- <!-- markdownlint-disable -->
- # banIP - ban incoming and/or outgoing ip adresses via ipsets
- ## Description
- IP address blocking is commonly used to protect against brute force attacks, prevent disruptive or unauthorized address(es) from access or it can be used to restrict access to or from a particular geographic area — for example.
- ## Main Features
- * Support of the following fully pre-configured domain blocklist sources (free for private usage, for commercial use please check their individual licenses)
- | Source | Focus | Information |
- | :------------------ | :----------------------------: | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- | asn | ASN block | [Link](https://asn.ipinfo.app) |
- | bogon | Bogon prefixes | [Link](https://team-cymru.com) |
- | country | Country blocks | [Link](https://www.ipdeny.com/ipblocks) |
- | darklist | blocks suspicious attacker IPs | [Link](https://darklist.de) |
- | debl | Fail2ban IP blacklist | [Link](https://www.blocklist.de) |
- | doh | Public DoH-Provider | [Link](https://github.com/dibdot/DoH-IP-blocklists) |
- | drop | Spamhaus drop compilation | [Link](https://www.spamhaus.org) |
- | dshield | Dshield IP blocklist | [Link](https://www.dshield.org) |
- | edrop | Spamhaus edrop compilation | [Link](https://www.spamhaus.org) |
- | feodo | Feodo Tracker | [Link](https://feodotracker.abuse.ch) |
- | firehol1 | Firehol Level 1 compilation | [Link](https://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=firehol_level1) |
- | firehol2 | Firehol Level 2 compilation | [Link](https://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=firehol_level2) |
- | firehol3 | Firehol Level 3 compilation | [Link](https://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=firehol_level3) |
- | firehol4 | Firehol Level 4 compilation | [Link](https://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=firehol_level4) |
- | greensnow | blocks suspicious server IPs | [Link](https://greensnow.co) |
- | iblockads | Advertising blocklist | [Link](https://www.iblocklist.com) |
- | iblockspy | Malicious spyware blocklist | [Link](https://www.iblocklist.com) |
- | myip | Myip Live IP blacklist | [Link](https://myip.ms) |
- | nixspam | iX spam protection | [Link](http://www.nixspam.org) |
- | proxy | Firehol list of open proxies | [Link](https://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=proxylists) |
- | ssbl | SSL botnet IP blacklist | [Link](https://sslbl.abuse.ch) |
- | talos | Cisco Talos IP Blacklist | [Link](https://talosintelligence.com/reputation_center) |
- | threat | Emerging Threats | [Link](https://rules.emergingthreats.net) |
- | tor | Tor exit nodes | [Link](https://fissionrelays.net/lists) |
- | uceprotect1 | Spam protection level 1 | [Link](http://www.uceprotect.net/en/index.php) |
- | uceprotect2 | Spam protection level 2 | [Link](http://www.uceprotect.net/en/index.php) |
- | voip | VoIP fraud blocklist | [Link](http://www.voipbl.org) |
- | yoyo | Ad protection blacklist | [Link](https://pgl.yoyo.org/adservers/) |
- * zero-conf like automatic installation & setup, usually no manual changes needed
- * automatically selects one of the following supported download utilities: aria2c, curl, uclient-fetch, wget
- * fast downloads & list processing as they are handled in parallel as background jobs in a configurable 'Download Queue'
- * full IPv4 and IPv6 support
- * ipsets (one per source) are used to ban a large number of IP addresses
- * supports blocking by ASN numbers
- * supports blocking by iso country codes
- * supports local black- & whitelist (IPv4, IPv6, CIDR notation or domain names)
- * auto-add unsuccessful LuCI, nginx or ssh login attempts via 'dropbear'/'sshd' to local blacklist
- * auto-add the uplink subnet to local whitelist
- * black- and whitelist also accept domain names as input to allow IP filtering based on these names
- * supports a 'whitelist only' mode, this option allows to restrict Internet access from/to a small number of secure websites/IPs
- * provides a small background log monitor to ban unsuccessful login attempts in real-time
- * per source configuration of SRC (incoming) and DST (outgoing)
- * integrated IPSet-Lookup
- * integrated bgpview-Lookup
- * blocklist source parsing by fast & flexible regex rulesets
- * minimal status & error logging to syslog, enable debug logging to receive more output
- * procd based init system support (start/stop/restart/reload/refresh/status)
- * procd network interface trigger support
- * automatic blocklist backup & restore, they will be used in case of download errors or during startup
- * provides comprehensive runtime information
- * provides a detailed IPSet Report
- * provides a powerful query function to quickly find blocked IPs/CIDR in banIP related IPSets
- * provides an easily configurable blocklist update scheduler called 'Refresh Timer'
- * strong LuCI support
- * optional: add new banIP sources on your own
- ## Prerequisites
- * [OpenWrt](https://openwrt.org), tested with the stable release series (21.02.x) and with the latest rolling snapshot releases. On turris devices it has been successfully tested with TurrisOS 5.2.x
- <b>Please note:</b> Ancient OpenWrt releases like 18.06.x or 17.01.x are _not_ supported!
