- #
- # Copyright (C) 2009-2016 OpenWrt.org
- #
- # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
- # See /LICENSE for more information.
- #
- include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
- PKG_NAME:=gitolite
- PKG_VERSION:=3.6.10
- PKG_HASH:=0ae3bea637b25cff13826e5ecd181c7b74a6eff377cf4c2243d85c2b0a290d3f
- PKG_SOURCE_URL:=https://codeload.github.com/sitaramc/gitolite/tar.gz/v$(PKG_VERSION)?
- include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
- define Package/gitolite
- SECTION:=net
- CATEGORY:=Network
- SUBMENU:=Version Control Systems
- DEPENDS:=+perlbase-essential +perlbase-sys +perlbase-data +perlbase-digest +perlbase-env +perlbase-time +git +perlbase-findbin +perlbase-storable +perlbase-text +perlbase-getopt +perlbase-utf8 +openssh-keygen +openssh-server +openssh-moduli perl
- TITLE:=Easy administration of git repositories
- URL:=http://gitolite.com/gitolite
- MAINTAINER:=Daniel Dickinson <cshored@thecshore.com>
- USERID:=git=382:git=382
- endef
- define Package/gitolite/description
- Gitolite is a system for managing access to git repositories. Note you will need to make
- sure dropbear does not interfere with OpenSSH as gitolite depends on feature not in
- dropbear (to my knowledge).
- See https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/services/gitolite for a guide on installation.
- endef
- define Package/gitolite/postinst
- sed -i -e 's,/var/run/git,/srv/git,' $${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/passwd
- sed -i -e 's,git:\(.*\):/bin/false,git:\1:/bin/ash,' $${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/passwd
- sed -i -e 's,git:x:0:\(.*\)$$,git:x:99999:\1,' $${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/shadow
- endef
- define Build/Configure
- true
- endef
- define Build/Compile
- mkdir -p $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/libexec/gitolite
- $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/install -to $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/libexec/gitolite
- mkdir -p $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/bin
- ln -sf /usr/libexec/gitolite/gitolite $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/bin/gitolite
- endef
- define Package/gitolite/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/* $(1)/
- endef
- $(eval $(call BuildPackage,gitolite))