- #
- # Copyright (C) 2019-2021 CZ.NIC z.s.p.o. (https://www.nic.cz/)
- #
- # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
- # See /LICENSE for more information.
- #
- include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
- PKG_NAME:=atlas-sw-probe
- PKG_SOURCE_URL:=https://github.com/RIPE-NCC/ripe-atlas-software-probe.git
- PKG_SOURCE:=ripe-atlas-software-probe-$(PKG_VERSION).tar.gz
- PKG_MIRROR_HASH:=846aa20ff4bc938c07526a9893dcae4ac7dfa41982a5b2bcfe2dd53c974ecdc9
- PKG_SOURCE_VERSION:=edee49c942b726a1d8865d91c8d7f32843bc8ad1
- PKG_MAINTAINER:=Jan Pavlinec <jan.pavlinec1@gmail.com>
- PKG_LICENSE:=GPL-3.0-or-later
- include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
- define Package/atlas-sw-probe
- SECTION:=net
- CATEGORY:=Network
- TITLE:=RIPE Atlas software probe
- URL:=https://atlas.ripe.net/about/probes/
- DEPENDS:=+atlas-probe +PACKAGE_dropbear:dropbearconvert
- endef
- define Package/atlas-sw-probe/description
- RIPE Atlas SW probe is software variant of RIPE Atlas Probe.
- It contains utilities which helps actively measure
- Internet connectivity through ping, traceroute, DNS, SSL/TLS, NTP, and HTTP.
- Data are then collected, aggregated and published by the RIPE NCC.
- endef
- define Package/atlas-sw-probe-rpc
- SECTION:=net
- CATEGORY:=Network
- TITLE:=RPC service
- URL:=https://atlas.ripe.net/about/probes/
- DEPENDS:=+atlas-probe +bind-dig +rpcd
- endef
- define Package/atlas-sw-probe-rpc/description
- Provides ubus calls for probe.
- endef
- Build/Compile:=:
- Build/Install:=:
- define Package/atlas-sw-probe-rpc/postinst
- #!/bin/sh
- [ -z "$${IPKG_INSTROOT}" ] && /etc/init.d/rpcd restart
- exit 0
- endef
- define Package/atlas-sw-probe-rpc/postrm
- #!/bin/sh
- [ -z "$${IPKG_INSTROOT}" ] && /etc/init.d/rpcd restart
- exit 0
- endef
- define Package/atlas-sw-probe/conffiles
- /etc/atlas/
- /etc/config/atlas
- /usr/libexec/atlas-probe-scripts/state/config.txt
- endef
- TMP_BASE_DIR:=/tmp/ripe_atlas_probe
- SCRIPTS_DIR:=/usr/libexec/atlas-probe-scripts
- define Package/atlas-sw-probe/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/$(SCRIPTS_DIR)/{etc,state,bin/arch,bin/bin}
- # Copy config
- $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/atlas-config/etc/* $(1)/$(SCRIPTS_DIR)/etc/
- # Copy firmware version
- $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/atlas-config/state/FIRMWARE_APPS_VERSION $(1)/$(SCRIPTS_DIR)/state/
- # Set probe mode
- echo "prod" > $(1)/$(SCRIPTS_DIR)/state/mode
- # Copy scripts
- $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/bin/{ATLAS,common-pre.sh,common.sh,reginit.sh,resolvconf} $(1)/$(SCRIPTS_DIR)/bin/
- $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/bin/arch/{linux,openwrt-sw-probe} $(1)/$(SCRIPTS_DIR)/bin/arch/
- # Create config info
- echo "DEVICE_NAME=openwrt-sw-probe" > $(1)/$(SCRIPTS_DIR)/bin/config.sh
- echo "ATLAS_BASE=$(SCRIPTS_DIR)" >> $(1)/$(SCRIPTS_DIR)/bin/config.sh
- echo "ATLAS_STATIC=$(SCRIPTS_DIR)" >> $(1)/$(SCRIPTS_DIR)/bin/config.sh
- echo "SUB_ARCH=openwrt-$(ARCH)-$(PKG_VERSION)-$(PKG_RELEASE)" >> $(1)/$(SCRIPTS_DIR)/bin/bin/config.sh
- # Enable sending interface traffic statistics as Atlas measurement results
- echo "RXTXRPT=yes" > $(1)/$(SCRIPTS_DIR)/state/config.txt
- # Fix permision
- chmod 755 $(1)/$(SCRIPTS_DIR)/bin
- # Add registration instruction
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/atlas/
- $(CP) ./files/atlas.readme $(1)/etc/atlas/
- # Create softlinks for writable dirs
- $(LN) $(TMP_BASE_DIR)/crons $(1)/$(SCRIPTS_DIR)/crons
- $(LN) $(TMP_BASE_DIR)/data $(1)/$(SCRIPTS_DIR)/data
- $(LN) $(TMP_BASE_DIR)/run $(1)/$(SCRIPTS_DIR)/run
- $(LN) $(TMP_BASE_DIR)/status $(1)/$(SCRIPTS_DIR)/status
- # Copy init and config
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d/
- $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/atlas.init $(1)/etc/init.d/atlas
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config/
- $(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/atlas.conf $(1)/etc/config/atlas
- endef
- define Package/atlas-sw-probe-rpc/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/libexec/rpcd
- $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/atlas_rpcd.sh $(1)/usr/libexec/rpcd/atlas
- endef
- $(eval $(call BuildPackage,atlas-sw-probe))
- $(eval $(call BuildPackage,atlas-sw-probe-rpc))