- ---
- - name: 'check | container folder exists'
- stat:
- path: '/var/lib/lxc/{{ vm_name }}'
- register: container_dir
- - name: 'check | container exists'
- container_exists:
- name: '{{ vm_name }}'
- register: container_exists
- - name: 'check | distro is supported'
- assert:
- that: distro in [ 'debian', 'alpine' ]
- - name: 'check | Debian | release is supported'
- assert:
- that: release in [ 'bullseye', 'sid', 'buster' ]
- msg: 'release {{ release }} not supported by debian template'
- when: distro == 'debian'
- - block:
- - name: 'create | Debian | Privileged Container'
- lxc_container:
- name: '{{ vm_name }}'
- backing_store: 'lvm'
- fs_size: '{{ vm_size }}'
- vg_name: '{{ vg_name }}'
- lv_name: 'vm_{{ vm_name }}'
- fs_type: 'xfs'
- container_log: true
- template: 'debian'
- template_options: '--release {{ distro }} --packages=ssh,python3,python3-apt'
- state: 'stopped'
- # suppress messages related to file descriptors
- # leaking when lvm is invoked
- environment:
- when: (not unprivileged) and distro == 'debian'
- - name: 'pre-create | Unprivileged Container | Subxid Script'
- copy:
- src: 'find_subxid.sh'
- dest: 'find_subxid.sh'
- when: unprivileged
- - name: 'pre-create | Unprivileged Container | Find Subxid'
- command: 'bash find_subxid.sh'
- register: avail_subxid
- when: unprivileged
- - name: 'pre-create | Unprivileged Container | Set Subxid'
- set_fact:
- subuidmap: '{{ avail_subxid.stdout_lines[0] }}'
- subgidmap: '{{ avail_subxid.stdout_lines[1] }}'
- when: unprivileged
- - name: 'pre-create | Unprivileged Container | Allocate Subxid'
- command: >-
- usermod
- -v {{ '{}-{}'.format(subuidmap.split(' ')[0],
- subuidmap.split(' ')[0]|int+subuidmap.split(' ')[1]|int-1) }}
- -w {{ '{}-{}'.format(subgidmap.split(' ')[0],
- subgidmap.split(' ')[0]|int+subgidmap.split(' ')[1]|int-1) }}
- root
- - name: 'pre-create | Unprivileged Container | Create config stub'
- copy:
- content: |
- lxc.idmap = u 0 {{ subuidmap }}
- lxc.idmap = g 0 {{ subgidmap }}
- dest: '/tmp/lxc_unpriv_config'
- when: unprivileged
- - name: 'create | Unprivileged Container'
- lxc_container:
- name: '{{ vm_name }}'
- backing_store: 'lvm'
- fs_type: 'xfs'
- fs_size: '{{ vm_size }}'
- vg_name: '{{ vg_name }}'
- lv_name: 'vm_{{ vm_name }}'
- container_log: true
- template: 'download'
- template_options: '-d {{ distro }} -r {{ release }} -a amd64'
- config: '/tmp/lxc_unpriv_config'
- state: 'stopped'
- when: unprivileged
- - name: 'post-create | LXC Container Configuration'
- template:
- src: 'config.j2'
- dest: '/var/lib/lxc/{{ vm_name }}/config'
- - block:
- - name: 'post-create | Alpine | Force restart'
- lxc_container:
- name: '{{ vm_name }}'
- state: 'restarted'
- - name: 'post-create | Alpine | Guest Network Configuration'
- raw: |
- rm /etc/network/interfaces
- echo 'nameserver {{ hostvars | ip_from_inventory('vm_gateway') }}' > /etc/resolv.conf
- delegate_to: '{{ vm_name }}'
- connection: 'ssh_lxc'
- - name: 'post-create | Alpine | Force restart'
- lxc_container:
- name: '{{ vm_name }}'
- state: 'restarted'
- - name: 'post-create | Alpine | Install Python'
- raw: |
- apk update
- apk upgrade
- apk add python3
- delegate_to: '{{ vm_name }}'
- connection: 'ssh_lxc'
- when: distro == 'alpine'
- - name: 'post-create | Debian | Guest Initial Configuration'
- lxc_container:
- name: '{{ vm_name }}'
- container_command: |
- echo 'nameserver {{ hostvars | ip_from_inventory('vm_gateway') }}' > /etc/resolv.conf
- apt update
- apt install -y python3 python3-apt
- systemctl mask systemd-journald-audit.socket
- state: 'stopped'
- - name: 'post-create | Start container'
- lxc_container:
- name: '{{ vm_name }}'
- state: 'started'
- when: auto_start|bool
- when: not (container_exists.exists and container_dir.stat.isdir)