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resolved time bug cleaned Main

Andrea Bellandi 10 years ago
3 changed files with 82 additions and 70 deletions
  1. +2
  2. +64
  3. +16

+ 2
- 2
src/JSONDeser.hs View File

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ newGame input = ( input, zip (sourceSeeds input) (map gameFromSeed (
board = DT.Board w h filledelement
w = width input
h = height input
filledelement = Set.fromList (map cellConvVM (filled input))
filledelement = fromList (map cellConvVM (filled input))
seedUnits :: Int -> Input -> [DT.Unit]
seedUnits s input = map (\x -> uinput !! x ) unit_index
@ -69,5 +69,5 @@ cellConvVM (Cell x y) = (x,y)
unitConvVM :: Unit -> DT.Unit
unitConvVM unit = DT.Unit (cellConvVM (pivot unit)) setcell
setcell = Set.fromList (map cellConvVM (members unit))
setcell = fromList (map cellConvVM (members unit))

+ 64
- 61
src/Main.hs View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ module Main where
import Control.DeepSeq (deepseq, NFData(..))
import Data.Int
import Data.List (zip4)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS
import System.Environment
import System.Random
@ -18,15 +17,12 @@ import Data.Maybe
import StrategyManager
import Strategy0
import Datatypes
import Datatypes.Game
import Datatypes.Game(Game,Command)
import VM
import Opt
import JSONDeser(readInput)
import PowerPhrases
import Debug.Trace (trace)
strategyTag :: String
strategyTag = "lilik0"
@ -34,19 +30,19 @@ logFileName :: String
logFileName = "scores"
timeLimitRatio :: Double
timeLimitRatio = 1.0
timeLimitRatio = 0.96
memLimitRatio :: Double
memLimitRatio = 1.0
gccompperstep :: Integer
gccompperstep = 100
computationsPerStep :: Int
computationsPerStep = 10
data JSONSer = JSONSer { problemId :: Int,
seed :: Int,
tag :: String,
solution :: String
problemSeed :: Int,
problemTag :: String,
problemSolution :: String
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON JSONSer
@ -55,8 +51,9 @@ instance ToJSON JSONSer
type Id = Int
type Seed = Int
strategies :: Game -> StdGen -> Maybe [Command] -> GameComputation
strategies g sgen cmd = [MkStrategyWrapper (initst g sgen cmd :: NullStrategy1)]
strategies g sgen cmd = [MkStrategyWrapper (initst g sgen cmd :: Strategy0)]
-- = [MkStrategyWrapper (initst g sgen cmd :: NullStrategy1),
-- MkStrategyWrapper (initst g sgen cmd :: NullStrategy2)]
@ -67,42 +64,44 @@ strategies g sgen cmd = [MkStrategyWrapper (initst g sgen cmd :: NullStrategy1)]
-- MkStrategyWrapper (init g sgen cmd :: Strat2)]
main :: IO ()
main = do args <- getArgs
main = do initTime <- secTime
args <- getArgs
opt <- parseArgs args
let files = optFile opt
let timelimit = optTime opt
let memlimit = optMem opt
let powerp = optPowerPhrase opt
let cores = optCores opt
let logf = optLog opt
let files = optFile opt
let maxTime = optTime opt
let maxMem = optMem opt
let powerPhrase = optPowerPhrase opt
let logFile = optLog opt
rng <- getStdGen
loaddata <- createComputationsFromFiles files rng powerp
let (ids,seeds,gamecomputations) = unzip3 loaddata
inittime <- secTime
results <- iterategc gamecomputations (timestruct timelimit inittime) memlimit
let (commandswpoints,strat) = unzip results
let (commandlists, points) = unzip commandswpoints
let wordlists = map cmdToString commandlists
let outJSONstructs = zipWith3 (\x y z -> (JSONSer x y strategyTag z)) ids seeds wordlists
initialData <- createComputationsFromFiles files rng powerPhrase
let (_, _,gameComputations) = unzip3 initialData
commandResults <- iterateGame gameComputations (timeStruct maxTime initTime) maxMem
let stringResults = map (\(cmds,score,algoIdx) -> (cmdToString cmds,score,algoIdx)) commandResults
let outJSONstructs = zipWith jsonBuilder initialData stringResults
BS.putStrLn $ encode outJSONstructs
writeLogFile logf (zip4 ids seeds points strat)
writeLogFile logFile (zipWith logFileBuilder initialData stringResults)
timestruct Nothing _ = Nothing
timestruct (Just maxtime) intime = Just (maxtime, intime)
timeStruct Nothing _ = Nothing
timeStruct (Just stopTime) initialTime = Just (fromIntegral stopTime,fromIntegral initialTime)
jsonBuilder (idx, seed, _) (strCmds, _, _) = (JSONSer idx seed strategyTag strCmds)
logFileBuilder (idx, seed, _) (_ ,score , algoIdx) = (idx, seed, score, algoIdx)
createComputationsFromFiles :: [String] -> StdGen -> Maybe String -> IO [(Id,Seed,GameComputation)]
createComputationsFromFiles fns sg pp = do inputs <- readFiles fns
let igames = map readInput inputs
let cstruct = compstruct igames
return (gcstruct cstruct)
createComputationsFromFiles fileNames randomGen powerPhrase = do inputs <- readFiles fileNames
let igames = map readInput inputs
let cstruct = compstruct igames
return (gcstruct cstruct)
compstruct ig = concat (map genf ig)
genf (i,g) = zipWith (\x (y,z) -> (x,y,z)) (replicate (length g) i) g
gcstruct cst = map (\(x,y,z) -> (x,y,j z))cst
gcstruct cst = map (\(x,y,z) -> (x,y,j z)) cst
j z = strategies z sg (ppascommands pp)
ppascommands Nothing = Nothing
ppascommands (Just a) = Just (mapMaybe charToCommand a)
j game = strategies game randomGen (powerCommands powerPhrase)
powerCommands Nothing = Nothing
powerCommands (Just a) = Just (mapMaybe charToCommand a)
readFiles :: [String] -> IO [BS.ByteString]
readFiles [] = return []
@ -112,28 +111,27 @@ readFiles (x:xs) = do f <- BS.readFile x
instance NFData Command where rnf x = seq x ()
iterategc :: [GameComputation] -> Maybe (Int,Int64) -> Maybe Int -> IO [(([Command], Int), Int)]
iterategc gcs tlimit mlimit = do rtl <- timeLimit tlimit
rml <- memLimit mlimit
if rtl || rml
then return best
else if (and $ map finishedGameComputation gcs)
then return best
else let mona = (applyNtimes gccompperstep itf gcs)
mona1 = map getBestGameComputation gcs
in mona1 `deepseq` (iterategc mona tlimit mlimit)
itf gcs1 = map advanceGameComputation gcs1
applyNtimes 0 _ accum = accum
applyNtimes n f accum = applyNtimes (n - 1) f (f accum)
best = map getBestGameComputation gcs
timeLimit :: Maybe (Int,Int64) -> IO Bool
iterateGame :: [GameComputation] -> Maybe (Double,Double) -> Maybe Int -> IO [FinishedGame]
iterateGame gameComputations timeLimitData memLimitData = do alive <- checkComputationAlive
if alive
then nextPass
else return bestGames
nextPass = (bestGames `deepseq` (iterateGame nextGameComputations timeLimitData memLimitData))
nextGameComputations = (applyNtimes computationsPerStep advanceGameComputations gameComputations)
checkComputationAlive = do timeLimitFlag <- timeLimit timeLimitData
memLimitFlag <- memLimit memLimitData
let finishedComputation = (and $ map finishedGameComputation gameComputations)
return $ not (timeLimitFlag || memLimitFlag || finishedComputation)
advanceGameComputations computations = map advanceGameComputation computations
bestGames = map getBestGameComputation gameComputations
timeLimit :: Maybe (Double, Double) -> IO Bool
timeLimit Nothing = return False
timeLimit (Just (itime,limit)) = do atime <- secTime
let diff = (atime - (fromIntegral itime))
return (((fromIntegral limit) * timeLimitRatio) < (fromIntegral diff))
timeLimit (Just (initialTime,stopTime)) = do actualTime <- secTime
let actualTimeD = fromIntegral actualTime
let timeDifference = (actualTimeD - initialTime)
return (stopTime <= timeDifference)
memLimit :: Maybe Int -> IO Bool
memLimit _ = return False
@ -147,9 +145,14 @@ writeLogFile False _ = return ()
writeLogFile _ els = writeFile logFileName scoredata
scoredata = foldl strlog "\n" els
strlog x (a,b,c,d) = sa ++ sb ++ sc ++ sd ++ x ++ "\n"
strlog x (a,b,c,d) = sa ++ sb ++ sc ++ sd ++ x ++ "\n\n"
sa = (show a) ++ " "
sb = (show b) ++ " "
sc = (show c) ++ " "
sd = (show d) ++ " "
applyNtimes :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
applyNtimes 0 _ accum = accum
applyNtimes n f accum = applyNtimes (n - 1) f (f accum)

