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43 lines
1007 B

- name: 'CA_MANAGER | generating json signing request'
host: '{{ host }}'
path: '{{ request_path }}'
proto: 'ssl'
client: '{{ client | default(false) }}'
register: ca_request
- name: 'CA_MANAGER | sending json signing request'
include: 'ca-dialog.yaml'
- set_fact:
request_output: '{{ request_result.stdout | string | from_json }}'
- debug:
var: request_result
- name: 'CA_MANAGER | generating json get request'
type: 'get_certificate'
requestID: '{{ request_output.requestID }}'
- debug:
msg: >
Please manually confirm sign request with id
{{ request_output.requestID }}
- name: 'CA_MANAGER | waiting for certificate...'
include: 'ca-dialog.yaml'
- set_fact:
cert_key: '{{ request_result.stdout | string | from_json }}'
- debug:
var: request_result
verbosity: 2
- name: 'CA_MANAGER | saving certificate'
content: '{{ cert_key.result }}'
dest: '{{ output_path }}'