@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ |
- name: check for lxc container existance |
shell: "[ -d /var/lib/lxc/{{ vm_name }} ] && echo true || echo false" |
stat: |
path: '/var/lib/lxc/{{ vm_name }}' |
register: lxc_existance |
ignore_errors: true |
changed_when: false |
- block: |
- name: create the lxc container |
lxc_container: |
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ |
name: "{{ vm_name }}" |
state: started |
when: auto_start|bool |
when: "lxc_existance.stdout == 'false'" |
when: not (lxc_existance.stat.exists and lxc_existance.stat.isdir) |
- name: update container config |
template: src=config.j2 dest="/var/lib/lxc/{{ vm_name }}/config" |
@ -52,43 +52,59 @@ |
- name: get pub key |
shell: lxc-attach -n {{ vm_name }} --clear-env -e -- bash -c "cat /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub" |
register: pub_key |
# - debug: var=pub_key |
- debug: var=pub_key verbosity=2 |
- name: generate host request |
local_action: command ../ca_manager/make_ssh_host_request.py {{ pub_key.stdout|quote }} {{ vm_name|quote }} |
register: cert_request |
# - debug: var=cert_request |
set_fact: |
cert_request: |
type: 'sign_request' |
request: |
keyType: 'ssh_host' |
hostName: '{{ vm_name }}' |
keyData: '{{ pub_key.stdout }}' |
- debug: var=cert_request verbosity=2 |
- name: start sign request |
raw: "{{ cert_request.stdout|string }}" |
raw: "{{ cert_request|to_json }}" |
delegate_to: "{{item}}" |
delegate_facts: True |
with_items: "{{groups['cas']}}" |
register: request_result |
# - debug: var=request_result |
- debug: var=request_result verbosity=2 |
- set_fact: |
request_output: "{{ request_result.results[0].stdout|string|from_json }}" |
- debug: var=request_output |
- debug: var=request_output verbosity=2 |
- name: generate get request |
local_action: command ../ca_manager/make_get_request.py {{ request_output.requestID }} |
register: get_request |
# - debug: var=get_request |
set_fact: |
get_request: |
type: 'get_certificate' |
requestID: '{{ request_output.requestID }}' |
- debug: var=get_request verbosity=2 |
- debug: msg="Please manualy confirm sign request with id {{ request_output.requestID }}" |
- name: wait for cert |
raw: "{{ get_request.stdout|string }}" |
raw: "{{ get_request|to_json }}" |
delegate_to: "{{item}}" |
delegate_facts: True |
with_items: "{{groups['cas']}}" |
register: cert_result |
# - debug: var=cert_result |
- debug: var=cert_result verbosity=2 |
- set_fact: |
cert_key: "{{ cert_result.results[0].stdout|string|from_json }}" |
# - debug: var=request_output |
- name: set pub key |
- debug: var=request_output verbosity=2 |
- name: set cert key |
shell: lxc-attach -n {{ vm_name }} --clear-env -e -- bash -c "echo '{{ cert_key.result }}' > /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key-cert.pub" |
register: set_pub_key |
when: "cert_key_existance.rc != 0" |