
- --with-extractor=$(STAGING_DIR)/usr \
- --with-gnutls=$(STAGING_DIR)/usr \
- --with-libgnurl=$(STAGING_DIR)/usr \
- --with-libunistring-prefix=$(STAGING_DIR)/usr \
- --with-microhttpd=$(STAGING_DIR)/usr
- # ToDo: request upstream to provide --with-pulseaudio=...
- TARGET_LDFLAGS+= -Wl,-rpath-link=$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib/pulseaudio
- define Package/gnunet/Default
- SECTION:=net
- CATEGORY:=Network
- URL:=https://www.gnunet.org/
- endef
- define Package/gnunet
- $(call Package/gnunet/Default)
- TITLE+= - a peer-to-peer framework focusing on security
- DEPENDS:=+libatomic +libgcrypt +libgpg-error +libidn2 +libltdl +libunistring \
- +librt +zlib $(ICONV_DEPENDS) $(INTL_DEPENDS)
- USERID:=gnunet=958:gnunet=958
- MENU:=1
- endef
- define Package/gnunet/description
- GNUnet is a peer-to-peer framework focusing on security. The first and
- primary application for GNUnet is anonymous file-sharing. GNUnet is
- currently developed by a worldwide group of independent free software
- developers. GNUnet is a GNU package (http://www.gnu.org/).
- This is an ALPHA release. There are known and significant bugs as
- well as many missing features in this release.
- This package provides the core components of GNUnet including the
- CADET routing engine, a DHT implementation and basic transports as
- well as their helpers.
- endef
- define BuildComponent
- define Package/gnunet-$(1)
- $$(call Package/gnunet/Default)
- TITLE+= $(2)
- DEPENDS:=gnunet $(DEPENDS_$(1))
- $(if $(3),DEFAULT:=y if PACKAGE_gnunet)
- $(if $(USERID_$(1)),USERID:=$(USERID_$(1)))
- $(if $(CONFLICTS_$(1)),CONFLICTS:=$(CONFLICTS_$(1)))
- endef
- define Package/gnunet-$(1)/install
- ( if [ "$(BIN_$(1))" ]; then \
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/usr/bin ; \
- for bin in $(BIN_$(1)); do \
- $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/bin/gnunet-$$$$$$$$bin $$(1)/usr/bin/ ; \
- done \
- fi )
- ( if [ "$(LIB_$(1))" ]; then \
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/usr/lib ; \
- for lib in $(LIB_$(1)); do \
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/libgnunet$$$$$$$$lib.so* $$(1)/usr/lib/ ; \
- done \
- fi )
- ( if [ "$(PLUGIN_$(1))" ]; then \
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/usr/lib/gnunet ; \
- for plug in $(PLUGIN_$(1)); do \
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/gnunet/libgnunet_plugin_$$$$$$$$plug*.so $$(1)/usr/lib/gnunet ; \
- done \
- fi )
- ( if [ "$(LIBEXEC_$(1))" ]; then \
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/usr/lib/gnunet/libexec ; \
- for lex in $(LIBEXEC_$(1)); do \
- $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/gnunet/libexec/gnunet-$$$$$$$$lex $$(1)/usr/lib/gnunet/libexec ; \
- done \
- fi )
- ( if [ "$(CONF_$(1))" ]; then \
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/usr/share/gnunet/config.d ; \
- for conf in $(CONF_$(1)); do \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/share/gnunet/config.d/$$$$$$$$conf.conf $$(1)/usr/share/gnunet/config.d ; \
- done \
- fi )
- ( if [ -e ./files/gnunet-$(1).defaults ]; then \
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/etc/uci-defaults ; \
- $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/gnunet-$(1).defaults $$(1)/etc/uci-defaults/gnunet-$(1) ; \
- fi )
- endef
- $$(eval $$(call BuildPackage,gnunet-$(1)))
- endef
- define Package/gnunet/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin $(1)/usr/lib/gnunet/libexec
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/share/gnunet/config.d $(1)/usr/share/gnunet/hellos
- ( for bin in arm ats ats-new cadet core config ecc identity nat nat-auto nat-server nse \
- peerinfo peerstore revocation scalarproduct scrypt statistics transport uri; do \
- $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/bin/gnunet-$$$$bin $(1)/usr/bin/ ; \
- done )
- ( for lib in arm ats atsapplication atstransport block blockgroup cadet \
- core datacache dht dns dnsparser fragmentation friends hello \
- identity natauto natnew nse nt peerinfo peerstore regexblock regex revocation \
