- ##
- ## KadNode is a P2P DNS resolver to resolve domains using the BitTorrent network.
- ##
- config kadnode
- option enabled 1
- ## ECC Key usage:
- ## 1. Create public/secret key pair with `kadnode --bob-create-key /etc/kadnode_secret.pem`
- ## 2. Put the secret key file on the router that you want to resolve to and use it for option bob_load_key.
- ## 3. Use the public key hex output with .p2p attached on other devices to resovle to the router IP address via kadnode.
- ## Secret key for public key links
- # list bob_load_key '/etc/kadnode_secret.pem'
- ## TLS usage:
- ## For resolving domains, put credentials on the router and use option tls_client_cert.
- ## For announcing domains, put the certificates and secret key on router and use option tls_server_cert.
- ## Folder of CA certificates
- ## Install package 'ca-certificates' for the official CA set.
- # list tls_client_cert '/etc/ssl/certs'
- ## Server credentials
- # list tls_server_cert '/ect/mynode.crt,/etc/mynode.key'
- ## Add domains to be announced.
- ## Note: Only needed in special situations since tls_server_cert and bob_load_key announce automatically its associated domains.
- # list announce 'web.myname.p2p'
- ## Load and store good nodes every 24h and on start/shutdown.
- # option peerfile '/etc/kadnode/peers.txt'
- ## Add static peers addresses.
- list peer 'bttracker.debian.org:6881'
- list peer 'router.bittorrent.com:6881'
- ## Bind the DHT to this port.
- # option port '6881'
- ## Limit DHT communication to this interface.
- # option ifname 'eth0'
- ## Verbosity: quiet, verbose or debug
- # option verbosity 'quiet'
- ## Local port to accept forwarded requests.
- # option dns_port '3535'
- ## Disable multicast peer discovery on the LAN.
- # option lpd_disable '1'
- ## Disable port forwarding when this router is behind another
- ## router in a private network that supports UPnP/NAT-PMP.
- # option fwd_disable '1'