- #!/bin/sh
- # banIP - ban incoming and outgoing ip adresses/subnets via ipset
- # Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Dirk Brenken (dev@brenken.org)
- # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.
- # (s)hellcheck exceptions
- # shellcheck disable=1091,2030,2031,2086,2183,3040,3043,3060
- # set initial defaults
- #
- export LC_ALL=C
- export PATH="/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
- set -o pipefail
- ban_ver="0.7.10"
- ban_status=""
- ban_enabled="0"
- ban_mail_enabled="0"
- ban_proto4_enabled="0"
- ban_proto6_enabled="0"
- ban_logsrc_enabled="0"
- ban_logdst_enabled="0"
- ban_monitor_enabled="0"
- ban_autodetect="1"
- ban_autoblacklist="1"
- ban_autowhitelist="1"
- ban_whitelistonly="0"
- ban_logterms=""
- ban_loglimit="100"
- ban_ssh_logcount="3"
- ban_luci_logcount="3"
- ban_nginx_logcount="5"
- ban_mailactions=""
- ban_search=""
- ban_devs=""
- ban_ifaces=""
- ban_debug="0"
- ban_maxqueue="4"
- ban_fetchutil=""
- ban_fetchinsecure="0"
- ban_ip_cmd="$(command -v ip)"
- ban_ipt4_cmd="$(command -v iptables)"
- ban_ipt4_savecmd="$(command -v iptables-save)"
- ban_ipt4_restorecmd="$(command -v iptables-restore)"
- ban_ipt6_cmd="$(command -v ip6tables)"
- ban_ipt6_savecmd="$(command -v ip6tables-save)"
- ban_ipt6_restorecmd="$(command -v ip6tables-restore)"
- ban_ipset_cmd="$(command -v ipset)"
- ban_logger_cmd="$(command -v logger)"
- ban_logread_cmd="$(command -v logread)"
- ban_allsources=""
- ban_extrasources=""
- ban_sources=""
- ban_asns=""
- ban_countries=""
- ban_settype_src=""
- ban_settype_dst=""
- ban_settype_all=""
- ban_lan_inputchains_4=""
- ban_lan_inputchains_6=""
- ban_lan_forwardchains_4=""
- ban_lan_forwardchains_6=""
- ban_wan_inputchains_4=""
- ban_wan_inputchains_6=""
- ban_wan_forwardchains_4=""
- ban_wan_forwardchains_6=""
- ban_action="${1:-"start"}"
- ban_pidfile="/var/run/banip.pid"
- ban_bgpidfile="/var/run/banip_bg.pid"
- ban_tmpbase="/tmp"
- ban_rtfile="${ban_tmpbase}/ban_runtime.json"
- ban_srcfile="${ban_tmpbase}/ban_sources.json"
- ban_reportdir="${ban_tmpbase}/banIP-Report"
- ban_backupdir="${ban_tmpbase}/banIP-Backup"
- ban_srcarc="/etc/banip/banip.sources.gz"
- ban_dnsservice="/etc/banip/banip.dns"
- ban_mailservice="/etc/banip/banip.mail"
- ban_logservice="/etc/banip/banip.service"
- ban_maclist="/etc/banip/banip.maclist"
- ban_blacklist="/etc/banip/banip.blacklist"
- ban_whitelist="/etc/banip/banip.whitelist"
- ban_setcnt="0"
- ban_cnt="0"
- # load environment
- #
- f_load() {
- ban_sysver="$(ubus -S call system board 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -q -e '@.model' -e '@.release.description' |
- awk 'BEGIN{RS="";FS="\n"}{printf "%s, %s",$1,$2}')"
- f_conf
- if [ "${ban_enabled}" = "0" ]; then
- f_bgsrv "stop"
- f_ipset "destroy"
- f_jsnup "disabled"
- f_rmbckp
- f_rmtmp
- f_log "info" "banIP is currently disabled, please set the config option 'ban_enabled' to '1' to use this service"
- exit 0
- fi
- f_dir "${ban_backupdir}"
- f_dir "${ban_reportdir}"
- }
- # check/create directories
- #
- f_dir() {
- local dir="${1}"
- if [ -d "${dir}" ]; then
- f_log "debug" "directory '${dir}' is used"
- else
- rm -f "${dir}"
- mkdir -p "${dir}"
- f_log "debug" "directory '${dir}' created"
- fi
- }
- # load banIP config
- #
- f_conf() {
- if [ ! -r "/etc/config/banip" ] || [ -z "$(uci -q show banip.global.ban_autodetect)" ]; then
- f_log "err" "no valid banIP config found, please re-install the package via opkg with the '--force-reinstall --force-maintainer' options"
- fi
- config_cb() {
- option_cb() {
- local option="${1}"
- local value="${2}"
- eval "${option}=\"${value}\""
- }
- list_cb() {
- local option="${1}"
- local value="${2}"
- if [ "${option}" = "ban_ifaces" ]; then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_ifaces}")${value} \""
- elif [ "${option}" = "ban_sources" ]; then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_sources}")${value} \""
- elif [ "${option}" = "ban_localsources" ]; then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_localsources}")${value} \""
- elif [ "${option}" = "ban_extrasources" ]; then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_extrasources}")${value} \""
- elif [ "${option}" = "ban_settype_src" ]; then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_settype_src}")${value} \""
- elif [ "${option}" = "ban_settype_dst" ]; then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_settype_dst}")${value} \""
- elif [ "${option}" = "ban_settype_all" ]; then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_settype_all}")${value} \""
- elif [ "${option}" = "ban_mailactions" ]; then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_mailactions}")${value} \""
- elif [ "${option}" = "ban_logterms" ]; then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_logterms}")${value} \""
- elif [ "${option}" = "ban_countries" ]; then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_countries}")${value} \""
- elif [ "${option}" = "ban_asns" ]; then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_asns}")${value} \""
- elif [ "${option}" = "ban_lan_inputchains_4" ]; then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_lan_inputchains_4}")${value} \""
- elif [ "${option}" = "ban_lan_inputchains_6" ]; then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_lan_inputchains_6}")${value} \""
- elif [ "${option}" = "ban_lan_forwardchains_4" ]; then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_lan_forwardchains_4}")${value} \""
- elif [ "${option}" = "ban_lan_forwardchains_6" ]; then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_lan_forwardchains_6}")${value} \""
- elif [ "${option}" = "ban_wan_inputchains_4" ]; then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_wan_inputchains_4}")${value} \""
- elif [ "${option}" = "ban_wan_inputchains_6" ]; then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_wan_inputchains_6}")${value} \""
- elif [ "${option}" = "ban_wan_forwardchains_4" ]; then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_wan_forwardchains_4}")${value} \""
- elif [ "${option}" = "ban_wan_forwardchains_6" ]; then
- eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_wan_forwardchains_6}")${value} \""
- fi
- }
- }
- config_load banip
- ban_chain="${ban_chain:-"banIP"}"
- ban_global_settype="${ban_global_settype:-"src+dst"}"
- ban_target_src="${ban_target_src:-"DROP"}"
- ban_target_dst="${ban_target_dst:-"REJECT"}"
- ban_lan_inputchains_4="${ban_lan_inputchains_4:-"input_lan_rule"}"
- ban_lan_inputchains_6="${ban_lan_inputchains_6:-"input_lan_rule"}"
- ban_lan_forwardchains_4="${ban_lan_forwardchains_4:-"forwarding_lan_rule"}"
- ban_lan_forwardchains_6="${ban_lan_forwardchains_6:-"forwarding_lan_rule"}"
- ban_wan_inputchains_4="${ban_wan_inputchains_4:-"input_wan_rule"}"
- ban_wan_inputchains_6="${ban_wan_inputchains_6:-"input_wan_rule"}"
- ban_wan_forwardchains_4="${ban_wan_forwardchains_4:-"forwarding_wan_rule"}"
- ban_wan_forwardchains_6="${ban_wan_forwardchains_6:-"forwarding_wan_rule"}"
- ban_logchain_src="${ban_logchain_src:-"${ban_chain}_log_src"}"
- ban_logchain_dst="${ban_logchain_dst:-"${ban_chain}_log_dst"}"
- ban_logtarget_src="${ban_target_src}"
- ban_logtarget_dst="${ban_target_dst}"
- if [ "${ban_logsrc_enabled}" = "1" ]; then
- ban_logprefix_src="${ban_logprefix_src:-"[banIP-${ban_ver%-*}, src/${ban_target_src}] "}"
- ban_logopts_src="${ban_logopts_src:-"-m limit --limit 2/sec"}"
- ban_target_src="${ban_logchain_src}"
- fi
- if [ "${ban_logdst_enabled}" = "1" ]; then
