- # Contributing Guidelines
- Please make sure that all packages you commit or request to pull:
- * Package a version which is still maintained by the upstream author.
- * Have yourself or another person listed in the (PKG_)MAINTAINER field.
- * Will be updated regularly to maintained and supported versions.
- * Have no dependencies outside the openwrt core packages or this feed.
- * Are tested to run (or at the very least tested to compile sucessfully)
- Please make sure that all commits you make to this repository:
- * Are signed-off (see https://dev.openwrt.org/wiki/SubmittingPatches#a10.Signyourwork)
- * Have a proper description prefixed with the package name
- If you have commit access:
- * Do NOT use git push --force.
- * Do NOT commit to other maintainer's packages without their consent.
- * Use Pull Requests if you are unsure and to suggest changes to other maintainers.
- Release Branches:
- * Branches named "for-XX.YY" (e.g. for-14.07) are release branches.
- * These branches are built with the respective OpenWrt release and are created
- during the release stabilisation phase.
- * Please ONLY cherry-pick or commit security and bug-fixes to these branches.
- * Do NOT add new packages and do NOT do major upgrades of packages here.
- * If you are unsure if your change is suitable, please use a pull request.