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  1. config nlbwmon
  2. # The buffer size for receiving netlink conntrack results, in bytes.
  3. # If the chosen size is too small, accounting information might get
  4. # lost, leading to skewed traffic counting results
  5. option netlink_buffer_size 524288
  6. # Interval at which the temporary in-memory database is committed to
  7. # the persistent database directory
  8. option commit_interval 24h
  9. # Interval at which traffic counters of still established connections
  10. # are refreshed from netlink information
  11. option refresh_interval 30s
  12. # Storage directory for the database files
  13. option database_directory /var/lib/nlbwmon
  14. # Amount of database generations to retain. If the limit is reached,
  15. # the oldest database files are deleted.
  16. option database_generations 10
  17. # Accounting period interval; may be either in the format YYYY-MM-DD/NN
  18. # to start a new accounting period exactly every NN days, beginning at
  19. # the given date, or a number specifiying the day of month at which to
  20. # start the next accounting period.
  21. #option database_interval '2017-01-17/14' # every 14 days, starting at Tue
  22. #option database_interval '-2' # second last day of month, e.g. 30th in March
  23. option database_interval '1' # first day of month (default)
  24. # The maximum amount of entries that should be put into the database,
  25. # setting the limit to 0 will allow databases to grow indefinitely.
  26. option database_limit 10000
  27. # Whether to preallocate the maximum possible database size in memory.
  28. # This is mainly useful for memory constrained systems which might not
  29. # be able to satisfy memory allocation after longer uptime periods.
  30. # Only effective in conjunction with database_limit, ignored otherwise.
  31. #option database_prealloc 0
  32. # Whether to gzip compress archive databases. Compressing the database
  33. # files makes accessing old data slightly slower but helps to reduce
  34. # storage requirements.
  35. #option database_compress 1
  36. # Protocol description file, used to distinguish traffic streams by
  37. # IP protocol number and port
  38. option protocol_database /usr/share/nlbwmon/protocols
  39. # List of local subnets. Only conntrack streams from or to any of these
  40. # subnets are counted. Logical interface names may be specified to
  41. # resolve the local subnets on the fly.
  42. list local_network ''
  43. list local_network ''
  44. list local_network ''
  45. list local_network 'lan'