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- name: 'configure nginx tcp 443 forwarder'
dest: '/etc/nginx/nginx.conf'
block: |
stream {
# Get upstream $name rom TLS SNI Header
map $ssl_preread_server_name $name {
include /etc/nginx/map.conf.d/*.conf;
# Include upstream definitions
include /etc/nginx/upstream.conf.d/*.conf;
log_format stream_routing '$remote_addr [$time_local] '
'with SNI name "$ssl_preread_server_name" '
'proxying to "$name" '
'$protocol $status $bytes_sent $bytes_received '
server {
listen {{ public_ip }}:443;
# Inspect TLS Headers
ssl_preread on;
# Proxy connection to upstream $name
proxy_pass $name;
# Log connection
access_log /var/log/nginx/stream_443.log stream_routing;
# If on send PROXY Protocol headers to EVERY upstream
# servers. WARNING: It will break connection to upstreams
# not configured to accept PROXY Protocol!
proxy_protocol {{ 'on' if reverse_proxy_proxy_protocol else 'off' }};
delegate_to: 'reverse_proxy'
notify: 'reload nginx'
- name: 'configure nginx http 80 forwarder'
dest: '/etc/nginx/nginx.conf'
insertafter: '^http {'
line: 'include /etc/nginx/http.conf.d/*.conf;'
delegate_to: 'reverse_proxy'
notify: 'reload nginx'
- name: 'create configuration directories for sites'
state: 'directory'
dest: '/etc/nginx/{{ item }}'
delegate_to: 'reverse_proxy'
notify: 'reload nginx'
- 'http.conf.d'
- 'map.conf.d'
- 'upstream.conf.d'
- name: 'configure http proxy for https redirect and acme challenge'
src: 'http.conf.j2'
dest: '/etc/nginx/http.conf.d/{{ ansible_hostname }}.conf'
delegate_to: 'reverse_proxy'
notify: 'reload nginx'
- name: 'configure upstream server spec'
content: |
upstream {{ ansible_hostname }}_https {
server {{ hostvars|ip_from_inventory(ansible_hostname) }}:{{
"10443" if reverse_proxy_proxy_protocol else "443"
dest: '/etc/nginx/upstream.conf.d/{{ ansible_hostname }}.conf'
delegate_to: 'reverse_proxy'
notify: 'reload nginx'
- name: 'configure sni-upstream mapping'
content: |
{% for site_fqdn in reverse_proxy_site_fqdns %}
{{ site_fqdn }} {{ ansible_hostname }}_https;
{% endfor %}
dest: '/etc/nginx/map.conf.d/{{ ansible_hostname }}.conf'
delegate_to: 'reverse_proxy'
notify: 'reload nginx'
- meta: 'flush_handlers'