- scalarproduct set statistics transport transportaddress transportapplication \
- transportcommunicator transportcore transportmonitor util; do \
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/libgnunet$$$$lib.so* $(1)/usr/lib/ ; \
- done )
- ( for plug in ats_proportional ats2_simple block_dht block_regex block_revocation transport_unix; do \
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/gnunet/libgnunet_plugin_$$$$plug*.so $(1)/usr/lib/gnunet ; \
- done )
- ( for lex in daemon-topology helper-nat-client \
- helper-nat-server service-arm service-ats service-ats-new service-cadet \
- service-core service-dht service-identity service-nat service-nat-auto \
- service-nse service-peerinfo service-peerstore service-regex \
- service-revocation service-scalarproduct-alice \
- service-scalarproduct-bob service-scalarproduct-ecc-alice \
- service-scalarproduct-ecc-bob service-set service-statistics \
- service-transport timeout; do \
- $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/gnunet/libexec/gnunet-$$$$lex $(1)/usr/lib/gnunet/libexec ; \
- done )
- ( for conf in arm ats cadet communicator-unix core datacache dht identity \
- identity-provider nat nat-auto nse peerinfo peerstore regex revocation \
- scalarproduct set statistics topology transport util; do \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/share/gnunet/config.d/$$$$conf.conf $(1)/usr/share/gnunet/config.d ; \
- done )
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/share/gnunet/hellos/* $(1)/usr/share/gnunet/hellos
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
- $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/gnunet.init $(1)/etc/init.d/gnunet
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/lib/upgrade/keep.d
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/gnunet.upgrade $(1)/lib/upgrade/keep.d/gnunet
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/uci-defaults
- $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/gnunet.defaults $(1)/etc/uci-defaults/gnunet
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/lib/netifd/proto
- $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/gnunet-proto.sh $(1)/lib/netifd/proto/gnunet.sh
- endef
- define Build/InstallDev
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/include/gnunet $(1)/usr/lib/pkgconfig
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/*.{la,so}* $(1)/usr/lib/
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/pkgconfig/*.pc $(1)/usr/lib/pkgconfig
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/include/gnunet/*.h $(1)/usr/include/gnunet
- endef
- BIN_auction:=auction-create auction-info auction-join
- LIBEXEC_auction:=service-auction
- CONF_auction:=auction
- DEPENDS_auction:=+gnunet-reclaim +jansson
- DEPENDS_conversation:=+gnunet-gns +libgst1app +libgst1audio +libgstreamer1 +glib2 +pulseaudio-daemon +libopus +libogg
- BIN_conversation:=conversation conversation-test
- LIB_conversation:=conversation microphone speaker
- PLUGIN_conversation:=gnsrecord_conversation
- LIBEXEC_conversation:=helper-audio-playback helper-audio-record service-conversation
- CONF_conversation:=conversation
- BIN_dht-cli:=dht-get dht-put dht-monitor
- PLUGIN_dht-cli:=block_test
- DEPENDS_curl:=+libgnurl +jansson
- LIB_curl:=curl
- DEPENDS_hostlist:=+libmicrohttpd-ssl +gnunet-curl +ca-certificates
- LIBEXEC_hostlist:=daemon-hostlist
- CONF_hostlist:=hostlist
- DEPENDS_transport-bluetooth:=+bluez-libs
- PLUGIN_transport-bluetooth:=transport_bluetooth
- LIBEXEC_transport-bluetooth:=helper-transport-bluetooth
- DEPENDS_transport-http_client:=+gnunet-curl +ca-certificates
- PLUGIN_transport-http_client:=transport_http_client transport_https_client
- DEPENDS_transport-http_server:=+libmicrohttpd-ssl
- PLUGIN_transport-http_server:=transport_http_server transport_https_server
- PLUGIN_transport-tcp:=transport_tcp
- PLUGIN_transport-udp:=transport_udp
- PLUGIN_transport-wlan:=transport_wlan
- LIBEXEC_transport-wlan:=helper-transport-wlan
- DEPENDS_experiments:=+libglpk
