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  1. # banIP - ban incoming and/or outgoing ip adresses via ipsets
  2. ## Description
  3. IP address blocking is commonly used to protect against brute force attacks, prevent disruptive or unauthorized address(es) from access or it can be used to restrict access to or from a particular geographic area — for example.
  4. ## Main Features
  5. * support many IP blocklist sources (free for private usage, for commercial use please check their individual licenses):
  6. * zero-conf like automatic installation & setup, usually no manual changes needed
  7. * automatically selects one of the following download utilities: aria2c, curl, uclient-fetch, wget
  8. * Really fast downloads & list processing as they are handled in parallel as background jobs in a configurable 'Download Queue'
  9. * full IPv4 and IPv6 support
  10. * ipsets (one per source) are used to ban a large number of IP addresses
  11. * supports blocking by ASN numbers
  12. * supports blocking by iso country codes
  13. * supports local white & blacklist (IPv4, IPv6 & CIDR notation), located by default in /etc/banip/banip.whitelist and /etc/banip/banip.blacklist
  14. * auto-add unsuccessful LuCI and ssh login attempts via 'dropbear' or 'sshd' to local blacklist (see 'ban_autoblacklist' option)
  15. * auto-add the uplink subnet to local whitelist (see 'ban_autowhitelist' option)
  16. * provides a small background log monitor to ban unsuccessful login attempts in real-time
  17. * per source configuration of SRC (incoming) and DST (outgoing)
  18. * integrated IPSet-Lookup
  19. * integrated RIPE-Lookup
  20. * blocklist source parsing by fast & flexible regex rulesets
  21. * minimal status & error logging to syslog, enable debug logging to receive more output
  22. * procd based init system support (start/stop/restart/reload/refresh/status)
  23. * procd network interface trigger support
  24. * automatic blocklist backup & restore, they will be used in case of download errors or during startup
  25. * output comprehensive runtime information via LuCI or via 'status' init command
  26. * strong LuCI support
  27. * optional: add new banIP sources on your own
  28. ## Prerequisites
  29. * [OpenWrt](, tested with the stable release series (19.07) and with the latest snapshot
  30. * download utility: 'uclient-fetch' with one of the 'libustream-*' ssl libraries, 'wget', 'aria2c' or 'curl' is required
  31. ## Installation & Usage
  32. * install 'banip' (_opkg install banip_)
  33. * at minimum configure the needed IP blocklist sources, the download utility and enable the banIP service in _/etc/config/banip_
  34. * control the banip service manually with _/etc/init.d/banip_ start/stop/restart/reload/refresh/status or use the LuCI frontend
  35. ## LuCI banIP companion package
  36. * it's recommended to use the provided LuCI frontend to control all aspects of banIP
  37. * install 'luci-app-banip' (_opkg install luci-app-banip_)
  38. * the application is located in LuCI under 'Services' menu
  39. ## banIP config options
  40. * usually the pre-configured banIP setup works quite well and no manual overrides are needed
  41. * the following options apply to the 'global' config section:
  42. * ban\_enabled => main switch to enable/disable banIP service (bool/default: '0', disabled)
  43. * ban\_automatic => determine the L2/L3 WAN network device automatically (bool/default: '1', enabled)
  44. * ban\_iface => space separated list of WAN network interface(s)/device(s) used by banIP (default: not set, automatically detected)
  45. * ban\_realtime => a small log/banIP background monitor to block SSH/LuCI brute force attacks in realtime (bool/default: 'false', disabled)
  46. * the following options apply to the 'extra' config section:
  47. * ban\_debug => enable/disable banIP debug output (bool/default: '0', disabled)
  48. * ban\_nice => set the nice level of the banIP process and all sub-processes (int/default: '0', standard priority)
  49. * ban\_triggerdelay => additional trigger delay in seconds before banIP processing begins (int/default: '2')
  50. * ban\_backupdir => target directory for banIP backups (default: '/tmp')
  51. * ban\_sshdaemon => select the SSH daemon for logfile parsing, 'dropbear' or 'sshd' (default: 'dropbear')
  52. * ban\_starttype => select the used start type during boot, 'start', 'refresh' or 'reload' (default: 'start')
  53. * ban\_maxqueue => size of the download queue to handle downloads & IPSet processing in parallel (int/default: '4')
  54. * ban\_fetchutil => name of the used download utility: 'uclient-fetch', 'wget', 'curl', 'aria2c' (default: not set, automatically detected)
  55. * ban\_fetchparm => special config options for the download utility (default: not set)
  56. * ban\_autoblacklist => store auto-addons temporary in ipset and permanently in local blacklist as well (bool/default: '1', enabled)
  57. * ban\_autowhitelist => store auto-addons temporary in ipset and permanently in local whitelist as well (bool/default: '1', enabled)
  58. ## Examples
  59. **receive banIP runtime information:**
  60. <pre><code>
  61. /etc/init.d/banip status
  62. ::: banIP runtime information
  63. + status : enabled
  64. + version : 0.3.0
  65. + util_info : /usr/bin/aria2c, true
  66. + ipset_info : 10 IPSets with overall 106729 IPs/Prefixes
  67. + backup_dir : /tmp
  68. + last_run : 03.10.2019 19:15:25
  69. + system : UBNT-ERX, OpenWrt SNAPSHOT r11102-ced4c0e635
  70. </code></pre>
  71. **cronjob for a regular IPSet blocklist update (/etc/crontabs/root):**
  72. <pre><code>
  73. 0 06 * * * /etc/init.d/banip reload
  74. </code></pre>
  75. ## Support
  76. Please join the banIP discussion in this [forum thread]( or contact me by mail <>
  77. ## Removal
  78. * stop all banIP related services with _/etc/init.d/banip stop_
  79. * optional: remove the banip package (_opkg remove banip_)
  80. Have fun!
  81. Dirk