- #!/bin/sh
- # dns based ad/abuse domain blocking
- # Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Dirk Brenken (dev@brenken.org)
- # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.
- # set (s)hellcheck exceptions
- # shellcheck disable=1091,2010,2016,2034,2039,2059,2086,2091,2129,2143,2154,2181,2183,2188
- # set initial defaults
- #
- export LC_ALL=C
- export PATH="/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
- set -o pipefail
- adb_ver="4.1.0"
- adb_enabled=0
- adb_debug=0
- adb_forcedns=0
- adb_maxqueue=4
- adb_dnsflush=0
- adb_dnstimeout=20
- adb_safesearch=0
- adb_safesearchlist=""
- adb_safesearchmod=0
- adb_report=0
- adb_trigger=""
- adb_triggerdelay=0
- adb_backup=1
- adb_mail=0
- adb_mailcnt=0
- adb_jail=0
- adb_dns=""
- adb_dnsprefix="adb_list"
- adb_locallist="blacklist whitelist"
- adb_tmpbase="/tmp"
- adb_backupdir="${adb_tmpbase}/adblock-Backup"
- adb_reportdir="${adb_tmpbase}/adblock-Report"
- adb_jaildir="/tmp"
- adb_pidfile="/var/run/adblock.pid"
- adb_blacklist="/etc/adblock/adblock.blacklist"
- adb_whitelist="/etc/adblock/adblock.whitelist"
- adb_mailservice="/etc/adblock/adblock.mail"
- adb_dnsfile="${adb_dnsprefix}.overall"
- adb_dnsjail="${adb_dnsprefix}.jail"
- adb_srcarc="/etc/adblock/adblock.sources.gz"
- adb_srcfile="${adb_tmpbase}/adb_sources.json"
- adb_rtfile="${adb_tmpbase}/adb_runtime.json"
- adb_loggercmd="$(command -v logger)"
- adb_dumpcmd="$(command -v tcpdump)"
- adb_lookupcmd="$(command -v nslookup)"
- adb_fetchutil=""
- adb_zonelist=""
- adb_portlist=""
- adb_repiface=""
- adb_replisten="53"
- adb_repchunkcnt="5"
- adb_repchunksize="1"
- adb_lookupdomain="example.com"
- adb_action="${1:-"start"}"
- adb_packages=""
- adb_sources=""
- adb_cnt=""
- # load & check adblock environment
- #
- f_load()
- {
- adb_sysver="$(ubus -S call system board 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -e '@.model' -e '@.release.description' | \
- "${adb_awk}" 'BEGIN{ORS=", "}{print $0}' | "${adb_awk}" '{print substr($0,1,length($0)-2)}')"
- f_conf
- if [ "${adb_action}" != "report" ]
- then
- f_dns
- f_fetch
- fi
- if [ "${adb_enabled}" = "0" ]
- then
- f_extconf
- f_temp
- f_rmdns
- f_jsnup "disabled"
- f_log "info" "adblock is currently disabled, please set the config option 'adb_enabled' to '1' to use this service"
- exit 0
- fi
- }
- # check & set environment
- #
- f_env()
- {
- adb_starttime="$(date "+%s")"
- f_log "info" "adblock instance started ::: action: ${adb_action}, priority: ${adb_nice:-"0"}, pid: ${$}"
- f_jsnup "running"
- f_extconf
- f_temp
- if [ "${adb_dnsflush}" = "1" ]
- then
- printf "${adb_dnsheader}" > "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsfile}"
- f_dnsup
- fi
- if [ ! -r "${adb_srcfile}" ]
- then
- if [ -r "${adb_srcarc}" ]
- then
- zcat "${adb_srcarc}" > "${adb_srcfile}"
- else
- f_log "err" "adblock source archive not found"
- fi
- fi
- if [ -r "${adb_srcfile}" ]
- then
- json_load_file "${adb_srcfile}"
- else
- f_log "err" "adblock source file not found"
- fi
- }
- # load adblock config
- #
- f_conf()
- {
- local cnt=0 cnt_max=10
- if [ ! -r "/etc/config/adblock" ] || [ -z "$(uci -q show adblock.global.adb_safesearch)" ]
- then
- f_log "err" "no valid adblock config found, please re-install the package via opkg with the '--force-reinstall --force-maintainer' options"
- fi
- config_cb()
- {
- option_cb()
- {
- local option="${1}"
- local value="${2}"
- eval "${option}=\"${value}\""
- }
- list_cb()
- {
- local option="${1}"
- local value="${2}"
- if [ "${option}" = "adb_sources" ]
- then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${adb_sources}") ${value}\""
- elif [ "${option}" = "adb_eng_sources" ]
- then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${adb_eng_sources}") ${value}\""
- elif [ "${option}" = "adb_sha_sources" ]
- then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${adb_sha_sources}") ${value}\""
- elif [ "${option}" = "adb_stb_sources" ]
- then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${adb_stb_sources}") ${value}\""
- elif [ "${option}" = "adb_utc_sources" ]
- then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${adb_utc_sources}") ${value}\""
- elif [ "${option}" = "adb_safesearchlist" ]
- then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${adb_safesearchlist}") ${value}\""
- elif [ "${option}" = "adb_zonelist" ]
- then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${adb_zonelist}") ${value}\""
- elif [ "${option}" = "adb_portlist" ]
- then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${adb_portlist}") ${value}\""
- fi
- }
- }
- config_load adblock
- if [ -z "${adb_fetchutil}" ] || [ -z "${adb_dns}" ]
- then
- while [ -z "${adb_packages}" ] && [ "${cnt}" -le "${cnt_max}" ]
- do
- adb_packages="$(opkg list-installed 2>/dev/null)"
- cnt=$((cnt+1))
- sleep 1
- done
- if [ -z "${adb_packages}" ]
- then
- f_log "err" "local opkg package repository is not available, please set 'adb_fetchutil' and 'adb_dns' manually"
- fi
- fi
- }
- # load dns backend config
- #
- f_dns()
- {
- local util utils dns_up cnt=0
- if [ -z "${adb_dns}" ]
- then
- utils="knot-resolver named unbound dnsmasq raw"
- for util in ${utils}
- do
- if [ "${util}" = "raw" ] || [ -n "$(printf "%s" "${adb_packages}" | grep "^${util}")" ]
- then
- if [ "${util}" = "knot-resolver" ]
- then
- util="kresd"
- fi
- if [ "${util}" = "raw" ] || [ -x "$(command -v "${util}")" ]
- then
- adb_dns="${util}"
- uci_set adblock global adb_dns "${util}"
- f_uci "adblock"
- break
- fi
- fi
- done
- elif [ "${adb_dns}" != "raw" ] && [ ! -x "$(command -v "${adb_dns}")" ]
- then
- unset adb_dns
- fi
- if [ -n "${adb_dns}" ]
- then
- case "${adb_dns}" in
- "dnsmasq")
- adb_dnsinotify="${adb_dnsinotify:-"0"}"
- adb_dnsinstance="${adb_dnsinstance:-"0"}"
- adb_dnsuser="${adb_dnsuser:-"dnsmasq"}"
- adb_dnsdir="${adb_dnsdir:-"/tmp/dnsmasq.d"}"
- adb_dnsheader="${adb_dnsheader}"
- adb_dnsdeny="${adb_dnsdeny:-"${adb_awk} '{print \"address=/\"\$0\"/\"}'"}"
- adb_dnsallow="${adb_dnsallow:-"${adb_awk} '{print \"local=/\"\$0\"/#\"}'"}"
- adb_dnssafesearch="${adb_dnssafesearch:-"${adb_awk} -v item=\"\$item\" '{print \"address=/\"\$0\"/\"item\"\"}'"}"
- adb_dnsstop="${adb_dnsstop:-"address=/#/"}"
- ;;
- "unbound")
- adb_dnsinotify="${adb_dnsinotify:-"0"}"
- adb_dnsinstance="${adb_dnsinstance:-"0"}"
- adb_dnsuser="${adb_dnsuser:-"unbound"}"
- adb_dnsdir="${adb_dnsdir:-"/var/lib/unbound"}"
- adb_dnsheader="${adb_dnsheader}"
- adb_dnsdeny="${adb_dnsdeny:-"${adb_awk} '{print \"local-zone: \\042\"\$0\"\\042 static\"}'"}"
- adb_dnsallow="${adb_dnsallow:-"${adb_awk} '{print \"local-zone: \\042\"\$0\"\\042 transparent\"}'"}"
- adb_dnssafesearch="${adb_dnssafesearch:-"${adb_awk} -v item=\"\$item\" '{type=\"AAAA\";if(match(item,/^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$/)){type=\"A\"}}{print \"local-data: \\042\"\$0\" \"type\" \"item\"\\042\"}'"}"
- adb_dnsstop="${adb_dnsstop:-"local-zone: \".\" static"}"
- ;;
- "named")
- adb_dnsinotify="${adb_dnsinotify:-"0"}"