- PLUGIN_experiments:=ats_mlp ats_ril
- # BIN_dv:=dv
- LIB_dv:=dv
- PLUGIN_dv:=transport_dv
- LIBEXEC_dv:=service-dv
- CONF_dv:=dv
- DEPENDS_fs:=+gnunet-datastore +libextractor
- BIN_fs:=auto-share directory download fs publish unindex search
- LIB_fs:=fs
- PLUGIN_fs:=block_fs
- LIBEXEC_fs:=helper-fs-publish service-fs
- CONF_fs:=fs
- DEPENDS_gns:=+gnunet-vpn +iptables-mod-extra
- USERID_gns:=gnunet=958:gnunetdns=452
- BIN_gns:=gns gns-import.sh namecache namestore resolver zoneimport
- LIB_gns:=gns gnsrecord namecache namestore
- PLUGIN_gns:=block_dns block_gns gnsrecord_conversation gnsrecord_dns gnsrecord_gns
- LIBEXEC_gns:=dns2gns helper-dns service-dns service-gns service-namecache service-namestore service-resolver service-zonemaster
- CONF_gns:=dns gns namecache namestore resolver zonemaster
- DEPENDS_namestore-fcfsd:=+gnunet-gns +libmicrohttpd-ssl
- LIBEXEC_namestore-fcfsd:=namestore-fcfsd
- DEPENDS_gns-proxy:=+gnunet-gns +gnunet-curl +libmicrohttpd-ssl
- LIBEXEC_gns-proxy:=gns-proxy
- DEPENDS_datastore:=+gnunet-gns
- BIN_datastore:=datastore
- LIB_datastore:=datastore
- LIBEXEC_datastore:=service-datastore
- CONF_datastore:=datastore
- DEPENDS_reclaim:=+gnunet-gns +gnunet-sqlite +libpbc +libgabe
- BIN_reclaim:=credential reclaim
- LIB_reclaim:=consensus credential abe reclaim reclaimattribute secretsharing
- LIBEXEC_reclaim:=service-consensus service-credential service-reclaim service-secretsharing
- CONF_reclaim:=consensus credential reclaim secretsharing
- PLUGIN_reclaim:=block_consensus gnsrecord_credential gnsrecord_reclaim reclaim_attribute_gnuid
- DEPENDS_rest:=+gnunet-gns +gnunet-reclaim +libmicrohttpd-ssl +jansson
- LIB_rest:=rest json
- PLUGIN_rest:=rest_copying rest_gns rest_identity rest_namestore rest_peerinfo rest_openid_connect rest_reclaim
- LIBEXEC_rest:=rest-server
- CONF_rest:=rest
- BIN_rps:=rps
- LIB_rps:=rps
- LIBEXEC_rps:=service-rps
- CONF_rps:=rps
- PLUGIN_dhtcache-heap:=datacache_heap
- CONFLICTS_dhtcache-heap:=gnunet-dhtcache-pgsql gnunet-dhtcache-sqlite
- DEPENDS_gns-flat:=+gnunet-gns
- PLUGIN_gns-flat:=namecache_flat namestore_flat
- PLUGIN_peerstore-flat:=peerstore_flat
- DEPENDS_fs-heap:=+gnunet-datastore
- PLUGIN_fs-heap:=datastore_heap
- CONFLICTS_fs-heap:=gnunet-fs-mysql gnunet-fs-pgsql gnunet-fs-sqlite
- DEPENDS_mysql:=+libmysqlclient
- LIB_mysql:=mysql my
- DEPENDS_fs-mysql:=+gnunet-mysql +gnunet-datastore
- PLUGIN_fs-mysql:=datastore_mysql
- CONFLICTS_fs-mysql:=gnunet-fs-pgsql gnunet-fs-sqlite
- DEPENDS_pgsql:=+libpq
- LIB_pgsql:=pq
- DEPENDS_dhtcache-pgsql:=+gnunet-pgsql
- PLUGIN_dhtcache-pgsql:=datacache_postgres
- CONFLICTS_dhtcache-pgsql:=gnunet-dhtcache-sqlite
- DEPENDS_fs-pgsql:=+gnunet-pgsql +gnunet-datastore
- PLUGIN_fs-pgsql:=datastore_postgres
- CONFLICTS_fs-pgsql:=gnunet-fs-sqlite
- DEPENDS_gns-pgsql:=+gnunet-pgsql +gnunet-gns
- PLUGIN_gns-pgsql:=namecache_postgres namestore_postgres
- CONFLICTS_gns-pgsql:=gnunet-gns-sqlite gnunet-gns-flat
- DEPENDS_sqlite:=+libsqlite3
- LIB_sqlite:=sq
- DEPENDS_gns-sqlite:=+gnunet-gns +gnunet-sqlite
- PLUGIN_gns-sqlite:=namecache_sqlite namestore_sqlite
- CONFLICTS_gns-sqlite:=gnunet-gns-flat
- DEPENDS_peerstore-sqlite:=+gnunet-sqlite
- PLUGIN_peerstore-sqlite:=peerstore_sqlite
- CONFLICTS_peerstore-sqlite:=gnunet-peerstore-flat
- DEPENDS_dhtcache-sqlite:=+gnunet-sqlite
- PLUGIN_dhtcache-sqlite:=datacache_sqlite
- DEPENDS_fs-sqlite:=+gnunet-datastore +gnunet-sqlite
- PLUGIN_fs-sqlite:=datastore_sqlite
- DEPENDS_utils:=+certtool +openssl-util
- BIN_utils:=gns-proxy-setup-ca transport-certificate-creation
- DEPENDS_vpn:=+kmod-tun +iptables +firewall
- BIN_vpn:=vpn
- LIB_vpn:=dnsstub tun vpn
- LIBEXEC_vpn:=daemon-exit daemon-pt helper-exit helper-vpn service-vpn
- CONF_vpn:=exit pt vpn
- define Package/gnunet-gns/prerm
- #!/bin/sh
- uci -q batch <<EOF
- del network.gnunetdns
- del network.gndnsrtt
- del network.gndnsrl
- commit network
- del firewall.gnunetdns
- del firewall.gndnsrl
- del firewall.gndnsrl2
- commit firewall
- endef
- define Package/gnunet-vpn/prerm
- #!/bin/sh
- uci -q batch <<EOF
