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module Datatypes.Board (Board(..), clearLines) where
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Datatypes.Cell (Cell)
data Board = Board { width :: Int, height :: Int, filled :: Set Cell } deriving Show
empty :: Int -> Int -> Board
empty w h = Board w h Set.empty
clearLines :: Board -> (Board, Int)
clearLines b = let (newFilled, linesDeleted) = collectGarbage yCoords 0 (filled b)
in (b { filled = newFilled }, linesDeleted)
yCoords = Set.toList $ (\(x, y) -> y) (filled b)
countInLine l items = Set.size $ Set.filter (\(x, y) -> y == l) items
collectGarbage (l:ls) count items = if countInLine l items == (width b)
then collectGarbage ls (count + 1) (deleteLine l items)
else collectGarbage ls count items
collectGarbage [] count items = (items, count)
deleteLine :: Int -> Set Cell -> Set Cell
deleteLine l cells = let updated = Set.filter (\(x, y) -> y /= l) cells
in (\(x, y) -> if y < l then (x, y + 1) else (x, y)) updated