- <b>Please note:</b> Devices with less than 128 MByte RAM are _not_ supported!
- <b>Please note:</b> If you're updating from former banIP 0.3x please manually remove your config (/etc/config/banip) before you start!
- * A download utility with SSL support: 'wget', 'uclient-fetch' with one of the 'libustream-*' ssl libraries, 'aria2c' or 'curl' is required
- * A certificate store like 'ca-bundle', as banIP checks the validity of the SSL certificates of all download sites by default
- * Optional E-Mail notification support: for E-Mail notifications you need to install and setup the additional 'msmtp' package
- ## Installation & Usage
- * Update your local opkg repository (_opkg update_)
- * Install 'banip' (_opkg install banip_). The banIP service is disabled by default
- * Install the LuCI companion package 'luci-app-banip' (_opkg install luci-app-banip_)
- * It's strongly recommended to use the LuCI frontend to easily configure all aspects of banIP, the application is located in LuCI under the 'Services' menu
- ## banIP CLI
- * All important banIP functions are accessible via CLI as well.
- <pre><code>
- ~# /etc/init.d/banip
- Syntax: /etc/init.d/banip [command]
- Available commands:
- start Start the service
- stop Stop the service
- restart Restart the service
- reload Reload configuration files (or restart if service does not implement reload)
- enable Enable service autostart
- disable Disable service autostart
- enabled Check if service is started on boot
- refresh Refresh ipsets without new list downloads
- suspend Suspend banIP processing
- resume Resume banIP processing
- query <IP> Query active banIP IPSets for a specific IP address
- report [<cli>|<mail>|<gen>|<json>] Print banIP related IPset statistics
- list [<add>|<add_asn>|<add_country>|<remove>|<remove_asn>|<remove_country>] <source(s)> List/Edit available sources
- timer [<add> <tasks> <hour> [<minute>] [<weekday>]]|[<remove> <line no.>] List/Edit cron update intervals
- version Print version information
- running Check if service is running
- status Service status
- trace Start with syscall trace
- </code></pre>
- ## banIP config options
- * Usually the auto pre-configured banIP setup works quite well and no manual overrides are needed
- | Option | Type | Default | Description |
- | :---------------------- | :----- | :---------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
- | ban_enabled | option | 0 | enable the banIP service |
- | ban_autodetect | option | 1 | auto-detect wan interfaces, devices and subnets |
- | ban_debug | option | 0 | enable banIP related debug logging |
- | ban_mail_enabled | option | 0 | enable the mail service |
- | ban_monitor_enabled | option | 0 | enable the log monitor, e.g. to catch failed ssh/luci logins |
- | ban_logsrc_enabled | option | 0 | enable the src-related logchain |
- | ban_logdst_enabled | option | 0 | enable the dst-related logchain |
- | ban_autoblacklist | option | 1 | add suspicious IPs automatically to the local blacklist |
- | ban_autowhitelist | option | 1 | add wan IPs/subnets automatically to the local whitelist |
- | ban_whitelistonly | option | 0 | allow to restrict Internet access from/to a small number of secure websites/IPs |
- | ban_maxqueue | option | 4 | size of the download queue to handle downloads and processing in parallel |
- | ban_reportdir | option | /tmp/banIP-Report | directory where banIP stores the report files |
- | ban_backupdir | option | /tmp/banIP-Backup | directory where banIP stores the compressed backup files |
- | ban_ifaces | list | - | list option to add logical wan interfaces manually |
- | ban_sources | list | - | list option to add banIP sources |
- | ban_countries | list | - | list option to add certain countries as an alpha-2 ISO code, e.g. 'de' for germany |