- ban_logprefix_dst="${ban_logprefix_dst:-"[banIP-${ban_ver%-*}, dst/${ban_target_dst}] "}"
- ban_logopts_dst="${ban_logopts_dst:-"-m limit --limit 2/sec"}"
- ban_target_dst="${ban_logchain_dst}"
- fi
- ban_localsources="${ban_localsources:-"maclist whitelist blacklist"}"
- ban_logterms="${ban_logterms:-"dropbear sshd luci nginx"}"
- f_log "debug" "f_conf ::: ifaces: ${ban_ifaces:-"-"}, chain: ${ban_chain}, set_type: ${ban_global_settype}, log_chains (src/dst): ${ban_logchain_src}/${ban_logchain_dst}, targets (src/dst): ${ban_target_src}/${ban_target_dst}, whitelist_only: ${ban_whitelistonly}"
- f_log "debug" "f_conf ::: lan_inputs (4/6): ${ban_lan_inputchains_4}/${ban_lan_inputchains_6}, lan_forwards (4/6): ${ban_lan_forwardchains_4}/${ban_lan_forwardchains_6}, wan_inputs (4/6): ${ban_wan_inputchains_4}/${ban_wan_inputchains_6}, wan_forwards (4/6): ${ban_wan_forwardchains_4}/${ban_wan_forwardchains_6}"
- f_log "debug" "f_conf ::: local_sources: ${ban_localsources:-"-"}, extra_sources: ${ban_extrasources:-"-"}, log_terms: ${ban_logterms:-"-"}, log_prefixes (src/dst): ${ban_logprefix_src}/${ban_logprefix_dst}, log_options (src/dst): ${ban_logopts_src}/${ban_logopts_dst}"
- }
- # check environment
- #
- f_env() {
- local util utils packages iface insecure tmp cnt="0" cnt_max="10"
- ban_starttime="$(date "+%s")"
- f_jsnup "running"
- f_log "info" "start banIP processing (${ban_action})"
- f_tmp
- if [ "${ban_autodetect}" = "1" ] && [ -z "${ban_ifaces}" ]; then
- while [ "${cnt}" -le "${cnt_max}" ]; do
- network_find_wan iface
- if [ -n "${iface}" ] && ! printf "%s\n" "${ban_ifaces}" | grep -q "${iface}"; then
- ban_proto4_enabled="1"
- ban_ifaces="${ban_ifaces}${iface} "
- uci_set banip global ban_proto4_enabled "1"
- uci_add_list banip global ban_ifaces "${iface}"
- fi
- network_find_wan6 iface
- if [ -n "${iface}" ] && ! printf "%s\n" "${ban_ifaces}" | grep -q "${iface}"; then
- ban_proto6_enabled="1"
- ban_ifaces="${ban_ifaces}${iface} "
- uci_set banip global ban_proto6_enabled "1"
- uci_add_list banip global ban_ifaces "${iface}"
- fi
- if [ -z "${ban_ifaces}" ]; then
- if [ "${cnt}" -le "${cnt_max}" ]; then
- network_flush_cache
- cnt=$((cnt + 1))
- sleep 1
- else
- break
- fi
- else
- if [ -n "$(uci -q changes "banip")" ]; then
- uci_commit "banip"
- fi
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- while [ "${cnt}" -le "${cnt_max}" ]; do
- for iface in ${ban_ifaces}; do
- network_get_device tmp "${iface}"
- if [ -n "${tmp}" ] && ! printf "%s\n" "${ban_devs}" | grep -q "${tmp}"; then
- ban_devs="${ban_devs} ${tmp}"
- else
- network_get_physdev tmp "${iface}"
- if [ -n "${tmp}" ] && ! printf "%s\n" "${ban_devs}" | grep -q "${tmp}"; then
- ban_devs="${ban_devs} ${tmp}"
- fi
- fi
- network_get_subnet tmp "${iface}"
- if [ -n "${tmp}" ] && ! printf "%s\n" "${ban_subnets}" | grep -q "${tmp}"; then
- ban_subnets="${ban_subnets} ${tmp}"
- fi
- network_get_subnet6 tmp "${iface}"
- if [ -n "${tmp}" ] && ! printf "%s\n" "${ban_subnets}" | grep -q "${tmp}"; then
- ban_subnets="${ban_subnets} ${tmp}"
- fi
- done
- if [ -z "${ban_devs}" ] || [ -z "${ban_subnets}" ]; then
- if [ "${cnt}" -le "${cnt_max}" ]; then
- network_flush_cache
- cnt=$((cnt + 1))
- sleep 1
- else
- break
- fi
- else
- break
- fi
- done
- ban_ipdevs="$("${ban_ip_cmd}" link show 2>/dev/null | awk 'BEGIN{FS="[@: ]"}/^[0-9:]/{if($3!="lo"){ORS=" ";print $3}}')"
- if [ -z "${ban_ifaces}" ] || [ -z "${ban_devs}" ] || [ -z "${ban_ipdevs}" ]; then
- f_log "err" "logical wan interface(s)/device(s) '${ban_ifaces:-"-"}/${ban_devs:-"-"}' not found, please check your configuration"
- elif [ -z "${ban_ipdevs}" ]; then
- f_log "err" "ip device(s) '${ban_ipdevs:-"-"}' not found, please check your configuration"
- fi
- if [ ! -x "${ban_ipset_cmd}" ]; then
- f_log "err" "ipset utility '${ban_ipset_cmd:-"-"}' not executable, please install package 'ipset'"
- fi
- if { [ "${ban_proto4_enabled}" = "1" ] && { [ ! -x "${ban_ipt4_cmd}" ] || [ ! -x "${ban_ipt4_savecmd}" ] || [ ! -x "${ban_ipt4_restorecmd}" ]; }; } ||
- { [ "${ban_proto6_enabled}" = "1" ] && { [ ! -x "${ban_ipt6_cmd}" ] || [ ! -x "${ban_ipt6_savecmd}" ] || [ ! -x "${ban_ipt6_restorecmd}" ]; }; }; then
- f_log "err" "iptables utilities '${ban_ipt4_cmd:-"-"}, ${ban_ipt4_savecmd:-"-"}, ${ban_ipt4_restorecmd:-"-"}/${ban_ipt6_cmd:-"-"}', ${ban_ipt6_savecmd:-"-"}, ${ban_ipt6_restorecmd:-"-"} not executable, please install the relevant iptables packages"
- fi
- if [ -z "${ban_fetchutil}" ]; then
- while [ -z "${packages}" ] && [ "${cnt}" -le "${cnt_max}" ]; do
- packages="$(opkg list-installed 2>/dev/null)"
- cnt=$((cnt + 1))
- sleep 1
- done
- if [ -z "${packages}" ]; then
- f_log "err" "local opkg package repository is not available, please set 'ban_fetchutil' manually"
- fi
- utils="aria2c curl wget uclient-fetch"
- for util in ${utils}; do
- if { [ "${util}" = "uclient-fetch" ] && printf "%s" "${packages}" | grep -q "^libustream-"; } ||
- { [ "${util}" = "wget" ] && printf "%s" "${packages}" | grep -q "^wget -"; } ||
- [ "${util}" = "curl" ] || [ "${util}" = "aria2c" ]; then
- if [ -x "$(command -v "${util}")" ]; then
- ban_fetchutil="${util}"
- uci_set banip global ban_fetchutil "${util}"
- uci_commit "banip"
- break
- fi
- fi
- done
- elif [ ! -x "$(command -v "${ban_fetchutil}")" ]; then
- unset ban_fetchutil
- fi
- case "${ban_fetchutil}" in
- "aria2c")
- if [ "${ban_fetchinsecure}" = "1" ]; then
- insecure="--check-certificate=false"
- fi
- ban_fetchparm="${ban_fetchparm:-"${insecure} --timeout=20 --allow-overwrite=true --auto-file-renaming=false --log-level=warn --dir=/ -o"}"
- ;;
- "curl")
- if [ "${ban_fetchinsecure}" = "1" ]; then
- insecure="--insecure"
- fi
- ban_fetchparm="${ban_fetchparm:-"${insecure} --connect-timeout 20 --silent --show-error --location -o"}"
- ;;
- "uclient-fetch")
- if [ "${ban_fetchinsecure}" = "1" ]; then
- insecure="--no-check-certificate"
- fi
- ban_fetchparm="${ban_fetchparm:-"${insecure} --timeout=20 -O"}"
- ;;
- "wget")
- if [ "${ban_fetchinsecure}" = "1" ]; then
- insecure="--no-check-certificate"
- fi
- ban_fetchparm="${ban_fetchparm:-"${insecure} --no-cache --no-cookies --max-redirect=0 --timeout=20 -O"}"
- ;;
- esac
- if [ -n "${ban_fetchutil}" ] && [ -n "${ban_fetchparm}" ]; then
- ban_fetchutil="$(command -v "${ban_fetchutil}")"
- else
- f_log "err" "download utility with SSL support not found, please install 'uclient-fetch' with a 'libustream-*' variant or another download utility like 'wget', 'curl' or 'aria2'"
- fi
- if [ ! -r "${ban_srcfile}" ]; then
- if [ -r "${ban_srcarc}" ]; then
- zcat "${ban_srcarc}" >"${ban_srcfile}"
- else
- f_log "err" "banIP source archive not found"
- fi
- fi
- if [ -r "${ban_srcfile}" ]; then
- json_init
- json_load_file "${ban_srcfile}"
- json_get_keys ban_allsources
- ban_allsources="${ban_allsources} maclist blacklist whitelist"
- else
- f_log "err" "banIP source file not found"
- fi
- f_log "debug" "f_env ::: auto_detect: ${ban_autodetect}, fetch_util: ${ban_fetchutil:-"-"}, fetch_parm: ${ban_fetchparm:-"-"}, src_file: ${ban_srcfile:-"-"}, log_terms: ${ban_logterms}, interfaces: ${ban_ifaces:-"-"}, devices: ${ban_devs:-"-"}, subnets: ${ban_subnets:-"-"}, ip_devices: ${ban_ipdevs:-"-"}, protocols (4/6): ${ban_proto4_enabled}/${ban_proto6_enabled}"
- }
- # create temporary files and directories
- #
- f_tmp() {
- f_dir "${ban_tmpbase}"
- ban_tmpdir="$(mktemp -p "${ban_tmpbase}" -d)"
- ban_tmpfile="$(mktemp -p "${ban_tmpdir}" -tu)"
- if [ ! -f "${ban_pidfile}" ] || [ ! -s "${ban_pidfile}" ]; then
