Playbooks to a new Lilik
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48 lines
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  1. - name: add jessie-backports repository
  2. apt_repository: repo='deb jessie-backports main' state=present
  3. - name: install roundcube packages
  4. apt:
  5. name: "{{ item }}"
  6. state: present
  7. update_cache: yes
  8. cache_valid_time: 3600
  9. with_items:
  10. - roundcube-sqlite3
  11. - roundcube
  12. - roundcube-plugins
  13. notify:
  14. - restart nginx
  15. - name: copy lilik-150x54.png
  16. copy:
  17. src: lilik-150x54.png
  18. dest: /usr/share/roundcube/skins/classic/images/
  19. - name: copy my-roundcube.php
  20. template:
  21. src: "my-roundcube.php.j2"
  22. dest: "/etc/roundcube/my-roundcube.php"
  23. mode: 0640
  24. owner: root
  25. group: www-data
  26. - name: copy test_ssl_ca.crt
  27. copy:
  28. src: "test_ssl_ca.crt"
  29. dest: "/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/test_ssl_ca.crt"
  30. mode: 0444
  31. notify: update-ca-certificates
  32. #TODO: remove when dovecot will use a valid dns record
  33. - name: '(FIX REMOVE THIS ACTION) add temporary host record'
  34. lineinfile:
  35. dest: /etc/hosts
  36. line: "{{ hostvars | ip_from_inventory('mail') }} {{ mail_server }}"
  37. regexp: "{{ mail_server }}$"
  38. - name: include my-roundcube.php
  39. lineinfile:
  40. dest: /etc/roundcube/
  41. insertafter: '\?>'
  42. line: include_once("/etc/roundcube/my-roundcube.php");