- ---
- - name: 'install openssl'
- apt:
- pkg: 'openssl'
- state: 'present'
- update_cache: true
- cache_valid_time: 3600
- tags:
- - 'install'
- - 'role:ldap::install'
- - name: 'update tls server ca'
- copy:
- content: '{{ ldap_tls_server_ca }}{{ tls_root_ca }}'
- dest: '/etc/ldap/server_ca.crt'
- - name: 'update tls user ca'
- copy:
- content: '{{ ldap_tls_user_ca }}{{ tls_root_ca }}'
- dest: '/etc/ldap/user_ca.crt'
- - name: 'generete and sign slapd tls certificate'
- import_role: name='ca_cert'
- vars:
- ca_cert_common_name: '{{ host_fqdn }}'
- ca_cert_proto: 'tls'
- ca_cert_tls_ca_path: '/etc/ldap/server_ca.crt'
- ca_cert_tls_key_path: '/etc/ldap/slapd.key'
- ca_cert_tls_cert_path: '/etc/ldap/slapd.crt'
- ca_cert_tls_csr_path: '/etc/ldap/slapd.csr'
- - name: 'set private key ownership'
- file:
- path: '/etc/ldap/slapd.key'
- owner: 'openldap'
- group: 'openldap'
- mode: '600'
- ## BROKEN! WAITING FOR ANSIBLE 2.10 ldap_attrs
- ## Currently you have to run 2-3 times to get proper configuration.
- - name: 'configuring TLS options'
- ## Remove after update to Ansible 2.10 --->
- ldap_attr:
- dn: 'cn=config'
- name: '{{ item.name }}'
- values: '{{ item.value }}'
- state: 'exact'
- loop:
- - { name: 'olcTLSCACertificateFile', value: '/etc/ldap/user_ca.crt' }
- - { name: 'olcTLSCertificateFile', value: '/etc/ldap/slapd.crt' }
- - { name: 'olcTLSCertificateKeyFile', value: '/etc/ldap/slapd.key' }
- - { name: 'olcTLSVerifyClient', value: 'try' } # TLS Client Auth
- - { name: 'olcTLSCipherSuite', value: 'SECURE:-VERS-ALL:+VERS-TLS1.3' } # TLSv1.3 Only
- ## <---
- ## Uncomment after update to Ansible 2.10 --->
- # ldap_attrs:
- # dn: 'cn=config'
- # attributes:
- # olcTLSCACertificateFile: '/etc/ldap/user_ca.crt'
- # olcTLSCertificateFile: '/etc/ldap/slapd.crt'
- # olcTLSCertificateKeyFile: '/etc/ldap/slapd.key'
- # olcTLSVerifyClient: 'try'
- # olcTLSCipherSuite: 'SECURE:-VERS-ALL:+VERS-TLS1.3'
- ## <---
- - name: 'configuring slapd service'
- lineinfile:
- line: 'SLAPD_SERVICES="ldap:/// ldapi:/// ldaps:///"'
- regexp: '^SLAPD_SERVICES='
- path: '/etc/default/slapd'
- notify: 'restart slapd'
- ...