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  1. #
  2. # Copyright (C) 2009-2016
  3. #
  4. # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
  5. # See /LICENSE for more information.
  6. #
  7. include $(TOPDIR)/
  8. PKG_NAME:=gitolite
  9. PKG_VERSION:=3.6.6
  10. PKG_RELEASE:=1
  12. PKG_SOURCE:=$(PKG_NAME)-v$(PKG_VERSION).tar.xz
  14. PKG_SOURCE_VERSION:=908f8c6f3b8ef5b95829be7155be2557e71f4579
  17. include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
  18. define Package/gitolite
  19. SECTION:=net
  20. CATEGORY:=Network
  21. SUBMENU:=Version Control Systems
  22. DEPENDS:=+perlbase-essential +perlbase-sys +perlbase-data +perlbase-digest +perlbase-env +perlbase-time +git +perlbase-findbin +perlbase-storable +perlbase-text +perlbase-getopt +perlbase-utf8 +openssh-keygen +openssh-server +openssh-moduli perl
  23. TITLE:=Easy administration of git repositories
  24. URL:=
  25. MAINTAINER:=Daniel Dickinson <>
  26. USERID:=git=382:git=382
  27. endef
  28. define Package/gitolite/description
  29. Gitolite is a system for managing access to git repositories. Note you will need to make
  30. sure dropbear does not interfere with OpenSSH as gitolite depends on feature not in
  31. dropbear (to my knowledge).
  32. endef
  33. define Package/gitolite/postinst
  34. sed -i -e 's,/var/run/git,/srv/git,' $${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/passwd
  35. sed -i -e 's,git:\(.*\):/bin/false,git:\1:/bin/ash,' $${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/passwd
  36. endef
  37. define Build/Configure
  38. true
  39. endef
  40. define Build/Compile
  41. mkdir -p $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/libexec/gitolite
  42. $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/install -to $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/libexec/gitolite
  43. mkdir -p $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/bin
  44. ln -sf /usr/libexec/gitolite/gitolite $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/bin/gitolite
  45. endef
  46. define Package/gitolite/install
  47. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)
  48. $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/* $(1)/
  49. endef
  50. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,gitolite))