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  1. #see for ready to use templates
  2. # network interface discovery
  3. # exemple: {"data":[{"{#IF}":"lo", "{#NET}":"loopback"},{"{#IF}":"br-lan", "{#NET}":"lan"},{"{#IF}":"eth0.1", "{#NET}":"wan"}]}
  4. #
  5. UserParameter=netowrt.discovery,lua -l uci -e 'x = uci.cursor(nil, "/var/state");list = "{\"data\":[";x:foreach("network", "interface", function(s) list=list.."{\"{#IF}\":\""..s.ifname.."\", \"{#NET}\":\""..s[".name"].."\"}," end); list=string.gsub(list,",$",""); print(list.."]}")'