- adb_dnsinstance="${adb_dnsinstance:-"0"}"
- adb_dnsuser="${adb_dnsuser:-"bind"}"
- adb_dnsdir="${adb_dnsdir:-"/var/lib/bind"}"
- adb_dnsheader="${adb_dnsheader:-"\$TTL 2h\n@ IN SOA localhost. root.localhost. (1 6h 1h 1w 2h)\n IN NS localhost.\n"}"
- adb_dnsdeny="${adb_dnsdeny:-"${adb_awk} '{print \"\"\$0\" CNAME .\\n*.\"\$0\" CNAME .\"}'"}"
- adb_dnsallow="${adb_dnsallow:-"${adb_awk} '{print \"\"\$0\" CNAME rpz-passthru.\\n*.\"\$0\" CNAME rpz-passthru.\"}'"}"
- adb_dnssafesearch="${adb_dnssafesearch:-"${adb_awk} -v item=\"\$item\" '{print \"\"\$0\" CNAME \"item\".\\n*.\"\$0\" CNAME \"item\".\"}'"}"
- adb_dnsstop="${adb_dnsstop:-"* CNAME ."}"
- ;;
- "kresd")
- adb_dnsinotify="${adb_dnsinotify:-"0"}"
- adb_dnsinstance="${adb_dnsinstance:-"0"}"
- adb_dnsuser="${adb_dnsuser:-"root"}"
- adb_dnsdir="${adb_dnsdir:-"/etc/kresd"}"
- adb_dnsheader="${adb_dnsheader:-"\$TTL 2h\n@ IN SOA localhost. root.localhost. (1 6h 1h 1w 2h)\n"}"
- adb_dnsdeny="${adb_dnsdeny:-"${adb_awk} '{print \"\"\$0\" CNAME .\\n*.\"\$0\" CNAME .\"}'"}"
- adb_dnsallow="${adb_dnsallow:-"${adb_awk} '{print \"\"\$0\" CNAME rpz-passthru.\\n*.\"\$0\" CNAME rpz-passthru.\"}'"}"
- adb_dnssafesearch="${adb_dnssafesearch:-"${adb_awk} -v item=\"\$item\" '{type=\"AAAA\";if(match(item,/^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$/)){type=\"A\"}}{print \"\"\$0\" \"type\" \"item\"\"}'"}"
- adb_dnsstop="${adb_dnsstop:-"* CNAME ."}"
- ;;
- "raw")
- adb_dnsinotify="${adb_dnsinotify:-"0"}"
- adb_dnsinstance="${adb_dnsinstance:-"0"}"
- adb_dnsuser="${adb_dnsuser:-"root"}"
- adb_dnsdir="${adb_dnsdir:-"/tmp"}"
- adb_dnsheader="${adb_dnsheader}"
- adb_dnsdeny="${adb_dnsdeny:-"0"}"
- adb_dnsallow="${adb_dnsallow:-"1"}"
- adb_dnssafesearch="${adb_dnssafesearch:-"0"}"
- adb_dnsstop="${adb_dnsstop:-"0"}"
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- if [ "${adb_dns}" != "raw" ] && { [ -z "${adb_dns}" ] || [ ! -x "$(command -v "${adb_dns}")" ]; }
- then
- f_log "err" "dns backend not found, please set 'adb_dns' manually"
- fi
- if [ "${adb_dns}" != "raw" ] && { [ "${adb_dnsdir}" = "${adb_tmpbase}" ] || [ "${adb_dnsdir}" = "${adb_backupdir}" ] || [ "${adb_dnsdir}" = "${adb_reportdir}" ]; }
- then
- f_log "err" "dns directory '${adb_dnsdir}' has been misconfigured, it must not point to the 'adb_tmpbase', 'adb_backupdir', 'adb_reportdir'"
- fi
- if [ "${adb_action}" = "start" ] && [ -z "${adb_trigger}" ]
- then
- sleep ${adb_triggerdelay}
- fi
- if [ "${adb_dns}" != "raw" ] && [ "${adb_action}" != "stop" ]
- then
- while [ "${cnt}" -le 30 ]
- do
- dns_up="$(ubus -S call service list "{\"name\":\"${adb_dns}\"}" 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -l1 -e "@[\"${adb_dns}\"].instances.*.running" 2>/dev/null)"
- if [ "${dns_up}" = "true" ]
- then
- break
- fi
- sleep 1
- cnt=$((cnt+1))
- done
- if [ -n "${adb_dnsdir}" ] && [ ! -d "${adb_dnsdir}" ]
- then
- mkdir -p "${adb_dnsdir}"
- if [ "${?}" = "0" ]
- then
- f_log "info" "dns backend directory '${adb_dnsdir}' created"
- else
- f_log "err" "dns backend directory '${adb_dnsdir}' could not be created"
- fi
- fi
- if [ ! -f "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsfile}" ]
- then
- printf "${adb_dnsheader}" > "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsfile}"
- fi
- if [ "${dns_up}" != "true" ]
- then
- f_dnsup 4
- if [ "${?}" != "0" ]
- then
- f_log "err" "dns backend '${adb_dns}' not running or executable"
- fi
- fi
- if [ "${adb_backup}" = "1" ] && [ -n "${adb_backupdir}" ] && [ ! -d "${adb_backupdir}" ]
- then
- mkdir -p "${adb_backupdir}"
- if [ "${?}" = "0" ]
- then
- f_log "info" "backup directory '${adb_backupdir}' created"
- else
- f_log "err" "backup directory '${adb_backupdir}' could not be created"
- fi
- fi
- if [ -n "${adb_jaildir}" ] && [ ! -d "${adb_jaildir}" ]
- then
- mkdir -p "${adb_jaildir}"
- if [ "${?}" = "0" ]
- then
- f_log "info" "jail directory '${adb_jaildir}' created"
- else
- f_log "err" "jail directory '${adb_jaildir}' could not be created"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- f_log "debug" "f_dns ::: dns: ${adb_dns}, dns_dir: ${adb_dnsdir}, dns_file: ${adb_dnsfile}, dns_user: ${adb_dnsuser}, dns_inotify: ${adb_dnsinotify}, dns_instance: ${adb_dnsinstance}, backup: ${adb_backup}, backup_dir: ${adb_backupdir}, jail_dir: ${adb_jaildir}"
- }
- # load fetch utility
- #
- f_fetch()
- {
- local util utils cnt=0
- if [ -z "${adb_fetchutil}" ]
- then
- utils="aria2c curl wget uclient-fetch"
- for util in ${utils}
- do
- if { [ "${util}" = "uclient-fetch" ] && [ -n "$(printf "%s" "${adb_packages}" | grep "^libustream-")" ]; } || \
- { [ "${util}" = "wget" ] && [ -n "$(printf "%s" "${adb_packages}" | grep "^wget -")" ]; } || \
- [ "${util}" = "curl" ] || [ "${util}" = "aria2c" ]
- then
- if [ -x "$(command -v "${util}")" ]
- then
- adb_fetchutil="${util}"
- uci_set adblock global adb_fetchutil "${util}"
- f_uci "adblock"
- break
- fi
- fi
- done
- elif [ ! -x "$(command -v "${adb_fetchutil}")" ]
- then
- unset adb_fetchutil
- fi
- case "${adb_fetchutil}" in
- "aria2c")
- adb_fetchparm="${adb_fetchparm:-"--timeout=20 --allow-overwrite=true --auto-file-renaming=false --check-certificate=true --log-level=warn --dir=/ -o"}"
- ;;
- "curl")
- adb_fetchparm="${adb_fetchparm:-"--connect-timeout 20 --silent --show-error --location -o"}"
- ;;
- "uclient-fetch")
- adb_fetchparm="${adb_fetchparm:-"--timeout=20 -O"}"
- ;;
- "wget")
- adb_fetchparm="${adb_fetchparm:-"--no-cache --no-cookies --max-redirect=0 --timeout=20 -O"}"
- ;;
- esac
- if [ -n "${adb_fetchutil}" ] && [ -n "${adb_fetchparm}" ]
- then
- adb_fetchutil="$(command -v "${adb_fetchutil}")"
- else
- f_log "err" "download utility with SSL support not found, please install 'uclient-fetch' with a 'libustream-*' variant or another download utility like 'wget', 'curl' or 'aria2'"
- fi
- f_log "debug" "f_fetch ::: fetch_util: ${adb_fetchutil:-"-"}, fetch_parm: ${adb_fetchparm:-"-"}"
- }
- # create temporary files, directories and set dependent options
- #
- f_temp()
- {
- local cpu core cores
- cpu="$(grep -c '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null)"
- core="$(grep -cm1 '^core id' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null)"
- if [ "${cpu}" = "0" ]
- then
- cpu=1
- fi
- if [ "${core}" = "0" ]
- then
- core=1
- fi
- cores=$((cpu*core))
- if [ -d "${adb_tmpbase}" ]
- then
- adb_tmpdir="$(mktemp -p "${adb_tmpbase}" -d)"
- adb_tmpload="$(mktemp -p "${adb_tmpdir}" -tu)"
- adb_tmpfile="$(mktemp -p "${adb_tmpdir}" -tu)"
- adb_srtopts="--temporary-directory=${adb_tmpdir} --compress-program=gzip --batch-size=32 --parallel=${cores}"
- else
- f_log "err" "the temp base directory '${adb_tmpbase}' does not exist/is not mounted yet, please create the directory or raise the 'adb_triggerdelay' to defer the adblock start"
- fi
- if [ ! -s "${adb_pidfile}" ]
- then
- printf "%s" "${$}" > "${adb_pidfile}"
- fi
- f_log "debug" "f_temp ::: tmp_base: ${adb_tmpbase:-"-"}, tmp_dir: ${adb_tmpdir:-"-"}, cores: ${cores:-"-"}, sort_options: ${adb_srtopts}, pid_file: ${adb_pidfile:-"-"}"