- del network.gnunetvpn
- del network.gnunetexit
- commit network
- del firewall.gnunetvpn
- del firewall.gnunetexit
- del firewall.gnexitfwd
- commit firewall
- endef
- define PostInstFixSUIDPerms
- define Package/$(1)/postinst
- #!/bin/sh
- [ -z "$IPKG_INSTROOT" ] || exit 0
- [ -e /usr/share/gnunet/.permfix ] && rm /usr/share/gnunet/.permfix || exit 0
- endef
- endef
- $(eval $(call PostInstFixSUIDPerms,gnunet))
- $(eval $(call PostInstFixSUIDPerms,gnunet-gns))
- $(eval $(call PostInstFixSUIDPerms,gnunet-transport-bluetooth))
- $(eval $(call PostInstFixSUIDPerms,gnunet-transport-wlan))
- $(eval $(call PostInstFixSUIDPerms,gnunet-vpn))
- $(eval $(call BuildPackage,gnunet))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,auction,auction components,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,conversation,conversation component,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,curl,cURL wrapper component,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,datastore,data storage components,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,dht-cli,DHT command line clients,))
- # $(eval $(call BuildComponent,dv,distance-vector routing component,y))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,experiments,experimental components,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,fs,file-sharing components,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,gns,name resolution components,y))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,gns-proxy,gns-proxy component,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,hostlist,HTTP bootstrap hostlist client and server,y))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,reclaim,reclaim identity-provider subsystem,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,rest,REST interface,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,rps,RPS routing component,y))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,namestore-fcfsd,first-come-first-serve registration server,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,dhtcache-heap,heap-based dhtcache plugin,y))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,fs-heap,heap-based filesharing plugin,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,gns-flat,flat storage GNS plugins,y))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,peerstore-flat,flat storage peerstore plugin,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,mysql,mySQL backend,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,fs-mysql,mySQL filesharing plugins,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,pgsql,PostgreSQL backend,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,dhtcache-pgsql,PostgreSQL dhtcache plugin,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,fs-pgsql,PostgreSQL filesharing plugin,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,gns-pgsql,PostgreSQL GNS plugins,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,sqlite,libsqlite3 backend,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,dhtcache-sqlite,libsqlite3 dhtcache plugin,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,fs-sqlite,libsqlite3 filesharing plugin,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,gns-sqlite,libsqlite3 gns plugins,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,peerstore-sqlite,libsqlite3 peerstore plugin,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,transport-bluetooth,bluetooth transport,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,transport-http_client,HTTP/HTTPS client transport,y))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,transport-http_server,HTTP/HTTPS server transport,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,transport-tcp,TCP transport,y))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,transport-udp,UDP transport,y))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,transport-wlan,WLAN transport,y))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,utils,administration utililties,))
- $(eval $(call BuildComponent,vpn,vpn components,y))