- printf "%s" "${$}" >"${ban_pidfile}"
- fi
- f_log "debug" "f_tmp ::: tmp_base: ${ban_tmpbase:-"-"}, tmp_dir: ${ban_tmpdir:-"-"}, pid_file: ${ban_pidfile:-"-"}"
- }
- # remove temporary files and directories
- #
- f_rmtmp() {
- if [ -d "${ban_tmpdir}" ]; then
- rm -rf "${ban_tmpdir}"
- fi
- rm -f "${ban_srcfile}"
- : >"${ban_pidfile}"
- f_log "debug" "f_rmtmp ::: tmp_base: ${ban_tmpbase:-"-"}, tmp_dir: ${ban_tmpdir:-"-"}, pid_file: ${ban_pidfile:-"-"}"
- }
- # remove backup files
- #
- f_rmbckp() {
- if [ -d "${ban_backupdir}" ]; then
- rm -f "${ban_backupdir}/banIP."*".gz"
- fi
- }
- # status helper function
- #
- f_char() {
- local result input="${1}"
- if [ "${input}" = "1" ]; then
- result="✔"
- else
- result="✘"
- fi
- printf "%s" "${result}"
- }
- # apply iptables rules
- #
- f_iptrule() {
- local rc timeout="-w 5" action="${1}" chain="${2}" rule="${3}" pos="${4}"
- if [ "${ban_proto4_enabled}" = "1" ] && { [ "${src_name}" = "maclist" ] || [ "${src_name##*_}" = "4" ]; }; then
- rc="$(
- "${ban_ipt4_cmd}" "${timeout}" -C ${chain} ${rule} 2>/dev/null
- printf "%u" ${?}
- )"
- if { [ "${rc}" != "0" ] && { [ "${action}" = "-A" ] || [ "${action}" = "-I" ]; }; } ||
- { [ "${rc}" = "0" ] && [ "${action}" = "-D" ]; }; then
- "${ban_ipt4_cmd}" "${timeout}" "${action}" ${chain} ${pos} ${rule} 2>/dev/null
- rc="${?}"
- else
- rc=0
- fi
- fi
- if [ "${ban_proto6_enabled}" = "1" ] && { [ "${src_name}" = "maclist" ] || [ "${src_name##*_}" = "6" ]; }; then
- rc="$(
- "${ban_ipt6_cmd}" "${timeout}" -C ${chain} ${rule} 2>/dev/null
- printf "%u" ${?}
- )"
- if { [ "${rc}" != "0" ] && { [ "${action}" = "-A" ] || [ "${action}" = "-I" ]; }; } ||
- { [ "${rc}" = "0" ] && [ "${action}" = "-D" ]; }; then
- "${ban_ipt6_cmd}" "${timeout}" "${action}" ${chain} ${pos} ${rule} 2>/dev/null
- rc="${?}"
- else
- rc=0
- fi
- fi
- if [ -n "${rc}" ] && [ "${rc}" != "0" ]; then
- : >"${tmp_err}"
- f_log "info" "${src_name}: iptables action '${action:-"-"}' failed with '${chain}, ${pos:-"-"}, ${rule:-"-"}'"
- fi
- }
- # iptables controller
- #
- f_iptables() {
- local ipt_cmd chain chainsets dev pos timeout="-w 5" destroy="${1}"
- if [ "${ban_action}" != "refresh" ] && [ "${ban_action}" != "resume" ]; then
- for dev in ${ban_ipdevs}; do
- if [ "${src_name}" = "maclist" ]; then
- f_iptrule "-D" "${ban_chain}" "-o ${dev} -m set --match-set ${src_name} src -j RETURN"
- elif [ "${src_name%_*}" = "whitelist" ]; then
- f_iptrule "-D" "${ban_chain}" "-i ${dev} -m set ! --match-set ${src_name} src -j ${ban_logtarget_src}"
- f_iptrule "-D" "${ban_chain}" "-o ${dev} -m set ! --match-set ${src_name} dst -j ${ban_logtarget_dst}"
- f_iptrule "-D" "${ban_chain}" "-i ${dev} -m set ! --match-set ${src_name} src -j ${ban_logchain_src}"
- f_iptrule "-D" "${ban_chain}" "-o ${dev} -m set ! --match-set ${src_name} dst -j ${ban_logchain_dst}"
- f_iptrule "-D" "${ban_chain}" "-i ${dev} -m set --match-set ${src_name} src -j RETURN"
- f_iptrule "-D" "${ban_chain}" "-o ${dev} -m set --match-set ${src_name} dst -j RETURN"
- else
- f_iptrule "-D" "${ban_chain}" "-i ${dev} -m set --match-set ${src_name} src -j ${ban_logtarget_src}"
- f_iptrule "-D" "${ban_chain}" "-o ${dev} -m set --match-set ${src_name} dst -j ${ban_logtarget_dst}"
- f_iptrule "-D" "${ban_chain}" "-i ${dev} -m set --match-set ${src_name} src -j ${ban_logchain_src}"
- f_iptrule "-D" "${ban_chain}" "-o ${dev} -m set --match-set ${src_name} dst -j ${ban_logchain_dst}"
- fi
- done
- fi
- if [ -z "${destroy}" ] && { [ "${cnt}" -gt "0" ] || [ "${src_name%_*}" = "blacklist" ] || [ "${src_name%_*}" = "whitelist" ]; }; then
- if [ "${src_name##*_}" = "4" ]; then
- ipt_cmd="${ban_ipt4_cmd}"
- if [ ! -f "${ban_tmpfile}.${src_name##*_}.chains" ]; then
- : >"${ban_tmpfile}.${src_name##*_}.chains"
- chainsets="${ban_lan_inputchains_4} ${ban_wan_inputchains_4} ${ban_lan_forwardchains_4} ${ban_wan_forwardchains_4}"
- for chain in ${chainsets}; do
- f_iptrule "-I" "${chain}" "-j ${ban_chain}"
- done
- f_iptrule "-A" "${ban_chain}" "-p udp --dport 67:68 --sport 67:68 -j RETURN"
- f_iptrule "-A" "${ban_chain}" "-m conntrack ! --ctstate NEW -j RETURN"
- fi
- elif [ "${src_name##*_}" = "6" ]; then
- ipt_cmd="${ban_ipt6_cmd}"
- if [ ! -f "${ban_tmpfile}.${src_name##*_}.chains" ]; then
- : >"${ban_tmpfile}.${src_name##*_}.chains"
- chainsets="${ban_lan_inputchains_6} ${ban_wan_inputchains_6} ${ban_lan_forwardchains_6} ${ban_wan_forwardchains_6}"
- for chain in ${chainsets}; do
- f_iptrule "-I" "${chain}" "-j ${ban_chain}"
- done
- f_iptrule "-A" "${ban_chain}" "-p ipv6-icmp -s fe80::/10 -d fe80::/10 -j RETURN"
- f_iptrule "-A" "${ban_chain}" "-p udp -s fc00::/6 --sport 547 -d fc00::/6 --dport 546 -j RETURN"
- f_iptrule "-A" "${ban_chain}" "-m conntrack ! --ctstate NEW -j RETURN"
- fi
- fi
- if [ "${src_settype}" != "dst" ]; then
- for dev in ${ban_devs}; do
- if [ "${src_name}" = "maclist" ]; then
- f_iptrule "-I" "${ban_chain}" "-o ${dev} -m set --match-set ${src_name} src -j RETURN" "1"
- elif [ "${src_name%_*}" = "whitelist" ]; then
- pos="$(($("${ipt_cmd}" "${timeout}" -vnL "${ban_chain}" --line-numbers | grep -cF "RETURN") + 1))"
- if [ "${ban_whitelistonly}" = "1" ]; then
- f_iptrule "-I" "${ban_chain}" "-i ${dev} -m set ! --match-set ${src_name} src -j ${ban_target_src}" "${pos}"
- else
- f_iptrule "-I" "${ban_chain}" "-i ${dev} -m set --match-set ${src_name} src -j RETURN" "${pos}"
- fi
- else
- f_iptrule "${action:-"-A"}" "${ban_chain}" "-i ${dev} -m set --match-set ${src_name} src -j ${ban_target_src}"
- fi
- done
- fi
- if [ "${src_settype}" != "src" ]; then
- for dev in ${ban_devs}; do
- if [ "${src_name%_*}" = "whitelist" ]; then
- pos="$(($("${ipt_cmd}" "${timeout}" -vnL "${ban_chain}" --line-numbers | grep -cF "RETURN") + 1))"
- if [ "${ban_whitelistonly}" = "1" ]; then
- f_iptrule "-I" "${ban_chain}" "-o ${dev} -m set ! --match-set ${src_name} dst -j ${ban_target_dst}" "${pos}"
- else
- f_iptrule "-I" "${ban_chain}" "-o ${dev} -m set --match-set ${src_name} dst -j RETURN" "${pos}"
- fi
- elif [ "${src_name}" != "maclist" ]; then
- f_iptrule "${action:-"-A"}" "${ban_chain}" "-o ${dev} -m set --match-set ${src_name} dst -j ${ban_target_dst}"
- fi
- done
- fi
- else
- "${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q destroy "${src_name}"
- fi
- }
- # ipset controller
- #
- f_ipset() {
- local src src_list action rule ipt_cmd out_rc max="0" cnt="0" cnt_ip="0" cnt_cidr="0" cnt_mac="0" timeout="-w 5" mode="${1}" in_rc="4"
- case "${mode}" in
- "backup")
- gzip -cf "${tmp_load}" 2>/dev/null >"${ban_backupdir}/banIP.${src_name}.gz"
- out_rc="${?}"
- f_log "debug" "f_ipset ::: name: ${src_name:-"-"}, mode: ${mode:-"-"}, out_rc: ${out_rc}"
- return "${out_rc}"
- ;;
- "restore")
- if [ -f "${ban_backupdir}/banIP.${src_name}.gz" ]; then
- zcat "${ban_backupdir}/banIP.${src_name}.gz" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_load}"
- out_rc="${?}"
- else
- out_rc="${in_rc}"
- fi
- f_log "debug" "f_ipset ::: name: ${src_name:-"-"}, mode: ${mode:-"-"}, out_rc: ${out_rc}"
- return "${out_rc}"
- ;;
- "remove")
- if [ -f "${ban_backupdir}/banIP.${src_name}.gz" ]; then
- rm -f "${ban_backupdir}/banIP.${src_name}.gz"
- out_rc="${?}"
- else
- out_rc="${in_rc}"
- fi
- f_log "debug" "f_ipset ::: name: ${src_name:-"-"}, mode: ${mode:-"-"}, out_rc: ${out_rc}"
- return "${out_rc}"
- ;;
- "initial")
- for proto in "4" "6"; do
- if [ "${proto}" = "4" ] && [ "${ban_proto4_enabled}" = "1" ]; then
- ipt_cmd="${ban_ipt4_cmd}"