- }
- # remove temporary files and directories
- #
- f_rmtemp()
- {
- if [ -d "${adb_tmpdir}" ]
- then
- rm -rf "${adb_tmpdir}"
- fi
- rm -f "${adb_srcfile}"
- > "${adb_pidfile}"
- f_log "debug" "f_rmtemp ::: tmp_dir: ${adb_tmpdir:-"-"}, src_file: ${adb_srcfile:-"-"}, pid_file: ${adb_pidfile:-"-"}"
- }
- # remove dns related files
- #
- f_rmdns()
- {
- local status
- status="$(ubus -S call service list '{"name":"adblock"}' 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -l1 -e '@["adblock"].instances.*.running' 2>/dev/null)"
- if [ "${adb_dns}" = "raw" ] || { [ -n "${adb_dns}" ] && [ -n "${status}" ]; }
- then
- > "${adb_rtfile}"
- if [ "${adb_backup}" = "1" ]
- then
- rm -f "${adb_backupdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}".*.gz
- fi
- printf "${adb_dnsheader}" > "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsfile}"
- f_dnsup 4
- fi
- f_rmtemp
- f_log "debug" "f_rmdns ::: dns: ${adb_dns}, status: ${status:-"-"}, dns_dir: ${adb_dnsdir}, dns_file: ${adb_dnsfile}, rt_file: ${adb_rtfile}, backup_dir: ${adb_backupdir:-"-"}"
- }
- # commit uci changes
- #
- f_uci()
- {
- local change config="${1}"
- if [ -n "${config}" ]
- then
- change="$(uci -q changes "${config}" | "${adb_awk}" '{ORS=" "; print $0}')"
- if [ -n "${change}" ]
- then
- uci_commit "${config}"
- case "${config}" in
- "firewall")
- "/etc/init.d/firewall" reload >/dev/null 2>&1
- ;;
- "resolver")
- printf "${adb_dnsheader}" > "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsfile}"
- f_count
- f_jsnup "running"
- "/etc/init.d/${adb_dns}" reload >/dev/null 2>&1
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- f_log "debug" "f_uci ::: config: ${config}, change: ${change}"
- fi
- }
- # get list counter
- #
- f_count()
- {
- local file mode="${1}" name="${2}"
- adb_cnt=0
- case "${mode}" in
- "blacklist")
- if [ -s "${adb_tmpfile}.${name}" ]
- then
- adb_cnt="$(wc -l 2>/dev/null < "${adb_tmpfile}.${name}")"
- fi
- ;;
- "whitelist")
- if [ -s "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.raw.${name}" ]
- then
- adb_cnt="$(wc -l 2>/dev/null < "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.raw.${name}")"
- rm -f "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.raw.${name}"
- fi
- ;;
- "safesearch")
- if [ -s "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.safesearch.${name}" ]
- then
- adb_cnt="$(wc -l 2>/dev/null < "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.safesearch.${name}")"
- fi
- ;;
- "merge")
- if [ -s "${adb_tmpdir}/${adb_dnsfile}" ]
- then
- adb_cnt="$(wc -l 2>/dev/null < "${adb_tmpdir}/${adb_dnsfile}")"
- fi
- ;;
- "download"|"backup"|"restore")
- if [ -s "${src_tmpfile}" ]
- then
- adb_cnt="$(wc -l 2>/dev/null < "${src_tmpfile}")"
- fi
- ;;
- "final")
- if [ -s "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsfile}" ]
- then
- adb_cnt="$(wc -l 2>/dev/null < "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsfile}")"
- if [ -s "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.add.whitelist" ]
- then
- adb_cnt=$((adb_cnt-$(wc -l 2>/dev/null < "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.add.whitelist")))
- fi
- for file in "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.safesearch".*
- do
- if [ -r "${file}" ]
- then
- adb_cnt=$((adb_cnt-$(wc -l 2>/dev/null < "${file}")))
- fi
- done
- if [ -n "${adb_dnsheader}" ]
- then
- adb_cnt=$(((adb_cnt-$(printf "${adb_dnsheader}" | grep -c "^"))/2))
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- }
- # set external config options
- #
- f_extconf()
- {
- local config config_dir config_file section zone port fwcfg
- case "${adb_dns}" in
- "dnsmasq")
- config="dhcp"
- config_dir="$(uci_get dhcp "@dnsmasq[${adb_dnsinstance}]" confdir | grep -Fo "${adb_dnsdir}")"
- if [ "${adb_enabled}" = "1" ] && [ -z "${config_dir}" ]
- then
- uci_set dhcp "@dnsmasq[${adb_dnsinstance}]" confdir "${adb_dnsdir}" 2>/dev/null
- fi
- ;;
- "kresd")
- config="resolver"
- config_file="$(uci_get resolver kresd rpz_file | grep -Fo "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsfile}")"
- if [ "${adb_enabled}" = "1" ] && [ -z "${config_file}" ]
- then
- uci -q add_list resolver.kresd.rpz_file="${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsfile}"
- elif [ "${adb_enabled}" = "0" ] && [ -n "${config_file}" ]
- then
- uci -q del_list resolver.kresd.rpz_file="${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsfile}"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- f_uci "${config}"
- config="firewall"
- fwcfg="$(uci -qNX show "${config}" | "${adb_awk}" 'BEGIN{FS="[.=]"};/adblock_/{if(zone==$2){next}else{ORS=" ";zone=$2;print zone}}')"
- if [ "${adb_enabled}" = "1" ] && [ "${adb_forcedns}" = "1" ] && \
- [ "$(/etc/init.d/firewall enabled; printf "%u" ${?})" = "0" ]
- then
- for zone in ${adb_zonelist}
- do
- for port in ${adb_portlist}
- do
- if [ -z "$(printf "%s" "${fwcfg}" | grep -o -m1 "adblock_${zone}${port}[ |\$]")" ]
- then
- uci -q batch <<-EOC
- set firewall."adblock_${zone}${port}"="redirect"
- set firewall."adblock_${zone}${port}".name="Adblock DNS (${zone}, ${port})"
- set firewall."adblock_${zone}${port}".src="${zone}"
- set firewall."adblock_${zone}${port}".proto="tcp udp"
- set firewall."adblock_${zone}${port}".src_dport="${port}"
- set firewall."adblock_${zone}${port}".dest_port="${port}"
- set firewall."adblock_${zone}${port}".target="DNAT"
- fi
- fwcfg="${fwcfg/adblock_${zone}${port}[ |\$]/}"
- done
- done
- fwcfg="${fwcfg#"${fwcfg%%[![:space:]]*}"}"
- fwcfg="${fwcfg%"${fwcfg##*[![:space:]]}"}"
- fi
- if [ "${adb_enabled}" = "0" ] || [ "${adb_forcedns}" = "0" ] || [ -n "${fwcfg}" ]
- then
- for section in ${fwcfg}
- do
- uci_remove firewall "${section}"
- done
- fi
- f_uci "${config}"
- }
- # restart dns backend
- #
- f_dnsup()
- {
- local dns_service dns_up dns_pid dns_procfile restart_rc cnt=0 out_rc=4 in_rc="${1:-0}"
- if [ "${adb_dns}" = "raw" ] || { [ "${in_rc}" = "0" ] && [ "${adb_dnsinotify}" = "1" ]; }
- then
- out_rc=0
- else
- "/etc/init.d/${adb_dns}" restart >/dev/null 2>&1
- restart_rc="${?}"
- fi
- if [ "${restart_rc}" = "0" ]
- then
- while [ "${cnt}" -le "${adb_dnstimeout}" ]
- do
- dns_service="$(ubus -S call service list "{\"name\":\"${adb_dns}\"}")"
- dns_up="$(printf "%s" "${dns_service}" | jsonfilter -l1 -e "@[\"${adb_dns}\"].instances.*.running")"
- dns_pid="$(printf "%s" "${dns_service}" | jsonfilter -l1 -e "@[\"${adb_dns}\"].instances.*.pid")"
- dns_procfile="$(ls -l "/proc/${dns_pid}/fd" 2>/dev/null | grep -Fo "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsfile}")"
- if [ "${dns_up}" = "true" ] && [ -n "${dns_pid}" ] && [ -z "${dns_procfile}" ]
- then
- if [ -x "${adb_lookupcmd}" ] && [ "${adb_lookupdomain}" != "false" ]
- then
- "${adb_lookupcmd}" "${adb_lookupdomain}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- if [ "${?}" = "0" ]
- then
- out_rc=0
- break
- fi
- else
- sleep ${adb_dnstimeout}
- cnt=${adb_dnstimeout}
- out_rc=0
- break
- fi
- fi
- cnt=$((cnt+1))
- sleep 1
