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added game monad

Andrea Bellandi 10 years ago
8 changed files with 865 additions and 0 deletions
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  3. BIN
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@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
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% for compatibility with earlier versions

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doc/ICFP2015_aposteriori.synctex.gz View File

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doc/ICFP2015_aposteriori.tex View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
import Yesod
data HelloWorld = HelloWorld
mkYesod "HelloWorld" [parseRoutes|
/ HomeR GET
instance Yesod HelloWorld
getHomeR :: Handler Html
getHomeR = defaultLayout [whamlet|Hello World!|]
main :: IO ()
main = warp 3000 HelloWorld

+ 82
- 0
src/MonadicGame.hs View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Datatypes.Game
import VM
data MonadicGameInternal = MonadicGameInternal { igame :: Game , inote :: Notes}
data MonadicGame a = MonadicAction {action :: (MonadicGameInternal -> (MonadicGameInternal, a))}
instance Functor MonadicGame where
fmap f (MonadicAction modifierFunction) = (MonadicAction newModifierFunction)
newModifierFunction = (\x -> ((fst . modifierFunction) x, (f . snd . modifierFunction) x))
instance Applicative MonadicGame where
(MonadicAction higherOrderModifierFunction) <*> (MonadicAction modifierFunction) = (MonadicAction newModifierFunction)
getGameFunction = fst . modifierFunction
getValueFunction = snd . modifierFunction
newGameState = fst . higherOrderModifierFunction . getGameFunction
functionToApply = snd . higherOrderModifierFunction . getGameFunction
newModifierFunction = (\x -> (newGameState x, (functionToApply x) (getValueFunction x)))
pure retData = MonadicAction (\x -> (x, retData))
instance Monad MonadicGame where
(MonadicAction modifierFunction) >>= f = (MonadicAction newModifierFunction)
getGameFunction = fst . modifierFunction
getValueFunction = snd . modifierFunction
getParametrizedModifierFunction = action . f . getValueFunction
newModifierFunction = (\x -> getParametrizedModifierFunction x (getGameFunction x))
return = pure
-- Private state modifiers --
modifyGame :: (a -> MonadicGameInternal -> (MonadicGameInternal, b)) -> a -> MonadicGame b
modifyGame accessorFunction param = (MonadicAction (accessorFunction param))
readGame :: (MonadicGameInternal -> a) -> MonadicGame a
readGame readFunction = modifyGame (\_ x -> (x, readFunction x)) ()
writeGame :: (a -> MonadicGameInternal -> MonadicGameInternal) -> a -> MonadicGame ()
writeGame writeFunction = modifyGame (\x y -> (writeFunction x y, ()))
------ Public Functions -----
-- Apply the monad to a Game
executeGame :: Game -> MonadicGame () -> ([Command], Int)
executeGame game (MonadicAction finalFunction) = (history executedGame, score executedGame)
executedGame = (igame . fst . finalFunction) (MonadicGameInternal{igame = game, inote = OK})
-- Execute a command
move :: Command -> MonadicGame ()
move command = writeGame applyMove command
applyMove param oldGameInternal = newInternals
newInternals = MonadicGameInternal {igame = newIgame, inote = newInote}
newIgame = fst $ step (igame oldGameInternal) param
newInote = snd $ step (igame oldGameInternal) param
-- Execute a list of commands
moves :: [Command] -> MonadicGame ()
moves commands = mapM_ move commands
-- Read actual score
readScore :: MonadicGame Int
readScore = readGame (score . igame)
-- Read actual note
readNote :: MonadicGame Notes
readNote = readGame inote

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src/parMapParallelization.hs View File

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{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}
module MonadParParallelization(parallelizedTimed) where
import Control.DeepSeq (deepseq)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad.Par
parallelizedTimed :: (NFData a) => Int -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> IO [a]
parallelizedTimed sec f toCompute = do stopVar <- newMVar False
worker <- monadParFork (workerFunction f stopVar) toCompute
secWait sec
sendStopMessage stopVar
waitWorkerCompletition worker
retrieveAllData worker
secWait = threadDelay . (1000000 * )
sendStopMessage stopMessageC = putMVar stopMessageC True
monadParFork :: ((MVar Bool,MVar [a], [a]) -> IO ()) -> [a] -> IO (MVar Bool,MVar [a])
monadParFork f toCompute = do stopThreadVar <- newMVar False
dataMVar <- newMVar toCompute
_ <- forkIO (f (stopThreadVar, dataMVar, toCompute))
return (stopThreadVar, dataMVar)
workerFunction :: (NFData a) => (a -> a) -> MVar Bool -> (MVar Bool, MVar [a], [a]) -> IO ()
workerFunction f stopVar (threadEndedVar, dataVar, dataEls) = do stopped <- readMVar stopVar
if stopped
then do putMVar dataVar dataEls
putMVar threadEndedVar True
else do let newData = evalf
newData `deepseq` workerFunction f stopVar (threadEndedVar, dataVar, newData)
evalf = parMap `deepseq` f dataEls
waitWorkerCompletition :: (MVar Bool, MVar [a]) -> IO ()
waitWorkerCompletition workers = do finished <- readMVar (fst workers)
if finished
then return ()
else waitWorkerCompletition workers
retrieveAllData :: (MVar Bool, MVar [a]) -> IO [a]
retrieveAllData workers = readMVar (snd workers)