- chainsets="${ban_lan_inputchains_4} ${ban_lan_forwardchains_4} ${ban_wan_inputchains_4} ${ban_wan_forwardchains_4}"
- elif [ "${proto}" = "6" ] && [ "${ban_proto6_enabled}" = "1" ]; then
- ipt_cmd="${ban_ipt6_cmd}"
- chainsets="${ban_lan_inputchains_6} ${ban_lan_forwardchains_6} ${ban_wan_inputchains_6} ${ban_wan_forwardchains_6}"
- fi
- if { [ "${proto}" = "4" ] && [ "${ban_proto4_enabled}" = "1" ]; } ||
- { [ "${proto}" = "6" ] && [ "${ban_proto6_enabled}" = "1" ]; }; then
- if [ -z "$("${ipt_cmd}" "${timeout}" -nL "${ban_chain}" 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
- "${ipt_cmd}" "${timeout}" -N "${ban_chain}" 2>/dev/null
- out_rc="${?}"
- f_log "debug" "f_ipset ::: name: ${src_name:-"-"}, mode: ${mode:-"-"}, chain: ${ban_chain:-"-"}, out_rc: ${out_rc}"
- else
- out_rc=0
- for chain in ${chainsets}; do
- f_iptrule "-D" "${chain}" "-j ${ban_chain}"
- done
- fi
- if [ "${ban_logsrc_enabled}" = "1" ] && [ "${out_rc}" = "0" ] && [ -z "$("${ipt_cmd}" "${timeout}" -nL "${ban_logchain_src}" 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
- "${ipt_cmd}" "${timeout}" -N "${ban_logchain_src}" 2>/dev/null
- out_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${out_rc}" = "0" ]; then
- "${ipt_cmd}" "${timeout}" -A "${ban_logchain_src}" -j LOG ${ban_logopts_src} --log-prefix "${ban_logprefix_src}"
- out_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${out_rc}" = "0" ]; then
- "${ipt_cmd}" "${timeout}" -A "${ban_logchain_src}" -j "${ban_logtarget_src}"
- out_rc="${?}"
- fi
- fi
- f_log "debug" "f_ipset ::: name: ${src_name:-"-"}, mode: ${mode:-"-"}, logchain_src: ${ban_logchain_src:-"-"}, out_rc: ${out_rc}"
- fi
- if [ "${ban_logdst_enabled}" = "1" ] && [ "${out_rc}" = "0" ] && [ -z "$("${ipt_cmd}" "${timeout}" -nL "${ban_logchain_dst}" 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
- "${ipt_cmd}" "${timeout}" -N "${ban_logchain_dst}" 2>/dev/null
- out_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${out_rc}" = "0" ]; then
- "${ipt_cmd}" "${timeout}" -A "${ban_logchain_dst}" -j LOG ${ban_logopts_dst} --log-prefix "${ban_logprefix_dst}"
- out_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${out_rc}" = "0" ]; then
- "${ipt_cmd}" "${timeout}" -A "${ban_logchain_dst}" -j "${ban_logtarget_dst}"
- out_rc="${?}"
- fi
- fi
- f_log "debug" "f_ipset ::: name: initial, mode: ${mode:-"-"}, logchain_dst: ${ban_logchain_dst:-"-"}, out_rc: ${out_rc}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- out_rc="${out_rc:-"${in_rc}"}"
- f_log "debug" "f_ipset ::: name: ${src_name:-"-"}, mode: ${mode:-"-"}, out_rc: ${out_rc}"
- return "${out_rc}"
- ;;
- "create")
- if [ -z "$("${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q -n list "${src_name}")" ] &&
- { [ -s "${tmp_file}" ] || [ "${src_name%_*}" = "whitelist" ] || [ "${src_name%_*}" = "blacklist" ]; }; then
- max="$(awk 'END{print NR}' "${tmp_file}" 2>/dev/null)"
- max=$((max + 262144))
- if [ "${src_name}" = "maclist" ]; then
- "${ban_ipset_cmd}" create "${src_name}" hash:mac hashsize 64 maxelem "${max}" counters timeout "${ban_maclist_timeout:-"0"}"
- out_rc="${?}"
- elif [ "${src_name%_*}" = "whitelist" ]; then
- "${ban_ipset_cmd}" create "${src_name}" hash:net hashsize 64 maxelem "${max}" family "${src_ipver}" counters timeout "${ban_whitelist_timeout:-"0"}"
- out_rc="${?}"
- elif [ "${src_name%_*}" = "blacklist" ]; then
- "${ban_ipset_cmd}" create "${src_name}" hash:net hashsize 64 maxelem "${max}" family "${src_ipver}" counters timeout "${ban_blacklist_timeout:-"0"}"
- out_rc="${?}"
- else
- "${ban_ipset_cmd}" create "${src_name}" hash:net hashsize 64 maxelem "${max}" family "${src_ipver}" counters
- out_rc="${?}"
- fi
- elif [ -n "$("${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q -n list "${src_name}")" ]; then
- "${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q flush "${src_name}"
- out_rc="${?}"
- fi
- if [ -s "${tmp_file}" ] && [ "${out_rc}" = "0" ]; then
- "${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q -! restore <"${tmp_file}"
- out_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${out_rc}" = "0" ]; then
- src_list="$("${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q list "${src_name}")"
- cnt="$(printf "%s\n" "${src_list}" | awk '/^Number of entries:/{print $4}')"
- cnt_mac="$(printf "%s\n" "${src_list}" | grep -cE "^(([0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z]:){5}[0-9A-Z]{2} )")"
- cnt_cidr="$(printf "%s\n" "${src_list}" | grep -cE "(/[0-9]{1,3} )")"
- cnt_ip=$((cnt - cnt_cidr - cnt_mac))
- printf "%s\n" "${cnt}" >"${tmp_cnt}"
- fi
- fi
- f_iptables
- end_ts="$(date +%s)"
- out_rc="${out_rc:-"${in_rc}"}"
- f_log "debug" "f_ipset ::: name: ${src_name:-"-"}, mode: ${mode:-"-"}, ipver: ${src_ipver:-"-"}, settype: ${src_settype:-"-"}, count(sum/ip/cidr/mac): ${cnt}/${cnt_ip}/${cnt_cidr}/${cnt_mac}, time: $((end_ts - start_ts)), out_rc: ${out_rc}"
- return "${out_rc}"
- ;;
- "refresh")
- if [ -n "$("${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q -n list "${src_name}")" ]; then
- out_rc=0
- src_list="$("${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q list "${src_name}")"
- cnt="$(printf "%s\n" "${src_list}" | awk '/^Number of entries:/{print $4}')"
- cnt_mac="$(printf "%s\n" "${src_list}" | grep -cE "^(([0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z]:){5}[0-9A-Z]{2} )")"
- cnt_cidr="$(printf "%s\n" "${src_list}" | grep -cE "(/[0-9]{1,3} )")"
- cnt_ip=$((cnt - cnt_cidr - cnt_mac))
- printf "%s\n" "${cnt}" >"${tmp_cnt}"
- f_iptables
- fi
- end_ts="$(date +%s)"
- out_rc="${out_rc:-"${in_rc}"}"
- f_log "debug" "f_ipset ::: name: ${src_name:-"-"}, mode: ${mode:-"-"}, count(sum/ip/cidr/mac): ${cnt}/${cnt_ip}/${cnt_cidr}/${cnt_mac}, time: $((end_ts - start_ts)), out_rc: ${out_rc}"
- return "${out_rc}"
- ;;
- "suspend")
- for src in ${ban_sources} ${ban_localsources}; do
- if [ "${src}" = "maclist" ] && [ -n "$("${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q -n list "${src}")" ]; then
- tmp_file="${ban_backupdir}/${src}.file"
- "${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q save "${src}" | tail -n +2 >"${tmp_file}"
- "${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q flush "${src}"
- else
- for proto in "4" "6"; do
- if [ -n "$("${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q -n list "${src}_${proto}")" ]; then
- tmp_file="${ban_backupdir}/${src}_${proto}.file"
- "${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q save "${src}_${proto}" | tail -n +2 >"${tmp_file}"
- "${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q flush "${src}_${proto}"
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- f_log "debug" "f_ipset ::: name: ${src:-"-"}, mode: ${mode:-"-"}"
- ;;
- "resume")
- if [ -f "${ban_backupdir}/${src_name}.file" ]; then
- "${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q -! restore <"${ban_backupdir}/${src_name}.file"
- out_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${out_rc}" = "0" ]; then
- rm -f "${ban_backupdir}/${src_name}.file"
- src_list="$("${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q list "${src_name}")"
- cnt="$(printf "%s\n" "${src_list}" | awk '/^Number of entries:/{print $4}')"
- cnt_mac="$(printf "%s\n" "${src_list}" | grep -cE "^(([0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z]:){5}[0-9A-Z]{2} )")"
- cnt_cidr="$(printf "%s\n" "${src_list}" | grep -cE "(/[0-9]{1,3} )")"
- cnt_ip=$((cnt - cnt_cidr - cnt_mac))
- printf "%s\n" "${cnt}" >"${tmp_cnt}"
- fi
- f_iptables
- fi
- end_ts="$(date +%s)"
- out_rc="${out_rc:-"${in_rc}"}"