- done
- fi
- f_log "debug" "f_dnsup ::: lookup_util: ${adb_lookupcmd:-"-"}, lookup_domain: ${adb_lookupdomain:-"-"}, restart_rc: ${restart_rc:-"-"}, dns_timeout: ${adb_dnstimeout}, dns_cnt: ${cnt}, in_rc: ${in_rc}, out_rc: ${out_rc}"
- return "${out_rc}"
- }
- # backup/restore/remove blocklists
- #
- f_list()
- {
- local hold file rset item array safe_url safe_ips safe_cname safe_domains out_rc mode="${1}" src_name="${2:-"${src_name}"}" in_rc="${src_rc:-0}" cnt=1 ffiles="-maxdepth 1 -name ${adb_dnsprefix}.*.gz"
- case "${mode}" in
- "blacklist"|"whitelist")
- src_name="${mode}"
- if [ "${src_name}" = "blacklist" ] && [ -f "${adb_blacklist}" ]
- then
- rset="/^([[:alnum:]_-]{1,63}\\.)+[[:alpha:]]+([[:space:]]|$)/{print tolower(\$1)}"
- "${adb_awk}" "${rset}" "${adb_blacklist}" | \
- "${adb_awk}" 'BEGIN{FS="."}{for(f=NF;f>1;f--)printf "%s.",$f;print $1}' > "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.raw.${src_name}"
- "${adb_sort}" ${adb_srtopts} -u "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.raw.${src_name}" 2>/dev/null > "${adb_tmpfile}.${src_name}"
- out_rc="${?}"
- rm -f "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.raw.${src_name}"
- elif [ "${src_name}" = "whitelist" ] && [ -f "${adb_whitelist}" ]
- then
- rset="/^([[:alnum:]_-]{1,63}\\.)+[[:alpha:]]+([[:space:]]|$)/{print tolower(\$1)}"
- "${adb_awk}" "${rset}" "${adb_whitelist}" > "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.raw.${src_name}"
- out_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${out_rc}" = "0" ]
- then
- rset="/^([[:alnum:]_-]{1,63}\\.)+[[:alpha:]]+([[:space:]]|$)/{gsub(\"\\\\.\",\"\\\\.\",\$1);print tolower(\"^(|.*\\\\.)\"\$1\"$\")}"
- "${adb_awk}" "${rset}" "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.raw.${src_name}" > "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.rem.${src_name}"
- out_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${out_rc}" = "0" ] && [ "${adb_dnsallow}" != "1" ]
- then
- eval "${adb_dnsallow}" "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.raw.${src_name}" > "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.add.${src_name}"
- out_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${out_rc}" = "0" ] && [ "${adb_jail}" = "1" ] && [ "${adb_dnsstop}" != "0" ]
- then
- > "${adb_jaildir}/${adb_dnsjail}"
- if [ -n "${adb_dnsheader}" ]
- then
- printf "${adb_dnsheader}" >> "${adb_jaildir}/${adb_dnsjail}"
- fi
- cat "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.add.${src_name}" >> "${adb_jaildir}/${adb_dnsjail}"
- printf "%s\n" "${adb_dnsstop}" >> "${adb_jaildir}/${adb_dnsjail}"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- "safesearch")
- case "${src_name}" in
- "google")
- rset="/^(\\.[[:alnum:]_-]{1,63}\\.)+[[:alpha:]]+([[:space:]]|$)/{printf \"%s\n%s\n\",tolower(\"www\"\$1),tolower(substr(\$1,2,length(\$1)))}"
- safe_url="https://www.google.com/supported_domains"
- safe_cname="forcesafesearch.google.com"
- safe_domains="${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.load.safesearch.${src_name}"
- if [ "${adb_backup}" = "1" ] && [ -s "${adb_backupdir}/safesearch.${src_name}.gz" ]
- then
- zcat "${adb_backupdir}/safesearch.${src_name}.gz" > "${safe_domains}"
- out_rc="${?}"
- else
- "${adb_fetchutil}" ${adb_fetchparm} "${safe_domains}" "${safe_url}" 2>/dev/null
- out_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${adb_backup}" = "1" ] && [ "${out_rc}" = "0" ]
- then
- gzip -cf "${safe_domains}" > "${adb_backupdir}/safesearch.${src_name}.gz"
- fi
- fi
- if [ "${out_rc}" = "0" ]
- then
- if [ -x "${adb_lookupcmd}" ]
- then
- safe_ips="$("${adb_lookupcmd}" "${safe_cname}" 2>/dev/null | "${adb_awk}" '/^Address[ 0-9]*: /{ORS=" ";print $NF}')"
- if [ -n "${safe_ips}" ]
- then
- "${adb_awk}" "${rset}" "${safe_domains}" > "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.raw.safesearch.${src_name}"
- fi
- fi
- out_rc="${?}"
- fi
- ;;
- "bing")
- safe_cname="strict.bing.com"
- safe_domains="www.bing.com"
- if [ -x "${adb_lookupcmd}" ]
- then
- safe_ips="$("${adb_lookupcmd}" "${safe_cname}" 2>/dev/null | "${adb_awk}" '/^Address[ 0-9]*: /{ORS=" ";print $NF}')"
- if [ -n "${safe_ips}" ]
- then
- printf "%s\n" ${safe_domains} > "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.raw.safesearch.${src_name}"
- fi
- fi
- out_rc="${?}"
- ;;
- "duckduckgo")
- safe_cname="safe.duckduckgo.com"
- safe_domains="duckduckgo.com"
- if [ -x "${adb_lookupcmd}" ]
- then
- safe_ips="$("${adb_lookupcmd}" "${safe_cname}" 2>/dev/null | "${adb_awk}" '/^Address[ 0-9]*: /{ORS=" ";print $NF}')"
- if [ -n "${safe_ips}" ]
- then
- printf "%s\n" ${safe_domains} > "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.raw.safesearch.${src_name}"
- fi
- fi
- out_rc="${?}"
- ;;
- "pixabay")
- safe_cname="safesearch.pixabay.com"
- safe_domains="pixabay.com"
- if [ -x "${adb_lookupcmd}" ]
- then
- safe_ips="$("${adb_lookupcmd}" "${safe_cname}" 2>/dev/null | "${adb_awk}" '/^Address[ 0-9]*: /{ORS=" ";print $NF}')"
- if [ -n "${safe_ips}" ]
- then
- printf "%s\n" ${safe_domains} > "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.raw.safesearch.${src_name}"
- fi
- fi
- out_rc="${?}"
- ;;
- "yandex")
- safe_cname="familysearch.yandex.ru"
- safe_domains="ya.ru yandex.ru yandex.com yandex.com.tr yandex.ua yandex.by yandex.ee yandex.lt yandex.lv yandex.md yandex.uz yandex.tm yandex.tj yandex.az yandex.kz"
- if [ -x "${adb_lookupcmd}" ]
- then
- safe_ips="$("${adb_lookupcmd}" "${safe_cname}" 2>/dev/null | "${adb_awk}" '/^Address[ 0-9]*: /{ORS=" ";print $NF}')"
- if [ -n "${safe_ips}" ]
- then
- printf "%s\n" ${safe_domains} > "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.raw.safesearch.${src_name}"
- fi
- fi
- out_rc="${?}"
- ;;
- "youtube")
- if [ "${adb_safesearchmod}" = "0" ]
- then
- safe_cname="restrict.youtube.com"
- else
- safe_cname="restrictmoderate.youtube.com"
- fi
- safe_domains="www.youtube.com m.youtube.com youtubei.googleapis.com youtube.googleapis.com www.youtube-nocookie.com"
- if [ -x "${adb_lookupcmd}" ]
- then
- safe_ips="$("${adb_lookupcmd}" "${safe_cname}" 2>/dev/null | "${adb_awk}" '/^Address[ 0-9]*: /{ORS=" ";print $NF}')"
- if [ -n "${safe_ips}" ]
- then
- printf "%s\n" ${safe_domains} > "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.raw.safesearch.${src_name}"
- fi
- fi
- out_rc="${?}"
- ;;
- esac
- if [ "${out_rc}" = "0" ] && [ -s "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.raw.safesearch.${src_name}" ]
- then
- > "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.safesearch.${src_name}"
- if [ "${adb_dns}" = "named" ]
- then
- array="${safe_cname}"
- else
- array="${safe_ips}"
- fi
- for item in ${array}
- do
- eval "${adb_dnssafesearch}" "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.raw.safesearch.${src_name}" >> "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.safesearch.${src_name}"
- if [ "${?}" != "0" ]
- then
- rm -f "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.safesearch.${src_name}"
- break
- fi
- done
- out_rc="${?}"
