# Role: ldap Set-up a LDAP server ## Configuration variables | Name | Description | |------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------| | `ldap_domain` | Dot-form domain name. [`$domain`] | | `ldap_organization`* | Organization (i.e.: `'LILiK'`). | | `x509_subject_prefix`* | X.509 TLS Cert Subject (i.e: `'/ST=IT/L=Firenze/O=LILiK'`). | | `x509_ldap_suffix`* | The same in LDAP form (i.e: `'o=LILiK,l=Firenze/st=IT'`). | | `server_fqdn`* | Required for TLS certificate. [`'$hostname.dmz.$domain'`] | | `virtual_domains` | Required with `check_tree`: list of vds to init. | | `ldap_tls_enabled` | Enables TLS, requires a *ca_manager*. [`true`] | | `renew_rootdn_pw` | Create a new random password for RooDN. [`true`] | | `check_tree` | Deploy initial tree configuration. [`true`] | **Note:** If `ldap_tls_enabled` the *ca_manager* host should be configured and TLS Root CA should be set in vars. ## Minimal example group_vars/all.yaml: --- domain: 'example.com' x509_subject_prefix: '/C=IT/L=Firenze/O=LILiK' x509_ldap_suffix: 'o=LILiK,l=Firenze,st=IT' user_ca_keys: - "ssh-ed25519 ################### CA" tls_root_ca: | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ########################### -----END CERTIFICATE----- hosts: vm_gateay ansible_host= ansible_user=root authorities_request ansible_host= ansible_user=request host1 ansible_host= ansible_user=root ldap1 ansible_host= ansible_user=root ansible_lxc_host=host1 playbook.yaml: --- # Configure LDAP on a Physical Host - hosts: 'host' roles: - role: ldap #ldap_domain: '{{ domain }}' #server_fqdn: '{{ ansible_hostname }}.dmz.{{ domain }}' ldap_organization: 'Example' virtual_domains: - 'example.com' Command line: ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yaml ## Requirements On Ansible controller: - tasks/ca-dialog.yaml