- | ban_asns | list | - | list option to add certain ASNs (autonomous system number), e.g. '32934' for facebook |
- | ban_chain | option | banIP | name of the root chain used by banIP |
- | ban_global_settype | option | src+dst | global settype as default for all sources |
- | ban_settype_src | list | - | special SRC settype for a certain sources |
- | ban_settype_dst | list | - | special DST settype for a certain sources |
- | ban_settype_all | list | - | special SRC+DST settype for a certain sources |
- | ban_target_src | option | DROP | default src action (used by log chains as well) |
- | ban_target_dst | option | REJECT | default dst action (used by log chains as well) |
- | ban_lan_inputchains_4 | list | input_lan_rule | list option to add IPv4 lan input chains |
- | ban_lan_inputchains_6 | list | input_lan_rule | list option to add IPv6 lan input chains |
- | ban_lan_forwardchains_4 | list | forwarding_lan_rule | list option to add IPv4 lan forward chains |
- | ban_lan_forwardchains_6 | list | forwarding_lan_rule | list option to add IPv6 lan forward chains |
- | ban_wan_inputchains_4 | list | input_wan_rule | list option to add IPv4 wan input chains |
- | ban_wan_inputchains_6 | list | input_wan_rule | list option to add IPv6 wan input chains |
- | ban_wan_forwardchains_4 | list | forwarding_wan_rule | list option to add IPv4 wan forward chains |
- | ban_wan_forwardchains_6 | list | forwarding_wan_rule | list option to add IPv6 wan forward chains |
- | ban_mailreceiver | option | - | receiver address for banIP related notification E-Mails |
- | ban_mailsender | option | no-reply@banIP | sender address for banIP related notification E-Mails |
- | ban_mailtopic | option | banIP notification | topic for banIP related notification E-Mails |
- | ban_mailprofile | option | ban_notify | mail profile used in 'msmtp' for banIP related notification E-Mails |
- | ban_srcarc | option | /etc/banip/banip.sources.gz | full path to the compressed source archive file used by banIP |
- | ban_localsources | list | maclist, whitelist, blacklist | limit the selection to certain local sources |
- | ban_extrasources | list | - | add additional, non-banIP related IPSets e.g. for reporting or queries |
- | ban_maclist_timeout | option | - | individual maclist IPSet timeout |
- | ban_whitelist_timeout | option | - | individual whitelist IPSet timeout |
- | ban_blacklist_timeout | option | - | individual blacklist IPSet timeout |
- | ban_logterms | list | dropbear, sshd, luci, nginx | limit the log monitor to certain log terms |
- | ban_loglimit | option | 100 | parse only the last stated number of log entries for suspicious events |
- | ban_ssh_logcount | option | 3 | number of the failed ssh login repetitions of the same ip in the log before banning |
- | ban_luci_logcount | option | 3 | number of the failed luci login repetitions of the same ip in the log before banning |
- | ban_nginx_logcount | option | 5 | number of the failed nginx requests of the same ip in the log before banning |
- ## Examples
- **list/edit banIP sources:**
- <pre><code>
- ~# /etc/init.d/banip list
- ::: Available banIP sources
- :::
- Name Enabled Focus Info URL
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- + asn ASN blocks https://asn.ipinfo.app
- + bogon Bogon prefixes https://team-cymru.com
- + country x Country blocks https://www.ipdeny.com/ipblocks
- + darklist x Blocks suspicious attacker IPs https://darklist.de
- + debl x Fail2ban IP blacklist https://www.blocklist.de
- + doh x Public DoH-Provider https://github.com/dibdot/DoH-IP-blocklists
- + drop x Spamhaus drop compilation https://www.spamhaus.org
- + dshield x Dshield IP blocklist https://www.dshield.org
- + edrop Spamhaus edrop compilation https://www.spamhaus.org
- + feodo x Feodo Tracker https://feodotracker.abuse.ch