- rm -f "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.raw.safesearch.${src_name}"
- fi
- ;;
- "backup")
- (
- gzip -cf "${src_tmpfile}" > "${adb_backupdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}.gz"
- out_rc="${?}"
- )&
- ;;
- "restore")
- if [ -n "${src_name}" ] && [ -s "${adb_backupdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}.gz" ]
- then
- zcat "${adb_backupdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}.gz" > "${src_tmpfile}"
- out_rc="${?}"
- elif [ -z "${src_name}" ]
- then
- for file in "${adb_backupdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}".*.gz
- do
- if [ -r "${file}" ]
- then
- name="${file##*/}"
- name="${name%.*}"
- zcat "${file}" > "${adb_tmpfile}.${name}" &
- hold=$((cnt%adb_maxqueue))
- if [ "${hold}" = "0" ]
- then
- wait
- fi
- cnt=$((cnt+1))
- fi
- done
- wait
- out_rc="${?}"
- else
- out_rc=4
- fi
- if [ "${adb_action}" != "start" ] && [ "${adb_action}" != "resume" ] && [ -n "${src_name}" ] && [ "${out_rc}" != "0" ]
- then
- adb_sources="${adb_sources/${src_name}}"
- fi
- ;;
- "remove")
- if [ "${adb_backup}" = "1" ]
- then
- rm "${adb_backupdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}.gz" 2>/dev/null
- fi
- out_rc="${?}"
- adb_sources="${adb_sources/${src_name}}"
- ;;
- "merge")
- if [ "${adb_backup}" = "1" ]
- then
- for src_name in ${adb_sources}
- do
- ffiles="${ffiles} -a ! -name ${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}.gz"
- done
- if [ "${adb_safesearch}" = "1" ] && [ "${adb_dnssafesearch}" != "0" ]
- then
- ffiles="${ffiles} -a ! -name safesearch.google.gz"
- fi
- find "${adb_backupdir}" ${ffiles} -print0 2>/dev/null | xargs -0 rm 2>/dev/null
- fi
- unset src_name
- "${adb_sort}" ${adb_srtopts} -mu "${adb_tmpfile}".* 2>/dev/null > "${adb_tmpdir}/${adb_dnsfile}"
- out_rc="${?}"
- rm -f "${adb_tmpfile}".*
- ;;
- "final")
- unset src_name
- if [ -n "${adb_dnsheader}" ]
- then
- printf "${adb_dnsheader}" > "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsfile}"
- else
- > "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsfile}"
- fi
- if [ -s "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.add.whitelist" ]
- then
- cat "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.add.whitelist" >> "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsfile}"
- fi
- for file in "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.safesearch".*
- do
- if [ -r "${file}" ]
- then
- cat "${file}" >> "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsfile}"
- fi
- done
- if [ "${adb_dnsdeny}" != "0" ]
- then
- eval "${adb_dnsdeny}" "${adb_tmpdir}/${adb_dnsfile}" >> "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsfile}"
- else
- mv "${adb_tmpdir}/${adb_dnsfile}" "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsfile}"
- fi
- out_rc="${?}"
- ;;
- esac
- f_count "${mode}" "${src_name}"
- out_rc="${out_rc:-"${in_rc}"}"
- f_log "debug" "f_list ::: name: ${src_name:-"-"}, mode: ${mode}, cnt: ${adb_cnt}, in_rc: ${in_rc}, out_rc: ${out_rc}"
- return "${out_rc}"
- }
- # top level domain compression
- #
- f_tld()
- {
- local cnt cnt_tld source="${1}" temp_tld="${1}.tld"
- "${adb_awk}" '{if(NR==1){tld=$NF};while(getline){if(index($NF,tld".")==0){print tld;tld=$NF}}print tld}' "${source}" | \
- "${adb_awk}" 'BEGIN{FS="."}{for(f=NF;f>1;f--)printf "%s.",$f;print $1}' > "${temp_tld}"
- if [ "${?}" = "0" ]
- then
- mv -f "${temp_tld}" "${source}"
- cnt_tld="$(wc -l 2>/dev/null < "${source}")"
- else
- rm -f "${temp_tld}"
- fi
- f_log "debug" "f_tld ::: source: ${source}, cnt: ${adb_cnt:-"-"}, cnt_tld: ${cnt_tld:-"-"}"
- }
- # suspend/resume adblock processing
- #
- f_switch()
- {
- local status entry done="false" mode="${1}"
- json_load_file "${adb_rtfile}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- json_select "data" >/dev/null 2>&1
- json_get_var status "adblock_status"
- if [ "${mode}" = "suspend" ] && [ "${status}" = "enabled" ]
- then
- f_env
- printf "${adb_dnsheader}" > "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsfile}"
- if [ "${adb_jail}" = "1" ] && [ "${adb_jaildir}" = "${adb_dnsdir}" ]
- then
- printf "${adb_dnsheader}" > "${adb_jaildir}/${adb_dnsjail}"
- elif [ -f "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsjail}" ]
- then
- rm -f "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsjail}"
- fi
- f_count
- done="true"
- elif [ "${mode}" = "resume" ] && [ "${status}" = "paused" ]
- then
- f_env
- f_main
- done="true"
- fi
- if [ "${done}" = "true" ]
- then
- if [ "${mode}" = "suspend" ]
- then
- f_dnsup
- fi
- f_jsnup "${mode}"
- f_log "info" "${mode} adblock processing"
- fi
- f_rmtemp
- }
- # query blocklist for certain (sub-)domains
- #
- f_query()
- {
- local search result prefix suffix field query_start query_end query_timeout=30 domain="${1}" tld="${1#*.}"
- if [ -z "${domain}" ] || [ "${domain}" = "${tld}" ]
- then
- printf "%s\n" "::: invalid input, please submit a single (sub-)domain :::"
- else
- case "${adb_dns}" in
- "dnsmasq")
- prefix=".*[\\/\\.]"
- suffix="(\\/)"
- field=2
- ;;
- "unbound")
- prefix=".*[\"\\.]"
- suffix="(static)"
- field=3
- ;;
- "named")
- prefix="[^\\*].*[\\.]"
- suffix="( \\.)"
- field=1
- ;;
- "kresd")
- prefix="[^\\*].*[\\.]"
- suffix="( \\.)"
- field=1
- ;;
- "raw")
- prefix=".*[\\.]"
- suffix=""
- field=1
- ;;
- esac
- query_start="$(date "+%s")"
- while [ "${domain}" != "${tld}" ]
- do
- search="${domain//[+*~%\$&\"\']/}"
- search="${search//./\\.}"
- result="$("${adb_awk}" -F '/|\"|\t| ' "/^(${search}|${prefix}+${search}.*${suffix})$/{i++;if(i<=9){printf \" + %s\n\",\$${field}}else if(i==10){printf \" + %s\n\",\"[...]\";exit}}" "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsfile}")"
- printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: domain '${domain}' in active blocklist" ":::"
- printf "%s\n\n" "${result:-" - no match"}"
- domain="${tld}"
- tld="${domain#*.}"
- done
- if [ "${adb_backup}" = "1" ] && [ -d "${adb_backupdir}" ]
- then
- search="${1//[+*~%\$&\"\']/}"
- search="${search//./\\.}"
- printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: domain '${1}' in backups and black-/whitelist" ":::"
- for file in "${adb_backupdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}".*.gz "${adb_blacklist}" "${adb_whitelist}"
- do
- suffix="${file##*.}"
- if [ "${suffix}" = "gz" ]
- then
- zcat "${file}" 2>/dev/null | \
- "${adb_awk}" 'BEGIN{FS="."}{for(f=NF;f>1;f--)printf "%s.",$f;print $1}' | "${adb_awk}" -v f="${file##*/}" "BEGIN{rc=1};/^($search|.*\\.${search})$/{i++;if(i<=3){printf \" + %-30s%s\n\",f,\$1;rc=0}else if(i==4){printf \" + %-30s%s\n\",f,\"[...]\"}};END{exit rc}"
- else
- "${adb_awk}" -v f="${file##*/}" "BEGIN{rc=1};/^($search|.*\\.${search})$/{i++;if(i<=3){printf \" + %-30s%s\n\",f,\$1;rc=0}else if(i==4){printf \" + %-30s%s\n\",f,\"[...]\"}};END{exit rc}" "${file}"
- fi
- if [ "${?}" = "0" ]
- then
- result="true"
- query_end="$(date "+%s")"
- if [ "$((query_end-query_start))" -gt "${query_timeout}" ]
- then
- printf "%s\n\n" " - [...]"
