LILiK login and user managment web interface
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

122 lines
5.6 KiB

#!/bin/usr/env python3
import ldap3
import utils
import config
def connection_decorator(f):
with ldap3.Connection(config.SERVER, auto_bind=True) as conn:
def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs):
return f(args[0], conn, *args[1:], **kwargs)
return wrapped_f
def admin_connection_decorator(f):
with ldap3.Connection(config.SERVER, user=config.ADMIN_CN, password=config.ADMIN_PASSWORD, auto_bind=True) as conn:
def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs):
return f(args[0], conn, *args[1:], **kwargs)
return wrapped_f
class LILiK_USER(object):
_attributes = {'uid': [], 'cn': ['givenName']}
_flags = {'mail': 'accountActive'}
_hosts = ['ltsp',
_groups = ['admin',
_posix_groups = ['users_sites']
def __init__(self, entry, posix_groups):
results = {}
for attribute in self._attributes.keys():
self.__setattr__(attribute, str(entry.__getattr__(attribute)))
services = {}
for service, flag in self._flags.items():
services[service] = flag in entry and bool(entry[flag])
for host in self._hosts:
services[host] = 'host' in entry and host in entry['host']
for group in self._groups:
services[group] = 'memberOf' in entry and utils.ldap_path("cn=%s"%utils.clean_value(group), config.GROUP, config.DOMAIN) in list(entry['memberOf'])
for posix_group in self._posix_groups:
services[posix_group] = posix_group in posix_groups and str(entry.uid) in list(posix_groups[posix_group])
self.__setattr__('services', services)
def to_json(self):
return json.dumps(self, default=lambda o: o.__dict__,)
def to_dict(self):
return self.__dict__
def update(self, conn, new_lilik_user):
user_cn = utils.ldap_path('uid=%s'%self.uid, config.PEOPLE, config.DOMAIN)
diff = utils.DictDiffer(new_lilik_user, self.__dict__)
modifiers = {user_cn: {}}
if 'userPassword' in diff.added():
modifiers[user_cn]['userPassword'] = [(ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, [new_lilik_user['userPassword']])] #TODO add hash encryption?
for changed in diff.changed():
if changed == 'services':
services_diff = utils.DictDiffer(self.__dict__[changed], new_lilik_user[changed])
for service_changed in services_diff.changed():
if service_changed in self._flags:
flag = self._flags[service_changed]
modifiers[user_cn][flag] = [(ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, [new_lilik_user['services'][service_changed]])]
elif service_changed in self._hosts:
action = ldap3.MODIFY_ADD if new_lilik_user['services'][service_changed] else ldap3.MODIFY_DELETE
modifiers[user_cn]['host'] = [(action, [service_changed])]
elif service_changed in self._groups:
group_cn = utils.ldap_path('cn=%s'%service_changed, config.GROUP, config.DOMAIN)
action = ldap3.MODIFY_ADD if new_lilik_user['services'][service_changed] else ldap3.MODIFY_DELETE
modifiers[group_cn] = {'member': [(action, [user_cn])]}
elif service_changed in self._posix_groups:
group_cn = utils.ldap_path('cn=%s'%service_changed, config.GROUP, config.DOMAIN)
action = ldap3.MODIFY_ADD if new_lilik_user['services'][service_changed] else ldap3.MODIFY_DELETE
modifiers[group_cn] = {'memberUid': [(action, [self.uid])]}
raise Exception('Unknown user attribute')
for alias in self._attributes[changed]:
modifiers[user_cn][alias] = [(ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, [new_lilik_user[changed]])]
modifiers[user_cn][changed] = [(ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, [new_lilik_user[changed]])]
for entry_cn, modifier in modifiers.items():
if modifier:
conn.modify(entry_cn, modifier)
if conn.result['result'] != 0:
return False
return True
class LILiK_LDAP(object):
def login(self, user_name, password):
bind_dn = utils.ldap_path('uid=%s'%utils.clean_user_name(user_name), config.PEOPLE, config.DOMAIN)
c = ldap3.Connection(config.SERVER, user=bind_dn, password=password)
return c.bind()
def get_users(self, conn):, config.DOMAIN), '(objectclass=posixAccount)', attributes=['uid'])
return [str(a.uid) for a in conn.entries]
def get_user(self, conn, user_name):, config.DOMAIN), '(&(objectclass=posixAccount)(uid=%s))'%utils.clean_user_name(user_name), attributes=['*', 'memberOf'])
# return clean_user_name(user_name)
if len(conn.entries) == 0:
return None
entry = conn.entries[0]
return LILiK_USER(entry, self.get_posix_groups())
def get_posix_groups(self, conn):, config.DOMAIN), '(objectclass=posixGroup)', attributes=['*'])
# return clean_user_name(user_name)
results = {}
for group in conn.entries:
results[str(] = list(group.memberUid) if 'memberUid' in group else []
return results