- + firehol1 x Firehol Level 1 compilation https://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=firehol_level1
- + firehol2 Firehol Level 2 compilation https://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=firehol_level2
- + firehol3 Firehol Level 3 compilation https://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=firehol_level3
- + firehol4 Firehol Level 4 compilation https://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=firehol_level4
- + greensnow x Blocks suspicious server IPs https://greensnow.co
- + iblockads Advertising blocklist https://www.iblocklist.com
- + iblockspy x Malicious spyware blocklist https://www.iblocklist.com
- + myip Myip Live IP blacklist https://myip.ms
- + nixspam x iX spam protection http://www.nixspam.org
- + proxy Firehol list of open proxies https://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=proxylists
- + sslbl x SSL botnet IP blacklist https://sslbl.abuse.ch
- + talos x Cisco Talos IP Blacklist https://talosintelligence.com/reputation_center
- + threat x Emerging Threats https://rules.emergingthreats.net
- + tor x Tor exit nodes https://fissionrelays.net/lists
- + uceprotect1 x Spam protection level 1 http://www.uceprotect.net/en/index.php
- + uceprotect2 Spam protection level 2 http://www.uceprotect.net/en/index.php
- + voip x VoIP fraud blocklist http://www.voipbl.org
- + yoyo x Ad protection blacklist https://pgl.yoyo.org/adservers/
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Configured ASNs: -
- * Configured Countries: af, bd, br, cn, hk, hu, id, il, in, iq, ir, kp, kr, no, pk, pl, ro, ru, sa, th, tr, ua, gb
- </code></pre>
- **receive banIP runtime information:**
- <pre><code>
- ~# /etc/init.d/banip status
- ::: banIP runtime information
- + status : enabled
- + version : 0.7.7
- + ipset_info : 2 IPSets with 30 IPs/Prefixes
- + active_sources : whitelist
- + active_devs : wlan0
- + active_ifaces : trm_wwan, trm_wwan6
- + active_logterms : dropbear, sshd, luci, nginx
- + active_subnets : xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/24, xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xx::xxx/128
- + run_infos : settype: src+dst, backup_dir: /tmp/banIP-Backup, report_dir: /tmp/banIP-Report
- + run_flags : protocols (4/6): ✔/✔, log (src/dst): ✔/✘, monitor: ✔, mail: ✘, whitelist only: ✔
- + last_run : restart, 0m 3s, 122/30/14, 21.04.2021 20:14:36
- + system : TP-Link RE650 v1, OpenWrt SNAPSHOT r16574-f7e00d81bc
- </code></pre>
- **black-/whitelist handling:**
- banIP supports a local black & whitelist (IPv4, IPv6, CIDR notation or domain names), located by default in /etc/banip/banip.whitelist and /etc/banip/banip.blacklist.
- Unsuccessful LuCI logins, suspicious nginx request or ssh login attempts via 'dropbear'/'sshd' could be tracked and automatically added to the local blacklist (see the 'ban_autoblacklist' option). Furthermore the uplink subnet could be automatically added to local whitelist (see 'ban_autowhitelist' option). The list behaviour could be further tweaked with different timeout and counter options (see the config options section above).
- Last but not least, both lists also accept domain names as input to allow IP filtering based on these names. The corresponding IPs (IPv4 & IPv6) will be resolved in a detached background process and added to the IPsets. The detached name lookup takes place only during 'restart' or 'reload' action, 'start' and 'refresh' actions are using an auto-generated backup instead.
- **whitelist-only mode:**
- banIP supports a "whitelist only" mode. This option allows to restrict the internet access from/to a small number of secure websites/IPs, and block access from/to the rest of the internet. All IPs and Domains which are _not_ listed in the whitelist are blocked. Please note: suspend/resume does not work in this mode.
