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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module SinglePasses(Output(..), Cell(..), passes) where
import Data.Set(Set(..),difference,union,toList,empty)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Typeable
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import qualified Datatypes as DT
import qualified VM
data Cell = Cell { x :: Int, y :: Int}
deriving (Show, Generic)
data Output = Output { width :: Int,
height :: Int,
filled :: [Cell],
touched :: [Cell],
unit :: [Cell],
score :: Int
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON Cell
instance ToJSON Cell
instance FromJSON Output
instance ToJSON Output
passes :: [(DT.Game, VM.Notes)] -> [Output]
passes gamesnotes = map generateoutput (gameswithtouched gamesnotes)
generateoutput ((game,note),touched) = Output { width = DT.width $ DT.board game,
height = DT.height $ DT.board game,
filled = filledcells game,
touched = extractcell touched,
unit = unitcells game,
score = DT.score game
filledcells gm = extractcell $ DT.filled $ DT.board gm
unitcells gm = if null $ DT.units gm
then []
else extractunit $ head $ DT.units gm
gameswithtouched :: [(DT.Game,VM.Notes)] -> [((DT.Game,VM.Notes),Set DT.Cell)]
gameswithtouched els = gameswithtouched0 els Data.Set.empty
gameswithtouched0 :: [(DT.Game,VM.Notes)] -> Set DT.Cell -> [((DT.Game,VM.Notes),Set DT.Cell)]
gameswithtouched0 [] acc = []
gameswithtouched0 (x:[]) acc = [(x,acc)]
gameswithtouched0 (x:xs) acc = (x,touched):lastels
touched = (difference (difference acc cells) units)
cells = DT.filled $ DT.board $ fst x
units = if null $ DT.units $ fst x
then Data.Set.empty
else DT.members $ head $ DT.units $ fst x
touchedcells tc = extractcell touched
lastels = gameswithtouched0 xs (union touched units)
extractunit :: DT.Unit -> [Cell]
extractunit unit = extractcell $ DT.members unit
extractcell :: Set DT.Cell -> [Cell]
extractcell cell = map (\(x,y) -> Cell x y) (toList cell)