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import Datatypes
import VM
import qualified Datatypes.Unit as Unit
import Data.Hashable (hash, Hashable(..))
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Test.QuickCheck
test :: (Cell -> Cell) -> [Bool]
test f = [f (0,3) == (2,5), f (1,3) == (3, 6), f (2,3) == (3,7), f (3, 3) == (4,8), f (2, 4) == (2,7)]
test2 :: (Cell -> Cell) -> [Bool]
test2 f = [f (2,5) == (3,6), f (3,6) == (2, 7), f (2,7) == (1,7), f (1, 7) == (1,6), f (1, 6) == (1,5), f (1, 5) == (2, 5)]
deepCheck p = quickCheckWith (stdArgs { maxSuccess = 100000 }) p
testTutto = do
deepCheck (\pivot cell -> let r2 = rotateCell pivot in (r2 . r2 . r2 . r2 . r2 . r2) cell == cell)
deepCheck (\pivot cell -> cell == counterRotateCell pivot (rotateCell pivot cell))
deepCheck (\pivot cell -> cell == counterRotateCell2 pivot (rotateCell pivot cell))
checkForNothing::[Maybe(Cell, Fallimento)] -> Maybe(Cell, Fallimento)
checkForNothing (Nothing:xs) = checkForNothing xs
checkForNothing ((Just v):xs) = Just v
checkForNothing [] = Nothing
testTutteRotazioni = checkForNothing [
testDoppieRotazioni (2,3) [(2,0), (4,1), (5,4), (3,6), (0,5), (0,2), (2,0)],
testDoppieRotazioni (2,4) [(2,1), (4,3), (4,6), (1,7), (-1,5), (0,2), (2,1)],
testDoppieRotazioni (1,5) [(1,3), (3,4), (3,6), (1,7), (0,6), (0,4), (1,3)],
testControRotazioni (5, 5) [(6,1), (8,4), (7, 8), (4,9), (1,6), (2,2), (5,5)]
testCentering = deepCheck (\up um um1 -> let b = Board 5 10 (Set.fromList [])
u = Unit up (Set.fromList (um1:um))
c = Unit.centeredIn u b
bw = 5
xCoords = (\(x, y) -> x) (Unit.members c)
yCoords = (\(x, y) -> y) (Unit.members c)
unitLeft = Set.findMin xCoords
unitRight = Set.findMax xCoords
unitTop = Set.findMin yCoords
deltaLeft = unitLeft
deltaRight = bw - unitRight - 1
in (deltaLeft == deltaRight || (deltaRight - deltaLeft) == 1) && unitTop == 0)
testGame = let board = Board 5 10 (Set.fromList [])
unit = Unit (2, 8) (Set.fromList [(2, 8)])
game = Game board [unit] (Set.fromList [hash unit])
in game
data Fallimento = Rotazione | ControRotazione deriving Show
testDoppieRotazioni :: Cell -> [Cell] -> Maybe (Cell, Fallimento)
testDoppieRotazioni pivot cells =
case testRotazioni pivot cells of
Just v -> Just (v, Rotazione)
Nothing -> case testControRotazioni pivot (reverse cells) of
Just w -> Just (w, ControRotazione)
Nothing -> Nothing
-- restituisce eventualmente il primo valore per cui fallisce
testRotazioni :: Cell -> [Cell] -> Maybe Cell
testRotazioni _ [] = Nothing
testRotazioni _ [x] = Nothing
testRotazioni pivot (x:y:xs) = if rotateCell pivot x == y
then testRotazioni pivot (y:xs)
else Just x
-- restituisce eventualmente il primo valore per cui fallisce
testControRotazioni :: Cell -> [Cell] -> Maybe Cell
testControRotazioni _ [] = Nothing
testControRotazioni _ [x] = Nothing
testControRotazioni pivot (x:y:xs) = if counterRotateCell pivot x == y
then testControRotazioni pivot (y:xs)
else Just x