Playbooks to a new Lilik
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  1. uris = ldap://{{ ldap_server }}
  2. # choose bind method instead of simple authentication
  3. auth_bind = yes
  4. # pass_attrs
  5. # specifies a comma-separated list of attributes that are returned from the LDAP.
  6. # If you set it to empty, all the attributes are returned.
  7. #
  8. # pass_attrs = user=mail,
  9. #
  10. # Returning a user field can be used to change the username. Typically used only for case changes (e.g. "UseR" -> "user").
  11. # username: Like user, but doesn't drop existing domain name (e.g. "username=foo" for "user@domain" gives "foo@domain").
  12. # domain: Updates the domain part of the username; domain=%{ldap:vd}
  13. pass_attrs = disableUser=user
  14. # pass_filter
  15. # specifies the LDAP filter how user is found from the LDAP.
  16. # You can use all the normal variables like %u in the filter.
  17. pass_filter = (&(objectClass=VirtualMailAccount)(mail=%n)(accountActive=TRUE)(delete=FALSE))
  18. ldap_version = 3
  19. # search in vd=domain,o=hosting,dc=lilik,dc=it
  20. base = vd=%d,o=hosting,dc=lilik,dc=it
  21. deref = always
  22. scope = subtree
  23. # ldap filter, return an entity that is a virtual mail account
  24. user_filter = (&(objectClass=VirtualMailAccount)(mail=%n)(accountActive=TRUE)(delete=FALSE))
  25. # to prevent the uid and gid mappings from the ldap object to
  26. # dovecot mailbox, we map them to unused ldap fields
  27. # the sytnax is: "ldap_attribute = dovecot_attribute"
  28. # this is done because otherwise dovecot will deliver
  29. # emails to the user directory instead of the maildir directory
  30. # handled by the user postman
  31. user_attrs = disablehomeDirectory=home,disableuidNumber=uid,disablegidNumber=gid