- break
- fi
- fi
- done
- if [ "${result}" != "true" ]
- then
- printf "%s\n\n" " - no match"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- }
- # update runtime information
- #
- f_jsnup()
- {
- local entry sources runtime utils memory bg_pid status="${1:-"enabled"}"
- case "${status}" in
- "enabled"|"error")
- adb_endtime="$(date "+%s")"
- memory="$("${adb_awk}" '/^MemTotal|^MemFree|^MemAvailable/{ORS="/"; print int($2/1000)}' "/proc/meminfo" 2>/dev/null | "${adb_awk}" '{print substr($0,1,length($0)-1)}')"
- if [ "$(( (adb_endtime-adb_starttime)/60 ))" -lt 60 ]
- then
- runtime="${adb_action}, $(( (adb_endtime-adb_starttime)/60 ))m $(( (adb_endtime-adb_starttime)%60 ))s, ${memory:-0}, $(date "+%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")"
- else
- runtime="${adb_action}, n/a, ${memory:-0}, $(date "+%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")"
- fi
- if [ "${status}" = "error" ]
- then
- adb_cnt=0
- fi
- ;;
- "suspend")
- status="paused"
- ;;
- "resume")
- status=""
- ;;
- esac
- json_load_file "${adb_rtfile}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- if [ "${?}" = "0" ]
- then
- if [ -z "${adb_fetchutil}" ] || [ -z "${adb_awk}" ]
- then
- json_get_var utils "utilities"
- else
- utils="${adb_fetchutil}, ${adb_awk}"
- fi
- if [ -z "${adb_cnt}" ]
- then
- json_get_var adb_cnt "blocked_domains"
- adb_cnt="${adb_cnt%% *}"
- fi
- if [ -z "${runtime}" ]
- then
- json_get_var runtime "last_run"
- fi
- fi
- if [ "${adb_jail}" = "1" ] && [ "${adb_jaildir}" = "${adb_dnsdir}" ]
- then
- adb_cnt="0"
- sources="restrictive_jail"
- else
- sources="$(printf "%s\n" ${adb_sources} | "${adb_sort}" | "${adb_awk}" '{ORS=" ";print $0}')"
- fi
- > "${adb_rtfile}"
- json_load_file "${adb_rtfile}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- json_init
- json_add_string "adblock_status" "${status:-"enabled"}"
- json_add_string "adblock_version" "${adb_ver}"
- json_add_string "blocked_domains" "${adb_cnt:-0}"
- json_add_array "active_sources"
- for entry in ${sources}
- do
- json_add_object
- json_add_string "source" "${entry}"
- json_close_object
- done
- json_close_array
- json_add_string "dns_backend" "${adb_dns:-"-"}, ${adb_dnsdir:-"-"}"
- json_add_string "run_utils" "${utils:-"-"}"
- json_add_string "run_ifaces" "trigger: ${adb_trigger:-"-"}, report: ${adb_repiface:-"-"}"
- json_add_string "run_directories" "base: ${adb_tmpbase}, backup: ${adb_backupdir}, report: ${adb_reportdir}, jail: ${adb_jaildir}"
- json_add_string "run_flags" "backup: ${adb_backup}, flush: ${adb_dnsflush}, force: ${adb_forcedns}, search: ${adb_safesearch}, report: ${adb_report}, mail: ${adb_mail}, jail: ${adb_jail}"
- json_add_string "last_run" "${runtime:-"-"}"
- json_add_string "system" "${adb_sysver}"
- json_dump > "${adb_rtfile}"
- if [ "${adb_mail}" = "1" ] && [ -x "${adb_mailservice}" ] && \
- { [ "${status}" = "error" ] || { [ "${status}" = "enabled" ] && [ "${adb_cnt}" -le "${adb_mailcnt}" ]; } }
- then
- ( "${adb_mailservice}" "${adb_ver}" >/dev/null 2>&1 )&
- bg_pid="${!}"
- fi
- f_log "debug" "f_jsnup ::: status: ${status:-"-"}, cnt: ${adb_cnt}, mail: ${adb_mail}, mail_service: ${adb_mailservice}, mail_cnt: ${adb_mailcnt}, mail_pid: ${bg_pid:-"-"}"
- }
- # write to syslog
- #
- f_log()
- {
- local class="${1}" log_msg="${2}"
- if [ -n "${log_msg}" ] && { [ "${class}" != "debug" ] || [ "${adb_debug}" = "1" ]; }
- then
- if [ -x "${adb_loggercmd}" ]
- then
- "${adb_loggercmd}" -p "${class}" -t "adblock-${adb_ver}[${$}]" "${log_msg}"
- else
- printf "%s %s %s\n" "${class}" "adblock-${adb_ver}[${$}]" "${log_msg}"
- fi
- if [ "${class}" = "err" ]
- then
- f_rmdns
- f_jsnup "error"
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- }
- # main function for blocklist processing
- #
- f_main()
- {
- local src_tmpload src_tmpfile src_name src_rset src_url src_log src_arc src_cat src_item src_list src_entries src_suffix src_rc entry keylist memory cnt=1
- memory="$("${adb_awk}" '/^MemTotal|^MemFree|^MemAvailable/{ORS="/"; print int($2/1000)}' "/proc/meminfo" 2>/dev/null | "${adb_awk}" '{print substr($0,1,length($0)-1)}')"
- f_log "debug" "f_main ::: memory: ${memory:-0}, max_queue: ${adb_maxqueue}, safe_search: ${adb_safesearch}, force_dns: ${adb_forcedns}, awk: ${adb_awk}"
- # white- and blacklist preparation
- #
- for entry in ${adb_locallist}
- do
- ( f_list "${entry}" "${entry}" )&
- done
- if [ "${adb_dns}" != "raw" ] && [ "${adb_jail}" = "1" ] && [ "${adb_jaildir}" = "${adb_dnsdir}" ]
- then
- printf "${adb_dnsheader}" > "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsfile}"
- chown "${adb_dnsuser}" "${adb_jaildir}/${adb_dnsjail}" 2>/dev/null
- f_dnsup
- if [ "${?}" = "0" ]
- then
- if [ "${adb_action}" != "resume" ]
- then
- f_jsnup "enabled"
- fi
- f_log "info" "restrictive jail mode enabled successfully (${adb_sysver})"
- else
- f_log "err" "dns backend restart in jail mode failed"
- fi
- f_rmtemp
- return
- elif [ -f "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsjail}" ]
- then
- rm -f "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsjail}"
- f_dnsup
- fi
- # safe search preparation
- #
- if [ "${adb_safesearch}" = "1" ] && [ "${adb_dnssafesearch}" != "0" ]
- then
- if [ -z "${adb_safesearchlist}" ]
- then
- adb_safesearchlist="google bing duckduckgo pixabay yandex youtube"
- fi
- for entry in ${adb_safesearchlist}
- do
- ( f_list safesearch "${entry}" )&
- done
- fi
- wait
- # main loop
- #
- for src_name in ${adb_sources}
- do
- json_select "${src_name}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- if [ "${?}" != "0" ]
- then
- adb_sources="${adb_sources/${src_name}}"
- continue
- fi
- json_get_var src_url "url" >/dev/null 2>&1
- json_get_var src_rset "rule" >/dev/null 2>&1
- json_select ..
- src_tmpcat="${adb_tmpload}.${src_name}.cat"
- src_tmpload="${adb_tmpload}.${src_name}.load"
- src_tmpsort="${adb_tmpload}.${src_name}.sort"
- src_tmpfile="${adb_tmpfile}.${src_name}"
- src_rc=4
- # basic pre-checks
- #
- if [ -z "${src_url}" ] || [ -z "${src_rset}" ]
- then
- f_list remove
- continue
- fi
- # backup mode
- #
- if [ "${adb_backup}" = "1" ] && { [ "${adb_action}" = "start" ] || [ "${adb_action}" = "resume" ]; }
- then
- f_list restore
- if [ "${?}" = "0" ] && [ -s "${src_tmpfile}" ]
- then
- continue
- fi
- fi
- # download queue processing
- #
- unset src_cat src_entries
- if [ "${src_name}" = "shallalist" ] || [ "${src_name}" = "utcapitole" ]
- then
- if [ "${src_name}" = "shallalist" ] && [ -n "${adb_sha_sources}" ]
- then
- src_cat="${adb_sha_sources}"
- elif [ "${src_name}" = "utcapitole" ] && [ -n "${adb_utc_sources}" ]
- then
- src_cat="${adb_utc_sources}"
- fi
- if [ -n "${src_cat}" ]
- then
- (
- src_arc="${adb_tmpdir}/${src_url##*/}"
- src_log="$("${adb_fetchutil}" ${adb_fetchparm} "${src_arc}" "${src_url}" 2>&1)"
- src_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${src_rc}" = "0" ] && [ -s "${src_arc}" ]
- then
- src_suffix="$(eval printf "%s" \"\$\{adb_src_suffix_${src_name}:-\"domains\"\}\")"
- src_list="$(tar -tzf "${src_arc}" 2>/dev/null)"
- for src_item in ${src_cat}
- do
- src_entries="${src_entries} $(printf "%s" "${src_list}" | grep -E "${src_item}/${src_suffix}$")"
- done
- if [ -n "${src_entries}" ]
- then
- tar -xOzf "${src_arc}" ${src_entries} 2>/dev/null > "${src_tmpload}"
- src_rc="${?}"
- fi
- > "${src_arc}"
- else
- src_log="$(printf "%s" "${src_log}" | "${adb_awk}" '{ORS=" ";print $0}')"
- f_log "info" "download of '${src_name}' failed, url: ${src_url}, rule: ${src_rset:-"-"}, categories: ${src_cat:-"-"}, rc: ${src_rc}, log: ${src_log:-"-"}"
- fi
- if [ "${src_rc}" = "0" ] && [ -s "${src_tmpload}" ]
- then
- if [ -s "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.rem.whitelist" ]
- then
- "${adb_awk}" "${src_rset}" "${src_tmpload}" | sed "s/\r//g" | \
- grep -Evf "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.rem.whitelist" | "${adb_awk}" 'BEGIN{FS="."}{for(f=NF;f>1;f--)printf "%s.",$f;print $1}' > "${src_tmpsort}"
- else