- **generate an IPSet report:**
- <pre><code>
- ~# /etc/init.d/banip report
- :::
- ::: report on all banIP related IPSets
- :::
- + Report timestamp ::: 04.02.2021 06:24:41
- + Number of all IPSets ::: 24
- + Number of all entries ::: 302448
- + Number of IP entries ::: 224748
- + Number of CIDR entries ::: 77700
- + Number of MAC entries ::: 0
- + Number of accessed entries ::: 36
- :::
- ::: IPSet details
- :::
- Name Type Count Cnt_IP Cnt_CIDR Cnt_MAC Cnt_ACC Entry details (Entry/Count)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- whitelist_4 src+dst 1 0 1 0 1
- xxx.xxxx.xxx.xxxx/24 85
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- whitelist_6 src+dst 2 0 2 0 1
- xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::/64 29
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- blacklist_4 src+dst 513 513 0 0 2
- 3
- 1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- blacklist_6 src+dst 1 1 0 0 0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- country_4 src 52150 0 52150 0 23
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- country_6 src 20099 0 20099 0 0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- debl_4 src+dst 29389 29389 0 0 1
- 4
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- debl_6 src+dst 64 64 0 0 0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- doh_4 src+dst 168 168 0 0 0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- doh_6 src+dst 122 122 0 0 0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- drop_4 src+dst 965 0 965 0 0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- drop_6 src+dst 36 0 36 0 0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- dshield_4 src+dst 20 0 20 0 1
- 1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- feodo_4 src+dst 325 325 0 0 0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- firehol1_4 src+dst 2763 403 2360 0 0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- iblockspy_4 src+dst 3650 2832 818 0 0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- nixspam_4 src+dst 9577 9577 0 0 0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- sslbl_4 src+dst 104 104 0 0 0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- threat_4 src+dst 1300 315 985 0 0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- tor_4 src+dst 1437 1437 0 0 0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- tor_6 src+dst 478 478 0 0 0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- uceprotect1_4 src+dst 156249 156249 0 0 6
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 2
- 1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- voip_4 src+dst 12563 12299 264 0 0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- yoyo_4 src+dst 10472 10472 0 0 1
- 2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- </code></pre>
- **Enable E-Mail notification via 'msmtp':**
- To use the email notification you have to install & configure the package 'msmtp'.
- Modify the file '/etc/msmtprc', e.g.:
- <pre><code>
- [...]
- defaults
- auth on
- tls on
- tls_certcheck off
- timeout 5
- syslog LOG_MAIL
- [...]
- account ban_notify
- host smtp.gmail.com
- port 587
- from <address>@gmail.com
- user <gmail-user>
- password <password>
- </code></pre>
- Finally enable E-Mail support and add a valid E-Mail receiver address in LuCI.
- **Edit, add new banIP sources:**
- The banIP blocklist sources are stored in an external, compressed JSON file '/etc/banip/banip.sources.gz'.
- This file is directly parsed in LuCI and accessible via CLI, just call _/etc/init.d/banip list_.
- To add new or edit existing sources extract the compressed JSON file _gunzip /etc/banip/banip.sources.gz_.
- A valid JSON source object contains the following required information, e.g.:
- <pre><code>
- [...]
- "tor": {
- "url_4": "https://lists.fissionrelays.net/tor/exits-ipv4.txt",
- "url_6": "https://lists.fissionrelays.net/tor/exits-ipv6.txt",
- "rule_4": "/^(([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{print \"add tor_4 \"$1}",
- "rule_6": "/^(([0-9A-f]{0,4}:){1,7}[0-9A-f]{0,4}:?(\\/(1?[0-2][0-8]|[0-9][0-9]))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{print \"add tor_6 \"$1}",
- "focus": "Tor exit nodes",
- "descurl": "https://fissionrelays.net/lists"
- },
- [...]
- </code></pre>
- Add an unique object name, make the required changes to 'url_4', 'rule_4' (and/or 'url_6', 'rule_6'), 'focus' and 'descurl' and finally compress the changed JSON file _gzip /etc/banip/banip.sources.gz_ to use the new source object in banIP.
- <b>Please note:</b> if you're going to add new sources on your own, please make a copy of the default file and work with that copy further on, cause the default will be overwritten with every banIP update. To reference your copy set the option 'ban\_srcarc' which points by default to '/etc/banip/banip.sources.gz'
- ## Support
- Please join the banIP discussion in this [forum thread](https://forum.openwrt.org/t/banip-support-thread/16985) or contact me by mail <dev@brenken.org>
- ## Removal
- * stop all banIP related services with _/etc/init.d/banip stop_
- * optional: remove the banip package (_opkg remove banip_)
- Have fun!
- Dirk