- f_log "debug" "f_ipset ::: name: ${src_name:-"-"}, mode: ${mode:-"-"}, ipver: ${src_ipver:-"-"}, settype: ${src_settype:-"-"}, count(sum/ip/cidr/mac): ${cnt}/${cnt_ip}/${cnt_cidr}/${cnt_mac}, time: $((end_ts - start_ts)), out_rc: ${out_rc}"
- return "${out_rc}"
- ;;
- "flush")
- if [ -n "$("${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q -n list "${src_name}")" ]; then
- f_iptables "destroy"
- out_rc=0
- fi
- out_rc="${out_rc:-"${in_rc}"}"
- f_log "debug" "f_ipset ::: name: ${src_name:-"-"}, mode: ${mode:-"-"}, out_rc: ${out_rc}"
- return "${out_rc}"
- ;;
- "destroy")
- for chain in ${ban_chain} ${ban_logchain_src} ${ban_logchain_dst}; do
- if [ -n "$("${ban_ipt4_cmd}" "${timeout}" -nL "${chain}" 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
- "${ban_ipt4_savecmd}" | grep -v -- "-j ${chain}" | "${ban_ipt4_restorecmd}"
- "${ban_ipt4_cmd}" "${timeout}" -F "${chain}" 2>/dev/null
- "${ban_ipt4_cmd}" "${timeout}" -X "${chain}" 2>/dev/null
- fi
- if [ -n "$("${ban_ipt6_cmd}" "${timeout}" -nL "${chain}" 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
- "${ban_ipt6_savecmd}" | grep -v -- "-j ${chain}" | "${ban_ipt6_restorecmd}"
- "${ban_ipt6_cmd}" "${timeout}" -F "${chain}" 2>/dev/null
- "${ban_ipt6_cmd}" "${timeout}" -X "${chain}" 2>/dev/null
- fi
- done
- for src in ${ban_sources} maclist blacklist whitelist; do
- if [ "${src}" = "maclist" ] && [ -n "$("${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q -n list "${src}")" ]; then
- "${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q destroy "${src}"
- else
- for proto in "4" "6"; do
- if [ -n "$("${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q -n list "${src}_${proto}")" ]; then
- "${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q destroy "${src}_${proto}"
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- f_log "debug" "f_ipset ::: name: ${src_name:-"-"}, mode: ${mode:-"-"}"
- ;;
- esac
- }
- # write to syslog
- #
- f_log() {
- local class="${1}" log_msg="${2}"
- if [ -n "${log_msg}" ] && { [ "${class}" != "debug" ] || [ "${ban_debug}" = "1" ]; }; then
- if [ -x "${ban_logger_cmd}" ]; then
- "${ban_logger_cmd}" -p "${class}" -t "banIP-${ban_ver%-*}[${$}]" "${log_msg}"
- else
- printf "%s %s %s\n" "${class}" "banIP-${ban_ver%-*}[${$}]" "${log_msg}"
- fi
- if [ "${class}" = "err" ]; then
- f_jsnup "error"
- f_ipset "destroy"
- f_rmbckp
- f_rmtmp
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- }
- # kill all relevant background processes
- #
- f_pidx() {
- local pids ppid="${1}"
- pids="$(pgrep -P "${ppid}" 2>/dev/null | awk '{ORS=" ";print $0}')"
- kill -HUP "${ppid}" "${pids}" 2>/dev/null
- : >"${ban_bgpidfile}"
- }
- # start log service to trace failed ssh/luci logins
- #
- f_bgsrv() {
- local bg_pid action="${1}"
- bg_pid="$(cat "${ban_bgpidfile}" 2>/dev/null)"
- if [ "${action}" = "start" ] && [ -x "${ban_logservice}" ] && [ "${ban_monitor_enabled}" = "1" ] && [ "${ban_whitelistonly}" = "0" ]; then
- if [ -n "${bg_pid}" ]; then
- f_pidx "${bg_pid}"
- fi
- if printf "%s\n" "${ban_logterms}" | grep -q "dropbear"; then
- ban_search="Exit before auth from|"
- fi
- if printf "%s\n" "${ban_logterms}" | grep -q "sshd"; then
- ban_search="${ban_search}error: maximum authentication attempts exceeded|sshd.*Connection closed by.*\[preauth\]|"
- fi
- if printf "%s\n" "${ban_logterms}" | grep -q "luci"; then
- ban_search="${ban_search}luci: failed login|"
- fi
- if printf "%s\n" "${ban_logterms}" | grep -q "nginx"; then
- ban_search="${ban_search}nginx\[[0-9]+\]:.*\[error\].*open().*client: [[:alnum:].:]+|"
- fi
- (
- "${ban_logservice}" "${ban_search%?}" &
- printf "%s" "${!}" >"${ban_bgpidfile}"
- )
- elif { [ "${action}" = "stop" ] || [ "${ban_monitor_enabled}" = "0" ]; } && [ -n "${bg_pid}" ]; then
- f_pidx "${bg_pid}"
- fi
- f_log "debug" "f_bgsrv ::: action: ${action:-"-"}, bg_pid (old/new): ${bg_pid}/$(cat "${ban_bgpidfile}" 2>/dev/null), monitor_enabled: ${ban_monitor_enabled:-"-"}, log_service: ${ban_logservice:-"-"}"
- }
- # download controller
- #
- f_down() {
- local src_name="${1}" proto="${2}" src_ipver="${3}" src_url="${4}" src_rule="${5}" src_comp="${6}"
- local ip start_ts end_ts src_settype src_log src_rc tmp_load tmp_file tmp_raw tmp_cnt tmp_err
- start_ts="$(date +%s)"
- if printf "%s\n" "${ban_settype_src}" | grep -q "${src_name}"; then
- src_settype="src"
- elif printf "%s\n" "${ban_settype_dst}" | grep -q "${src_name}"; then
- src_settype="dst"
- elif printf "%s\n" "${ban_settype_all}" | grep -q "${src_name}"; then
- src_settype="src+dst"
- else
- src_settype="${ban_global_settype}"
- fi
- src_name="${src_name}_${proto}"
- tmp_load="${ban_tmpfile}.${src_name}.load"
- tmp_file="${ban_tmpfile}.${src_name}.file"
- tmp_raw="${tmp_file}.raw"
- tmp_cnt="${tmp_file}.cnt"
- tmp_err="${tmp_file}.err"
- # 'resume' mode
- #
- if [ "${ban_action}" = "resume" ]; then
- if [ "${src_name%_*}" = "maclist" ]; then
- src_name="maclist"
- fi
- f_ipset "resume"
- src_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${src_rc}" = "0" ]; then
- return
- fi
- fi
- # handle local downloads
- #
- case "${src_name%_*}" in
- "blacklist" | "whitelist")
- printf "%s\n" "0" >"${tmp_cnt}"
- awk "${src_rule}" "${src_url}" >"${tmp_file}"
- src_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${src_rc}" = "0" ]; then
- f_ipset "create"
- if [ ! -f "${tmp_dns}" ] && { { [ "${proto}" = "4" ] && [ "${ban_proto4_enabled}" = "1" ]; } ||
- { [ "${proto}" = "6" ] && [ "${ban_proto6_enabled}" = "1" ] && [ "${ban_proto4_enabled}" = "0" ]; }; }; then
- tmp_dns="${ban_tmpbase}/${src_name%_*}.dns"
- src_rule="/^([[:alnum:]_-]{1,63}\\.)+[[:alpha:]]+([[:space:]]|$)/{print tolower(\$1)}"
- awk "${src_rule}" "${src_url}" >"${tmp_dns}"
- src_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${src_rc}" = "0" ] && [ -s "${tmp_dns}" ]; then
- ("${ban_dnsservice}" "${src_name%_*}" "${tmp_dns}" &)
- else
- rm -f "${tmp_dns}"
- fi
- fi
- else
- f_log "debug" "f_down ::: name: ${src_name}, url: ${src_url}, rule: ${src_rule}, rc: ${src_rc}"
- fi
- return
- ;;
- "maclist")
- src_name="${src_name%_*}"
- tmp_file="${ban_tmpfile}.${src_name}.file"
- tmp_cnt="${tmp_file}.cnt"
- tmp_err="${tmp_file}.err"
- awk "${src_rule}" "${src_url}" >"${tmp_file}"
- src_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${src_rc}" = "0" ]; then
- f_ipset "create"
- else
- f_log "debug" "f_down ::: name: ${src_name}, url: ${src_url}, rule: ${src_rule}, rc: ${src_rc}"
- fi
- return
- ;;
- esac
- # 'refresh' mode
- #
- if [ "${ban_action}" = "refresh" ]; then
- f_ipset "refresh"
- src_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${src_rc}" = "0" ]; then
- return
- fi
- fi
- # 'start' mode
- #
- if [ "${ban_action}" = "start" ]; then
- f_ipset "restore"
- fi
- src_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${src_rc}" = "0" ]; then
- awk "${src_rule}" "${tmp_load}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_file}"
- src_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${src_rc}" = "0" ]; then
- f_ipset "create"
- src_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${src_rc}" = "0" ]; then
- return
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # handle country related downloads
- #
- if [ "${src_name%_*}" = "country" ]; then
- for country in ${ban_countries}; do
- src_log="$("${ban_fetchutil}" ${ban_fetchparm} "${tmp_raw}" "${src_url}${country}-aggregated.zone" 2>&1)"
- src_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${src_rc}" = "0" ]; then
- cat "${tmp_raw}" 2>/dev/null >>"${tmp_load}"