- "${adb_awk}" "${src_rset}" "${src_tmpload}" | sed "s/\r//g" | \
- "${adb_awk}" 'BEGIN{FS="."}{for(f=NF;f>1;f--)printf "%s.",$f;print $1}' > "${src_tmpsort}"
- fi
- > "${src_tmpload}"
- "${adb_sort}" ${adb_srtopts} -u "${src_tmpsort}" 2>/dev/null > "${src_tmpfile}"
- src_rc="${?}"
- > "${src_tmpsort}"
- if [ "${src_rc}" = "0" ] && [ -s "${src_tmpfile}" ]
- then
- f_list download
- if [ "${adb_backup}" = "1" ]
- then
- f_list backup
- fi
- elif [ "${adb_backup}" = "1" ] && [ "${adb_action}" != "start" ]
- then
- f_log "info" "archive preparation of '${src_name}' failed, categories: ${src_cat:-"-"}, entries: ${src_entries}, rc: ${src_rc}"
- f_list restore
- rm -f "${src_tmpfile}"
- fi
- elif [ "${adb_backup}" = "1" ] && [ "${adb_action}" != "start" ]
- then
- f_log "info" "archive extraction of '${src_name}' failed, categories: ${src_cat:-"-"}, entries: ${src_entries}, rc: ${src_rc}"
- f_list restore
- fi
- )&
- fi
- else
- if [ "${src_name}" = "energized" ] && [ -n "${adb_eng_sources}" ]
- then
- src_cat="${adb_eng_sources}"
- elif [ "${src_name}" = "stevenblack" ] && [ -n "${adb_stb_sources}" ]
- then
- src_cat="${adb_stb_sources}"
- elif { [ "${src_name}" = "energized" ] && [ -z "${adb_eng_sources}" ]; } || \
- { [ "${src_name}" = "stevenblack" ] && [ -z "${adb_stb_sources}" ]; }
- then
- continue
- fi
- (
- for suffix in ${src_cat:-${src_url}}
- do
- if [ "${src_url}" != "${suffix}" ]
- then
- src_log="$("${adb_fetchutil}" ${adb_fetchparm} "${src_tmpcat}" "${src_url}${suffix}" 2>&1)"
- src_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${src_rc}" = "0" ] && [ -s "${src_tmpcat}" ]
- then
- cat "${src_tmpcat}" >> "${src_tmpload}"
- > "${src_tmpcat}"
- fi
- else
- src_log="$("${adb_fetchutil}" ${adb_fetchparm} "${src_tmpload}" "${src_url}" 2>&1)"
- src_rc="${?}"
- fi
- done
- if [ "${src_rc}" = "0" ] && [ -s "${src_tmpload}" ]
- then
- if [ -s "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.rem.whitelist" ]
- then
- "${adb_awk}" "${src_rset}" "${src_tmpload}" | sed "s/\r//g" | \
- grep -Evf "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.rem.whitelist" | "${adb_awk}" 'BEGIN{FS="."}{for(f=NF;f>1;f--)printf "%s.",$f;print $1}' > "${src_tmpsort}"
- else
- "${adb_awk}" "${src_rset}" "${src_tmpload}" | sed "s/\r//g" | \
- "${adb_awk}" 'BEGIN{FS="."}{for(f=NF;f>1;f--)printf "%s.",$f;print $1}' > "${src_tmpsort}"
- fi
- > "${src_tmpload}"
- "${adb_sort}" ${adb_srtopts} -u "${src_tmpsort}" 2>/dev/null > "${src_tmpfile}"
- src_rc="${?}"
- > "${src_tmpsort}"
- if [ "${src_rc}" = "0" ] && [ -s "${src_tmpfile}" ]
- then
- f_list download
- if [ "${adb_backup}" = "1" ]
- then
- f_list backup
- fi
- elif [ "${adb_backup}" = "1" ] && [ "${adb_action}" != "start" ]
- then
- f_log "info" "preparation of '${src_name}' failed, rc: ${src_rc}"
- f_list restore
- rm -f "${src_tmpfile}"
- fi
- else
- src_log="$(printf "%s" "${src_log}" | "${adb_awk}" '{ORS=" ";print $0}')"
- f_log "info" "download of '${src_name}' failed, url: ${src_url}, rule: ${src_rset:-"-"}, categories: ${src_cat:-"-"}, rc: ${src_rc}, log: ${src_log:-"-"}"
- if [ "${adb_backup}" = "1" ] && [ "${adb_action}" != "start" ]
- then
- f_list restore
- fi
- fi
- )&
- fi
- hold=$((cnt%adb_maxqueue))
- if [ "${hold}" = "0" ]
- then
- wait
- fi
- cnt=$((cnt+1))
- done
- wait
- f_list merge
- # tld compression and dns restart
- #
- if [ "${?}" = "0" ] && [ -s "${adb_tmpdir}/${adb_dnsfile}" ]
- then
- f_tld "${adb_tmpdir}/${adb_dnsfile}"
- f_list final
- else
- printf "${adb_dnsheader}" > "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsfile}"
- fi
- chown "${adb_dnsuser}" "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsfile}" 2>/dev/null
- f_dnsup
- if [ "${?}" = "0" ]
- then
- if [ "${adb_action}" != "resume" ]
- then
- f_jsnup "enabled"
- fi
- f_log "info" "blocklist with overall ${adb_cnt} blocked domains loaded successfully (${adb_sysver})"
- else
- f_log "err" "dns backend restart with adblock blocklist failed"
- fi
- f_rmtemp
- }
- # trace dns queries via tcpdump and prepare a report
- #
- f_report()
- {
- local iface bg_pid status total start end blocked percent top_list top array item index hold ports cnt=0 search="${1}" count="${2}" process="${3}" print="${4}"
- if [ "${adb_report}" = "1" ] && [ ! -x "${adb_dumpcmd}" ]
- then
- f_log "info" "Please install the package 'tcpdump' or 'tcpdump-mini' to use the reporting feature"
- elif [ "${adb_report}" = "0" ] && [ "${adb_action}" = "report" ]
- then
- f_log "info" "Please enable the 'DNS Report' option to use the reporting feature"
- fi
- if [ -x "${adb_dumpcmd}" ]
- then
- bg_pid="$(pgrep -f "^${adb_dumpcmd}.*adb_report\\.pcap$" | "${adb_awk}" '{ORS=" "; print $1}')"
- if [ "${adb_report}" = "0" ] || { [ -n "${bg_pid}" ] && { [ "${adb_action}" = "stop" ] || [ "${adb_action}" = "restart" ]; } }
- then
- if [ -n "${bg_pid}" ]
- then
- kill -HUP "${bg_pid}" 2>/dev/null
- while $(kill -0 "${bg_pid}" 2>/dev/null)
- do
- sleep 1
- done
- unset bg_pid
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if [ -x "${adb_dumpcmd}" ] && [ "${adb_report}" = "1" ]
- then
- if [ -z "${bg_pid}" ] && [ "${adb_action}" != "report" ] && [ "${adb_action}" != "stop" ]
- then
- for port in ${adb_replisten}
- do
- if [ -z "${ports}" ]
- then
- ports="port ${port}"
- else
- ports="${ports} or port ${port}"
- fi
- done
- if [ -z "${adb_repiface}" ]
- then
- network_get_device iface "lan"
- if [ -n "${iface}" ]
- then
- adb_repiface="${iface}"
- else
- network_get_physdev iface "lan"
- if [ -n "${iface}" ]
- then
- adb_repiface="${iface}"
- fi
- fi
- if [ -n "${adb_repiface}" ]
- then
- uci_set adblock global adb_repiface "${adb_repiface}"
- f_uci "adblock"
- fi
- fi
- if [ -n "${adb_reportdir}" ] && [ ! -d "${adb_reportdir}" ]
- then
- mkdir -p "${adb_reportdir}"
- f_log "info" "report directory '${adb_reportdir}' created"
- fi
- if [ -n "${adb_repiface}" ] && [ -d "${adb_reportdir}" ]
- then
- ( "${adb_dumpcmd}" -nn -s0 -l -i ${adb_repiface} ${ports} -C${adb_repchunksize} -W${adb_repchunkcnt} -w "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.pcap" >/dev/null 2>&1 & )
- bg_pid="$(pgrep -f "^${adb_dumpcmd}.*adb_report\\.pcap$" | "${adb_awk}" '{ORS=" "; print $1}')"
- else
- f_log "info" "Please set the name of the reporting network device 'adb_repiface' manually"
- fi
- fi
- if [ "${adb_action}" = "report" ] && [ "${process}" = "true" ]
- then
- > "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.raw"
- for file in "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.pcap"*
- do
- (
- "${adb_dumpcmd}" -tttt -r "${file}" 2>/dev/null | \
- "${adb_awk}" -v cnt="${cnt}" '!/\.lan\. |PTR\? | SOA\? /&&/ A[\? ]+|NXDomain|0\.0\.0\.0/{a=$1;b=substr($2,0,8);c=$4;sub(/\.[0-9]+$/,"",c);gsub(/[^[:alnum:]\.:-]/,"",c);d=cnt $7;sub(/\*$/,"",d);
- e=$(NF-1);sub(/[0-9]\/[0-9]\/[0-9]|0\.0\.0\.0/,"NX",e);sub(/\.$/,"",e);sub(/([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}/,"OK",e);gsub(/[^[:alnum:]\.-]/,"",e);if(e==""){e="err"};printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n",d,e,a,b,c}' >> "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.raw"
- )&
- hold=$((cnt%adb_maxqueue))
- if [ "${hold}" = "0" ]
- then
- wait
- fi
- cnt=$((cnt+1))
- done
- wait
- if [ -s "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.raw" ]
- then
- "${adb_sort}" ${adb_srtopts} -k1 -k3 -k4 -k5 -k1 -ur "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.raw" | \
- "${adb_awk}" '{currA=($1+0);currB=$1;currC=substr($1,length($1),1);if(reqA==currB){reqA=0;printf "%s\t%s\n",d,$2}else if(currC=="+"){reqA=currA;d=$3"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$2}}' | \
- "${adb_sort}" ${adb_srtopts} -k1 -k2 -k3 -k4 -ur > "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.srt"
- rm -f "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.raw"
- fi
- if [ -s "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.srt" ]
- then
- start="$("${adb_awk}" 'END{printf "%s_%s",$1,$2}' "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.srt")"
