1. Copy `group_vars/all.yaml.example` to `group_vars/all.yaml`
1. Copy `group_vars/all.yaml.example` to `group_vars/all.yaml`
2. Fill `group_vars/all.yaml` with the gateway hostname and the content of the `user_ca_key`
3. Add the gateway hostname to `inventory`, set `ansible_host` and `ansible_user`
4. Add the ca hostname to `inventory`, set `ansible_host` and `ansible_user`
5. Add the ca\_request hostname to `inventory`, set `ansible_host` and `ansible_user`
2. Fill `group_vars/all.yaml` with the gateway hostname, the content of the `user_ca_key`, the public ip you are using and the domain you use
3. Add to the *inventory* the `gateway`, `reverse_proxy`, `ca` and `ca_request` entry. Follow the `inventory.example` format. These are the minimum entry that you neeed to make everything work in this playbook.