- else
- continue
- fi
- done
- # handle asn related downloads
- #
- elif [ "${src_name%_*}" = "asn" ]; then
- for asn in ${ban_asns}; do
- src_log="$("${ban_fetchutil}" ${ban_fetchparm} "${tmp_raw}" "${src_url}AS${asn}" 2>&1)"
- src_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${src_rc}" = "0" ]; then
- cat "${tmp_raw}" 2>/dev/null >>"${tmp_load}"
- else
- continue
- fi
- done
- # handle compressed downloads
- #
- elif [ -n "${src_comp}" ]; then
- case "${src_comp}" in
- "gz")
- src_log="$("${ban_fetchutil}" ${ban_fetchparm} "${tmp_raw}" "${src_url}" 2>&1)"
- src_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${src_rc}" -eq 0 ]; then
- zcat "${tmp_raw}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_load}"
- src_rc="${?}"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- # handle normal downloads
- #
- else
- src_log="$("${ban_fetchutil}" ${ban_fetchparm} "${tmp_load}" "${src_url}" 2>&1)"
- src_rc="${?}"
- fi
- # download post-processing
- #
- if [ "${src_rc}" = "0" ]; then
- f_ipset "backup"
- src_rc="${?}"
- elif [ "${ban_action}" != "start" ] && [ "${ban_action}" != "refresh" ]; then
- f_ipset "restore"
- src_rc="${?}"
- fi
- if [ "${src_rc}" = "0" ]; then
- awk "${src_rule}" "${tmp_load}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_file}"
- src_rc="${?}"
- if [ "${src_rc}" = "0" ]; then
- f_ipset "create"
- src_rc="${?}"
- elif [ "${ban_action}" != "refresh" ]; then
- f_ipset "refresh"
- src_rc="${?}"
- fi
- else
- src_log="$(printf "%s" "${src_log}" | awk '{ORS=" ";print $0}')"
- if [ "${ban_action}" != "refresh" ]; then
- f_ipset "refresh"
- src_rc="${?}"
- fi
- f_log "debug" "f_down ::: name: ${src_name}, url: ${src_url}, rule: ${src_rule}, rc: ${src_rc}, log: ${src_log:-"-"}"
- fi
- }
- # main controller
- #
- f_main() {
- local src_name src_url_4 src_rule_4 src_url_6 src_rule_6 src_comp src_rc src_ts log_raw log_merge log_ips log_count hold err_file cnt_file cnt=0
- # prepare logfile excerpts
- #
- if [ "${ban_autoblacklist}" = "1" ] || [ "${ban_monitor_enabled}" = "1" ]; then
- log_raw="$(${ban_logread_cmd} -l "${ban_loglimit}")"
- if printf "%s\n" "${ban_logterms}" | grep -q "dropbear"; then
- log_ips="$(printf "%s\n" "${log_raw}" | grep -E "Exit before auth from" |
- awk 'match($0,/<[0-9A-f:\.]+:/){printf "%s\n",substr($0,RSTART+1,RLENGTH-2)}' | awk '!seen[$NF]++' | awk '{ORS=" ";print $NF}')"
- for ip in ${log_ips}; do
- log_count="$(printf "%s\n" "${log_raw}" | grep -cE "Exit before auth from <${ip}")"
- if [ "${log_count}" -ge "${ban_ssh_logcount}" ]; then
- log_merge="${log_merge} ${ip}"
- fi
- done
- fi
- if printf "%s\n" "${ban_logterms}" | grep -q "sshd"; then
- log_ips="$(printf "%s\n" "${log_raw}" | grep -E "error: maximum authentication attempts exceeded|sshd.*Connection closed by.*\[preauth\]" |
- awk 'match($0,/[0-9A-f:\.]+ port/){printf "%s\n",substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH-5)}' | awk '!seen[$NF]++' | awk '{ORS=" ";print $NF}')"
- for ip in ${log_ips}; do
- log_count="$(printf "%s\n" "${log_raw}" | grep -cE "error: maximum authentication attempts exceeded.*${ip}|sshd.*Connection closed by.*${ip}.*\[preauth\]")"
- if [ "${log_count}" -ge "${ban_ssh_logcount}" ]; then
- log_merge="${log_merge} ${ip}"
- fi
- done
- fi
- if printf "%s\n" "${ban_logterms}" | grep -q "luci"; then
- log_ips="$(printf "%s\n" "${log_raw}" | grep -E "luci: failed login on " |
- awk 'match($0,/[0-9A-f:\.]+$/){printf "%s\n",substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)}' | awk '!seen[$NF]++' | awk '{ORS=" ";print $NF}')"
- for ip in ${log_ips}; do
- log_count="$(printf "%s\n" "${log_raw}" | grep -cE "luci: failed login on .*from ${ip}")"
- if [ "${log_count}" -ge "${ban_luci_logcount}" ]; then
- log_merge="${log_merge} ${ip}"
- fi
- done
- fi
- if printf "%s\n" "${ban_logterms}" | grep -q "nginx"; then
- log_ips="$(printf "%s\n" "${log_raw}" | grep -oE "nginx(\[[0-9]+\])?:.*\[error\].*open\(\).*client: [[:alnum:].:]+" |
- awk '!seen[$NF]++' | awk '{ORS=" ";print $NF}')"
- for ip in ${log_ips}; do
- log_count="$(printf "%s\n" "${log_raw}" | grep -cE "nginx(\[[0-9]+\])?:.*\[error\].*open\(\).*client: ${ip}")"
- if [ "${log_count}" -ge "${ban_nginx_logcount}" ]; then
- log_merge="${log_merge} ${ip}"
- fi
- done
- fi
- fi
- # prepare new black- and whitelist entries
- #
- if [ "${ban_autowhitelist}" = "1" ] && [ -f "${ban_whitelist}" ]; then
- for ip in ${ban_subnets}; do
- if ! grep -q "${ip}" "${ban_whitelist}"; then
- src_ts="# added on $(date "+%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")"
- printf "%-42s%s\n" "${ip}" "${src_ts}" >>"${ban_whitelist}"
- f_log "info" "IP address '${ip}' added to whitelist"
- fi
- done
- fi
- if [ "${ban_autoblacklist}" = "1" ] && [ -f "${ban_blacklist}" ]; then
- for ip in ${log_merge}; do
- if ! grep -q "${ip}" "${ban_blacklist}"; then
- src_ts="# added on $(date "+%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")"
- printf "%-42s%s\n" "${ip}" "${src_ts}" >>"${ban_blacklist}"
- f_log "info" "IP address '${ip}' added to blacklist"
- fi
- done
- fi
- # initial ipset/iptables creation
- #
- if ! f_ipset "initial"; then
- f_log "err" "banIP processing failed, fatal error during ipset/iptables creation (${ban_sysver})"
- fi
- # load local source files (maclist, blacklist, whitelist)
- #
- for src_name in ${ban_localsources}; do
- if [ "${src_name}" = "maclist" ] && [ -s "${ban_maclist}" ]; then
- (
- src_rule_4="/^([0-9A-z][0-9A-z]:){5}[0-9A-z]{2}([[:space:]]|$)/{print \"add ${src_name} \"toupper(\$1)}"
- f_down "${src_name}" "mac" "mac" "${ban_maclist}" "${src_rule_4}"
- ) &
- fi
- if [ "${ban_proto4_enabled}" = "1" ]; then
- if [ "${src_name}" = "blacklist" ] && [ -s "${ban_blacklist}" ] && [ "${ban_whitelistonly}" = "0" ]; then
- (
- src_rule_4="/^(([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{print \"add ${src_name}_4 \"\$1}"
- f_down "${src_name}" "4" "inet" "${ban_blacklist}" "${src_rule_4}"
- ) &
- elif [ "${src_name}" = "whitelist" ] && [ -s "${ban_whitelist}" ]; then
- (
- src_rule_4="/^(([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{print \"add ${src_name}_4 \"\$1}"
- f_down "${src_name}" "4" "inet" "${ban_whitelist}" "${src_rule_4}"
- ) &
- fi
- else
- (
- src_name="${src_name}_4"
- f_ipset "flush"
- ) &
- fi
- if [ "${ban_proto6_enabled}" = "1" ]; then
- if [ "${src_name}" = "blacklist" ] && [ -s "${ban_blacklist}" ] && [ "${ban_whitelistonly}" = "0" ]; then
- (
- src_rule_6="/^(([0-9A-f]{0,4}:){1,7}[0-9A-f]{0,4}:?(\\/(1?[0-2][0-8]|[0-9][0-9]))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{print \"add ${src_name}_6 \"\$1}"
- f_down "${src_name}" "6" "inet6" "${ban_blacklist}" "${src_rule_6}"
- ) &
- elif [ "${src_name}" = "whitelist" ] && [ -s "${ban_whitelist}" ]; then
- (
- src_rule_6="/^(([0-9A-f]{0,4}:){1,7}[0-9A-f]{0,4}:?(\\/(1?[0-2][0-8]|[0-9][0-9]))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{print \"add ${src_name}_6 \"\$1}"
- f_down "${src_name}" "6" "inet6" "${ban_whitelist}" "${src_rule_6}"
- ) &
- fi
- else
- (
- src_name="${src_name}_6"
- f_ipset "flush"
- ) &
- fi
- done
- wait
- # loop over all external sources
- #
- if [ "${ban_whitelistonly}" = "0" ]; then
- for src_name in ${ban_sources}; do
- # get source data from JSON file
- #
- if ! json_select "${src_name}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- continue
- fi
- json_objects="url_4 rule_4 url_6 rule_6 comp"
- for object in ${json_objects}; do
- eval json_get_var src_${object} '${object}' >/dev/null 2>&1
- done
- json_select ..
