- .. highlight:: yaml
- ssh_server
- =========
- SSH Certificate
- ---------------
- During the execution of this role the vm host key will be used to create a certificate signin request.
- This requests will be "posted" to the service known as ca manager and ansible will then wait for a certificate from the same service.
- This is accomplished using ssh as a mean of transport, the specific task for a signin requests is alwasys like this
- .. code-block:: yaml
- - name: generate host request
- set_fact:
- cert_request:
- type: 'sign_request'
- request:
- keyType: 'ssh_host'
- hostName: '{{ vm_name }}'
- keyData: '{{ vm_public_key.text}}'
- - name: start sign request
- raw: "{{ cert_request | to_json }}"
- delegate_to: ca_request
- register: request_result
- failed_when: "( request_result.stdout | from_json ).failed"
- To sign this certificate an admin must log onto the ca manager machine with the user *sign* and follow the procedure to sign a request with an appropriate certification authority.