- end="$("${adb_awk}" 'NR==1{printf "%s_%s",$1,$2}' "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.srt")"
- total="$(wc -l < "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.srt")"
- blocked="$("${adb_awk}" '{if($5=="NX")cnt++}END{printf "%s",cnt}' "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.srt")"
- percent="$("${adb_awk}" -v t="${total}" -v b="${blocked}" 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f%s",b/t*100,"%"}')"
- > "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.json"
- printf "%s\n" "{ " >> "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.json"
- printf "\t%s\n" "\"start_date\": \"${start%_*}\", " >> "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.json"
- printf "\t%s\n" "\"start_time\": \"${start#*_}\", " >> "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.json"
- printf "\t%s\n" "\"end_date\": \"${end%_*}\", " >> "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.json"
- printf "\t%s\n" "\"end_time\": \"${end#*_}\", " >> "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.json"
- printf "\t%s\n" "\"total\": \"${total}\", " >> "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.json"
- printf "\t%s\n" "\"blocked\": \"${blocked}\", " >> "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.json"
- printf "\t%s\n" "\"percent\": \"${percent}\", " >> "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.json"
- top_list="top_clients top_domains top_blocked"
- for top in ${top_list}
- do
- printf "\t%s" "\"${top}\": [ " >> "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.json"
- case "${top}" in
- "top_clients")
- "${adb_awk}" '{print $3}' "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.srt" | "${adb_sort}" ${adb_srtopts} | uniq -c | \
- "${adb_sort}" ${adb_srtopts} -nr | "${adb_awk}" '{ORS=" ";if(NR==1)printf "\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\"count\": \"%s\",\n\t\t\t\"address\": \"%s\"\n\t\t}",$1,$2; else if(NR<10)printf ",\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\"count\": \"%s\",\n\t\t\t\"address\": \"%s\"\n\t\t}",$1,$2}' >> "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.json"
- ;;
- "top_domains")
- "${adb_awk}" '{if($5!="NX")print $4}' "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.srt" | "${adb_sort}" ${adb_srtopts} | uniq -c | \
- "${adb_sort}" ${adb_srtopts} -nr | "${adb_awk}" '{ORS=" ";if(NR==1)printf "\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\"count\": \"%s\",\n\t\t\t\"address\": \"%s\"\n\t\t}",$1,$2; else if(NR<10)printf ",\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\"count\": \"%s\",\n\t\t\t\"address\": \"%s\"\n\t\t}",$1,$2}' >> "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.json"
- ;;
- "top_blocked")
- "${adb_awk}" '{if($5=="NX")print $4}' "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.srt" | "${adb_sort}" ${adb_srtopts} | uniq -c | \
- "${adb_sort}" ${adb_srtopts} -nr | "${adb_awk}" '{ORS=" ";if(NR==1)printf "\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\"count\": \"%s\",\n\t\t\t\"address\": \"%s\"\n\t\t}",$1,$2; else if(NR<10)printf ",\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\"count\": \"%s\",\n\t\t\t\"address\": \"%s\"\n\t\t}",$1,$2}' >> "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.json"
- ;;
- esac
- printf "\n\t%s\n" "]," >> "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.json"
- done
- search="${search//./\\.}"
- search="${search//[+*~%\$&\"\' ]/}"
- "${adb_awk}" "BEGIN{i=0;printf \"\t\\\"requests\\\": [\n\"}/(${search})/{i++;if(i==1)printf \"\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\\\"date\\\": \\\"%s\\\",\n\t\t\t\\\"time\\\": \\\"%s\\\",\n\t\t\t\\\"client\\\": \\\"%s\\\",\n\t\t\t\\\"domain\\\": \\\"%s\\\",\n\t\t\t\\\"rc\\\": \\\"%s\\\"\n\t\t}\",\$1,\$2,\$3,\$4,\$5;else if(i<=${count})printf \",\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\\\"date\\\": \\\"%s\\\",\n\t\t\t\\\"time\\\": \\\"%s\\\",\n\t\t\t\\\"client\\\": \\\"%s\\\",\n\t\t\t\\\"domain\\\": \\\"%s\\\",\n\t\t\t\\\"rc\\\": \\\"%s\\\"\n\t\t}\",\$1,\$2,\$3,\$4,\$5}END{printf \"\n\t]\n}\n\"}" "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.srt" >> "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.json"
- rm -f "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.srt"
- fi
- fi
- if [ -s "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.json" ]
- then
- if [ "${print}" = "cli" ]
- then
- printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: Adblock DNS-Query Report" ":::"
- json_load_file "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.json"
- json_get_keys keylist
- for key in ${keylist}
- do
- json_get_var value "${key}"
- eval "${key}=\"${value}\""
- done
- printf " + %s\n + %s\n" "Start ::: ${start_date}, ${start_time}" "End ::: ${end_date}, ${end_time}"
- printf " + %s\n + %s %s\n" "Total ::: ${total}" "Blocked ::: ${blocked}" "(${percent})"
- top_list="top_clients top_domains top_blocked requests"
- for top in ${top_list}
- do
- case "${top}" in
- "top_clients")
- item="::: Top 10 Clients"
- ;;
- "top_domains")
- item="::: Top 10 Domains"
- ;;
- "top_blocked")
- item="::: Top 10 Blocked Domains"
- ;;
- esac
- if json_get_type status "${top}" && [ "${top}" != "requests" ] && [ "${status}" = "array" ]
- then
- printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "${item}" ":::"
- json_select "${top}"
- index=1
- while json_get_type status "${index}" && [ "${status}" = "object" ]
- do
- json_get_values item "${index}"
- printf " + %-9s::: %s\n" ${item}
- index=$((index+1))
- done
- elif json_get_type status "${top}" && [ "${top}" = "requests" ] && [ "${status}" = "array" ]
- then
- printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: Latest DNS Queries" ":::"
- printf "%-15s%-15s%-45s%-80s%s\n" "Date" "Time" "Client" "Domain" "Answer"
- json_select "${top}"
- index=1
- while json_get_type status "${index}" && [ "${status}" = "object" ]
- do
- json_get_values item "${index}"
- printf "%-15s%-15s%-45s%-80s%s\n" ${item}
- index=$((index+1))
- done
- fi
- json_select ".."
- done
- elif [ "${print}" = "json" ]
- then
- cat "${adb_reportdir}/adb_report.json"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- f_log "debug" "f_report ::: action: ${adb_action}, report: ${adb_report}, search: ${1}, count: ${2}, process: ${3}, print: ${4}, dump_util: ${adb_dumpcmd}, repdir: ${adb_reportdir}, repiface: ${adb_repiface:-"-"}, replisten: ${adb_replisten}, repchunksize: ${adb_repchunksize}, repchunkcnt: ${adb_repchunkcnt}, bg_pid: ${bg_pid}"
- }
- # source required system libraries
- #
- if [ -r "/lib/functions.sh" ] && [ -r "/lib/functions/network.sh" ] && [ -r "/usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh" ]
- then
- . "/lib/functions.sh"
- . "/lib/functions/network.sh"
- . "/usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh"
- else
- f_log "err" "system libraries not found"
- fi
- # awk selection
- #
- adb_awk="$(command -v gawk)"
- if [ -z "${adb_awk}" ]
- then
- adb_awk="$(command -v awk)"
- if [ -z "${adb_awk}" ]
- then
- f_log "err" "awk not found"
- fi
- fi
- # sort selection
- #
- adb_sort="$(command -v /usr/libexec/sort-coreutils)"
- if [ -z "${adb_sort}" ]
- then
- adb_sort="$(command -v sort)"
- if [ -z "$("${adb_sort}" --help 2>/dev/null | grep -Fo -m1 "coreutils")" ]
- then
- f_log "err" "coreutils sort not found"
- fi
- fi
- # version information
- #
- if [ "${adb_action}" = "version" ]
- then
- printf "%s\n" "${adb_ver}"
- exit 0
- fi
- # handle different adblock actions
- #
- f_load
- case "${adb_action}" in
- "stop")
- f_report "+" "50" "false" "false"
- f_rmdns
- ;;
- "restart")
- f_report "+" "50" "false" "false"
- f_rmdns
- f_env
- f_main
- ;;
- "suspend")
- if [ "${adb_dns}" != "raw" ]
- then
- f_switch suspend
- fi
- ;;
- "resume")
- if [ "${adb_dns}" != "raw" ]
- then
- f_switch resume
- fi
- ;;
- "report")
- f_report "${2}" "${3}" "${4}" "${5}"
- ;;
- "query")
- f_query "${2}"
- ;;
- "start"|"reload")
- f_report "+" "50" "false" "false"
- f_env
- f_main
- ;;
- esac