- # handle external IPv4 source downloads in a subshell
- #
- if [ "${ban_proto4_enabled}" = "1" ] && [ -n "${src_url_4}" ] && [ -n "${src_rule_4}" ]; then
- (
- f_down "${src_name}" "4" "inet" "${src_url_4}" "${src_rule_4}" "${src_comp}"
- ) &
- fi
- # handle external IPv6 source downloads in a subshell
- #
- if [ "${ban_proto6_enabled}" = "1" ] && [ -n "${src_url_6}" ] && [ -n "${src_rule_6}" ]; then
- (
- f_down "${src_name}" "6" "inet6" "${src_url_6}" "${src_rule_6}" "${src_comp}"
- ) &
- fi
- # control/limit download queues
- #
- hold=$((cnt % ban_maxqueue))
- if [ "${hold}" = "0" ]; then
- wait
- fi
- cnt=$((cnt + 1))
- done
- wait
- fi
- # error out
- #
- for err_file in "${ban_tmpfile}."*".err"; do
- if [ -f "${err_file}" ]; then
- f_log "err" "banIP processing failed, fatal iptables errors during subshell processing (${ban_sysver})"
- fi
- done
- # finish processing
- #
- ban_sources=""
- for cnt_file in "${ban_tmpfile}."*".cnt"; do
- if [ -f "${cnt_file}" ]; then
- read -r cnt <"${cnt_file}"
- ban_cnt=$((ban_cnt + cnt))
- ban_setcnt=$((ban_setcnt + 1))
- src_name="$(printf "%s" "${cnt_file}" | grep -Eo "[a-z0-9_]+.file.cnt")"
- src_name="${src_name%%.*}"
- if ! printf "%s" "${ban_sources}" | grep -q "${src_name%_*}"; then
- ban_sources="${ban_sources} ${src_name%_*}"
- ban_allsources="${ban_allsources//${src_name%_*}/}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- for src_name in ${ban_allsources}; do
- if [ "${src_name}" = "maclist" ]; then
- f_ipset "flush"
- else
- for proto in "4" "6"; do
- src_name="${src_name%_*}_${proto}"
- f_ipset "flush"
- if [ "${src_name%_*}" != "blacklist" ] && [ "${src_name%_*}" != "whitelist" ]; then
- f_ipset "remove"
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- f_log "info" "${ban_setcnt} IPSets with overall ${ban_cnt} IPs/Prefixes loaded successfully (${ban_sysver})"
- f_jsnup
- f_rmtmp
- f_bgsrv "start"
- }
- # query ipsets for certain IP
- #
- f_query() {
- local src proto result query_start query_end query_timeout="30" match="0" search="${1}"
- if [ -z "${search}" ]; then
- printf "%s\n" "::: missing search term, please submit a single ip or mac address :::"
- else
- query_start="$(date "+%s")"
- printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: search '${search}' in banIP related IPSets" ":::"
- for src in ${ban_localsources} ${ban_sources} ${ban_extrasources}; do
- if [ "${src}" = "maclist" ] && [ -n "$("${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q -n list "${src}")" ]; then
- result="$(
- ipset -q test ${src} ${search} >/dev/null 2>&1
- printf "%u" "${?}"
- )"
- if [ "${result}" = "0" ]; then
- match="1"
- printf "%s\n" " - found in IPSet '${src}'"
- break
- fi
- else
- for proto in "4" "6"; do
- if [ -n "$("${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q -n list "${src}_${proto}")" ]; then
- result="$(
- ipset -q test ${src}_${proto} ${search} >/dev/null 2>&1
- printf "%u" "${?}"
- )"
- if [ "${result}" = "0" ]; then
- match="1"
- printf "%s\n" " - found in IPSet '${src}_${proto}'"
- fi
- fi
- done
- fi
- query_end="$(date "+%s")"
- if [ "$((query_end - query_start))" -gt "${query_timeout}" ]; then
- printf "%s\n\n" " - [...]"
- break
- fi
- done
- if [ "${match}" = "0" ]; then
- printf "%s\n\n" " - no match"
- fi
- fi
- }
- # generate statistics
- #
- f_report() {
- local report_json report_txt bg_pid content proto src src_list detaillist type jsnval jsnvals jsnval1 jsnval2 jsnval3 jsnval4 jsnval5 jsnval6 jsnval7
- local cnt cnt_mac cnt_cidr cnt_ip cnt_acc cnt_sum="0" cnt_set_sum="1" cnt_acc_sum="0" cnt_mac_sum="0" cnt_ip_sum="0" cnt_cidr_sum="0" cnt_set_sum="0" action="${1}"
- report_json="${ban_reportdir}/ban_report.json"
- report_txt="${ban_reportdir}/ban_mailreport.txt"
- # build json file
- #
- if [ "${action}" != "json" ] && { "${ban_ipt4_savecmd}" | grep -q " ${ban_chain} " || "${ban_ipt6_savecmd}" | grep -q " ${ban_chain} "; }; then
- : >"${report_json}"
- printf "%s\n" "{" >>"${report_json}"
- printf "%s\n" '"ipsets": {' >>"${report_json}"
- for src in ${ban_localsources} ${ban_sources} ${ban_extrasources}; do
- if printf "%s" "${ban_extrasources}" | grep -q "${src}"; then
- set_type="n/a"
- else
- if printf "%s\n" "${ban_settype_src}" | grep -q "${src}"; then
- set_type="src"
- elif printf "%s\n" "${ban_settype_dst}" | grep -q "${src}"; then
- set_type="dst"
- elif printf "%s\n" "${ban_settype_all}" | grep -q "${src}"; then
- set_type="src+dst"
- else
- set_type="${ban_global_settype}"
- fi
- fi
- if [ "${src}" = "maclist" ]; then
- src_list="$("${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q list "${src}")"
- if [ -n "${src_list}" ]; then
- cnt="$(printf "%s" "${src_list}" | awk '/^Number of entries:/{print $4}')"
- cnt_acc="$(printf "%s" "${src_list}" | grep -cE "packets [1-9]+")"
- cnt_acc_sum=$((cnt_acc_sum + cnt_acc))
- cnt_mac_sum="${cnt}"
- cnt_sum=$((cnt_sum + cnt))
- {
- if [ "${cnt_set_sum}" != "0" ]; then
- printf "%s\n" ","
- fi
- printf "\t%s\n" "\"${src}\": {"
- printf "\t\t%s\n" "\"type\": \"${set_type}\","
- printf "\t\t%s\n" "\"count\": \"${cnt}\","
- printf "\t\t%s\n" '"count_ip": "0",'
- printf "\t\t%s\n" '"count_cidr": "0",'
- printf "\t\t%s\n" "\"count_mac\": \"${cnt}\","
- printf "\t\t%s" "\"count_acc\": \"${cnt_acc}\""
- printf ",\n\t\t%s" '"member_acc": ['
- printf "%s" "${src_list}" | awk 'match($0,/ packets [1-9]+/){printf "%s %s\n",$1,substr($0,RSTART+9,RLENGTH-9)}' |
- awk 'BEGIN{i=0};{i=i+1;if(i==1){printf "{\n\t\t\t\"member\": \"%s\",\n\t\t\t\"packets\": \"%s\"\n\t\t}",$1,$2}
- else{printf ",\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\"member\": \"%s\",\n\t\t\t\"packets\": \"%s\"\n\t\t}",$1,$2}}'
- printf "%s\n" "]"
- printf "\t%s" "}"
- } >>"${report_json}"
- cnt_set_sum=$((cnt_set_sum + 1))
- fi
- else
- for proto in "4" "6"; do
- src_list="$("${ban_ipset_cmd}" -q list "${src}_${proto}")"
- if [ -n "${src_list}" ]; then
- cnt="$(printf "%s\n" "${src_list}" | awk '/^Number of entries:/{print $4}')"
- cnt_cidr="$(printf "%s\n" "${src_list}" | grep -cE "/[0-9]{1,3} ")"
- cnt_ip=$((cnt - cnt_cidr - cnt_mac))
- cnt_acc="$(printf "%s\n" "${src_list}" | grep -cE "packets [1-9]+")"
- cnt_cidr_sum=$((cnt_cidr_sum + cnt_cidr))
- cnt_ip_sum=$((cnt_ip_sum + cnt_ip))
- cnt_acc_sum=$((cnt_acc_sum + cnt_acc))
- cnt_sum=$((cnt_sum + cnt))
- {
- if [ "${cnt_set_sum}" != "0" ]; then
- printf "%s\n" ","
- fi
- printf "\t%s\n" "\"${src}_${proto}\": {"
- printf "\t\t%s\n" "\"type\": \"${set_type}\","
- printf "\t\t%s\n" "\"count\": \"${cnt}\","
- printf "\t\t%s\n" "\"count_ip\": \"${cnt_ip}\","
- printf "\t\t%s\n" "\"count_cidr\": \"${cnt_cidr}\","
- printf "\t\t%s\n" '"count_mac": "0",'
- printf "\t\t%s" "\"count_acc\": \"${cnt_acc}\""
- printf ",\n\t\t%s" '"member_acc": ['
- printf "%s" "${src_list}" | awk 'match($0,/ packets [1-9]+/){printf "%s %s\n",$1,substr($0,RSTART+9,RLENGTH-9)}' |
- awk 'BEGIN{i=0};{i=i+1;if(i==1){printf "{\n\t\t\t\"member\": \"%s\",\n\t\t\t\"packets\": \"%s\"\n\t\t}",$1,$2}
- else{printf ",\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\"member\": \"%s\",\n\t\t\t\"packets\": \"%s\"\n\t\t}",$1,$2}}'
- printf "%s\n" "]"
- printf "\t%s" "}"
- } >>"${report_json}"
- cnt_set_sum=$((cnt_set_sum + 1))
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- {
- printf "\n%s" "}"
- printf ",\n%s\n" "\"timestamp\": \"$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")\","
- printf "%s\n" "\"cnt_set_sum\": \"${cnt_set_sum}\","
- printf "%s\n" "\"cnt_ip_sum\": \"${cnt_ip_sum}\","
- printf "%s\n" "\"cnt_cidr_sum\": \"${cnt_cidr_sum}\","
- printf "%s\n" "\"cnt_mac_sum\": \"${cnt_mac_sum}\","
- printf "%s\n" "\"cnt_sum\": \"${cnt_sum}\","
- printf "%s\n" "\"cnt_acc_sum\": \"${cnt_acc_sum}\""
