- # We can not use include_role here since it not share the connection with the current role
- - include: roles/service/tasks/main.yaml
- vars:
- service_name: ssh
- service_packages:
- - openssh-server
- - openssh-sftp-server
- - name: lookup user ca key
- set_fact:
- user_ca_key: "{{ lookup('file', 'test_ssh_ca.pub') }}"
- - name: Update container user CA key
- copy:
- content: "ssh-rsa {{ user_ca_key }}"
- dest: "/etc/ssh/user_ca.pub"
- notify: restart ssh
- - name: Check if host certificate is valid
- shell: '[[ $(ssh-keygen -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key-cert.pub -L |grep "$(ssh-keygen -f /etc/ssh/user_ca.pub -l|cut -d " " -f 2)" -A 3 |grep Valid |cut -d " " -f 13) > $(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S --date "+1 month") ]]'
- args:
- executable: /bin/bash
- register: vm_has_valid_ssh_certificate
- changed_when: false
- failed_when: false
- - debug:
- var: vm_has_valid_ssh_certificate
- verbosity: 2
- - block:
- - name: Read host public key
- slurp:
- src: "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub"
- register: vm_public_key
- - debug:
- var: vm_public_key['content']
- verbosity: 2
- - name: generate host request
- set_fact:
- ca_request:
- type: 'sign_request'
- request:
- keyType: 'ssh_host'
- hostName: '{{ ansible_docker_extra_args | default(inventory_hostname) }}.lilik.it'
- keyData: "{{ vm_public_key['content'] | b64decode | replace('\n', '')}}"
- - debug:
- var: ca_request | to_json
- verbosity: 2
- - name: start sign request
- include: ca-dialog.yaml
- vars:
- ansible_connection: ssh
- - debug:
- var: request_result
- verbosity: 2
- - set_fact:
- request_output: "{{ request_result.stdout | from_json }}"
- - debug:
- var: request_output
- verbosity: 2
- - name: generate get request
- set_fact:
- ca_request:
- type: 'get_certificate'
- requestID: '{{ request_output.requestID }}'
- - debug:
- var: ca_request
- verbosity: 2
- - debug:
- msg: "Please manualy confirm sign request with id {{ request_output.requestID }}"
- - name: wait for cert
- include: ca-dialog.yaml
- vars:
- ansible_connection: ssh
- - debug:
- var: request_result
- verbosity: 2
- - set_fact:
- cert_key: "{{ request_result.stdout | string | from_json }}"
- - name: Write certificate to container
- copy:
- content: "{{ cert_key.result }}"
- dest: "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key-cert.pub"
- register: set_pub_key
- notify: restart ssh
- when: "vm_has_valid_ssh_certificate.rc != 0"
- - name: add certificate to sshd config
- lineinfile:
- line: 'HostCertificate /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key-cert.pub'
- dest: '/etc/ssh/sshd_config'
- regexp: '^HostCertificate *'
- notify: restart ssh
- - name: trust user ca key
- lineinfile:
- line: 'TrustedUserCAKeys /etc/ssh/user_ca.pub'
- dest: '/etc/ssh/sshd_config'
- regexp: '^TrustedUserCAKeys *'
- notify: restart ssh
- - name: permit root login only with certificate
- lineinfile:
- line: 'PermitRootLogin without-password'
- dest: '/etc/ssh/sshd_config'
- regexp: '^PermitRootLogin *'
- notify: restart ssh
- - meta: flush_handlers
- - name: "waiting for ssh on {{ ansible_docker_extra_args | default(inventory_hostname) }} to start"
- wait_for:
- host: "{{ hostvars | ip_from_inventory(inventory_hostname) }}"
- port: 22
- timeout: 30
- delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
- delegate_facts: True