- printf "%s\n" "}"
- } >>"${report_json}"
- fi
- # output preparation
- #
- if [ -s "${report_json}" ] && { [ "${action}" = "cli" ] || [ "${action}" = "mail" ]; }; then
- : >"${report_txt}"
- json_init
- if json_load_file "${report_json}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- json_get_var jsnval1 "timestamp" >/dev/null 2>&1
- json_get_var jsnval2 "cnt_set_sum" >/dev/null 2>&1
- json_get_var jsnval3 "cnt_sum" >/dev/null 2>&1
- json_get_var jsnval4 "cnt_ip_sum" >/dev/null 2>&1
- json_get_var jsnval5 "cnt_cidr_sum" >/dev/null 2>&1
- json_get_var jsnval6 "cnt_mac_sum" >/dev/null 2>&1
- json_get_var jsnval7 "cnt_acc_sum" >/dev/null 2>&1
- {
- printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: report on all banIP related IPSets" ":::"
- printf " + %s\n" "Report timestamp ::: ${jsnval1:-"-"}"
- printf " + %s\n" "Number of all IPSets ::: ${jsnval2:-"0"}"
- printf " + %s\n" "Number of all entries ::: ${jsnval3:-"0"}"
- printf " + %s\n" "Number of IP entries ::: ${jsnval4:-"0"}"
- printf " + %s\n" "Number of CIDR entries ::: ${jsnval5:-"0"}"
- printf " + %s\n" "Number of MAC entries ::: ${jsnval6:-"0"}"
- printf " + %s\n" "Number of accessed entries ::: ${jsnval7:-"0"}"
- } >>"${report_txt}"
- json_select "ipsets"
- json_get_keys ipsetlist
- if [ -n "${ipsetlist}" ]; then
- {
- printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: IPSet details" ":::"
- printf "%-25s%-12s%-11s%-10s%-10s%-10s%-10s%s\n" " Name" "Type" "Count" "Cnt_IP" "Cnt_CIDR" "Cnt_MAC" "Cnt_ACC" "Entry details (Entry/Count)"
- printf "%s\n" " --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- } >>"${report_txt}"
- fi
- for ipset in ${ipsetlist}; do
- set_info="${ipset}"
- acc_info=""
- json_select "${ipset}"
- json_get_keys detaillist
- for detail in ${detaillist}; do
- if [ "${detail}" != "member_acc" ]; then
- json_get_var jsnval "${detail}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- set_info="${set_info} ${jsnval}"
- elif [ "${detail}" = "member_acc" ]; then
- index=1
- json_select "${detail}"
- while json_get_type type "${index}" && [ "${type}" = "object" ]; do
- json_get_values jsnvals "${index}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- acc_info="${acc_info} ${jsnvals}"
- index=$((index + 1))
- done
- json_select ".."
- fi
- done
- {
- printf " %-21s%-12s%-11s%-10s%-10s%-10s%s\n" ${set_info}
- if [ -n "${acc_info}" ]; then
- printf " %-25s%s\n" ${acc_info}
- fi
- printf "%s\n" " --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- } >>"${report_txt}"
- json_select ".."
- done
- content="$(cat "${report_txt}" 2>/dev/null)"
- rm -f "${report_txt}"
- fi
- fi
- # report output
- #
- if [ "${action}" = "cli" ]; then
- printf "%s\n" "${content}"
- elif [ "${action}" = "json" ]; then
- cat "${ban_reportdir}/ban_report.json"
- elif [ "${action}" = "mail" ] && [ "${ban_mail_enabled}" = "1" ] && [ -x "${ban_mailservice}" ]; then
- ("${ban_mailservice}" "${content}" >/dev/null 2>&1) &
- bg_pid="${!}"
- fi
- f_log "debug" "f_report ::: action: ${action}, report_json: ${report_json}, report_txt: ${report_txt}, bg_pid: ${bg_pid:-"-"}"
- }
- # update runtime information
- #
- f_jsnup() {
- local memory entry runtime cnt_info status="${1:-"enabled"}"
- if [ "${status}" = "enabled" ] || [ "${status}" = "error" ]; then
- ban_endtime="$(date "+%s")"
- cnt_info="${ban_setcnt} IPSets with ${ban_cnt} IPs/Prefixes"
- memory="$(awk '/^MemTotal|^MemFree|^MemAvailable/{ORS="/"; print int($2/1000)}' "/proc/meminfo" 2>/dev/null | awk '{print substr($0,1,length($0)-1)}')"
- if [ "$(((ban_endtime - ban_starttime) / 60))" -lt "60" ]; then
- runtime="${ban_action}, $(((ban_endtime - ban_starttime) / 60))m $(((ban_endtime - ban_starttime) % 60))s, ${memory:-0}, $(date "+%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")"
- else
- runtime="${ban_action}, n/a, ${memory:-0}, $(date "+%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")"
- fi
- fi
- : >"${ban_rtfile}"
- json_init
- json_load_file "${ban_rtfile}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- json_add_string "status" "${status}"
- json_add_string "version" "${ban_ver}"
- json_add_string "ipset_info" "${cnt_info:-"-"}"
- json_add_array "active_sources"
- if [ "${status}" = "running" ] || [ "${status}" = "error" ]; then
- json_add_object
- json_add_string "source" "-"
- json_close_object
- else
- for entry in ${ban_sources}; do
- json_add_object
- json_add_string "source" "${entry}"
- json_close_object
- done
- fi
- json_close_array
- json_add_array "active_devs"
- for entry in ${ban_devs}; do
- json_add_object
- json_add_string "dev" "${entry}"
- json_close_object
- done
- json_close_array
- json_add_array "active_ifaces"
- for entry in ${ban_ifaces}; do
- json_add_object
- json_add_string "iface" "${entry}"
- json_close_object
- done
- json_close_array
- json_add_array "active_logterms"
- for entry in ${ban_logterms}; do
- json_add_object
- json_add_string "term" "${entry}"
- json_close_object
- done
- json_close_array
- json_add_array "active_subnets"
- for entry in ${ban_subnets}; do
- json_add_object
- json_add_string "subnet" "${entry}"
- json_close_object
- done
- json_close_array
- json_add_string "run_infos" "settype: ${ban_global_settype}, backup_dir: ${ban_backupdir}, report_dir: ${ban_reportdir}"
- json_add_string "run_flags" "protocols (4/6): $(f_char ${ban_proto4_enabled})/$(f_char ${ban_proto6_enabled}), log (src/dst): $(f_char ${ban_logsrc_enabled})/$(f_char ${ban_logdst_enabled}), monitor: $(f_char ${ban_monitor_enabled}), mail: $(f_char ${ban_mail_enabled}), whitelist only: $(f_char ${ban_whitelistonly})"
- json_add_string "last_run" "${runtime:-"-"}"
- json_add_string "system" "${ban_sysver}"
- json_dump >"${ban_rtfile}"
- if [ "${ban_mail_enabled}" = "1" ] && [ -x "${ban_mailservice}" ] && { [ "${status}" = "error" ] ||
- { [ "${status}" = "enabled" ] && { [ -z "${ban_mailactions}" ] || printf "%s\n" "${ban_mailactions}" | grep -q "${ban_action}"; }; }; }; then
- ("${ban_mailservice}" "${ban_ver}" >/dev/null 2>&1) &
- bg_pid="${!}"
- fi
- f_log "debug" "f_jsnup ::: status: ${status:-"-"}, action: ${ban_action}, mail_enabled: ${ban_mail_enabled}, mail_actions: ${ban_mailactions}, mail_service: ${ban_mailservice}, mail_pid: ${bg_pid:-"-"}"
- }
- # source required system libraries
- #
- if [ -r "/lib/functions.sh" ] && [ -r "/lib/functions/network.sh" ] && [ -r "/usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh" ]; then
- . "/lib/functions.sh"
- . "/lib/functions/network.sh"
- . "/usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh"
- else
- f_log "err" "system libraries not found"
- fi
- if [ "${ban_action}" = "suspend" ] || [ "${ban_action}" = "resume" ] ||
- [ "${ban_action}" = "report" ] || [ "${ban_action}" = "query" ]; then
- json_init
- json_load_file "${ban_rtfile}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- json_get_var ban_status "status"
- fi
- # handle different banIP actions
- #
- f_load
- case "${ban_action}" in
- "stop")
- f_bgsrv "stop"
- f_ipset "destroy"
- f_jsnup "stopped"
- f_rmbckp
- ;;
- "restart")
- f_ipset "destroy"
- f_rmbckp
- f_env
- f_main
- ;;
- "suspend")
- if [ "${ban_status}" = "enabled" ] && [ "${ban_whitelistonly}" = "0" ]; then
- f_bgsrv "stop"
- f_jsnup "running"
- f_ipset "suspend"
- f_jsnup "paused"
- fi
- f_rmtmp
- ;;
- "resume")
- if [ "${ban_status}" = "paused" ] && [ "${ban_whitelistonly}" = "0" ]; then
- f_env
- f_main
- else
- f_rmtmp
- fi
- ;;
- "query")
- if [ "${ban_status}" = "enabled" ]; then
- f_query "${2}"
- fi
- ;;
- "report")
- if [ "${ban_status}" = "enabled" ] || [ "${2}" = "json" ]; then
- f_report "${2}"
- fi
- ;;
- "start" | "reload" | "refresh")
- f_env
- f_main
- ;;
- esac