+ 16
- 7
src/StrategyManager.hs View File

@ -5,8 +5,12 @@ module StrategyManager where
import System.Random(StdGen)
import Datatypes.Game(Game,Command)
type Score = Int
type StrategyIdx = Int
type FinishedGame = ([Command], Score, StrategyIdx)
type GameComputation = [StrategyWrapper]
data StrategyWrapper = forall a . Strategy a => MkStrategyWrapper a
| FinishedGame ([Command], Int)
@ -26,9 +30,9 @@ class Strategy a where
advanceWrapper :: StrategyWrapper -> StrategyWrapper
advanceWrapper (FinishedGame result) = (FinishedGame result)
advanceWrapper (MkStrategyWrapper st) = wrapResult $ advance st
advanceWrapper (MkStrategyWrapper strategy) = wrapResult $ advance strategy
wrapResult (Left nst) = MkStrategyWrapper nst
wrapResult (Left nextStrategy) = MkStrategyWrapper nextStrategy
wrapResult (Right result) = FinishedGame result
finishedWrapper :: StrategyWrapper -> Bool
@ -44,12 +48,17 @@ finishedGameComputation :: GameComputation -> Bool
finishedGameComputation gc = and $ map finishedWrapper gc
-- Ritorna i comandi con i punti piu l indice della strategia
getBestGameComputation :: GameComputation -> (([Command], Int),Int)
getBestGameComputation gc = foldl bestgame (([], 0), 0) (map getbestWrapper gc)
getBestGameComputation :: GameComputation -> FinishedGame
getBestGameComputation gameComputation = bestGame
bestgame (b,i) a = if (snd a) > (snd b)
then (a,i+1)
else (b,i)
resultsFromAlgorithms = (map getbestWrapper gameComputation)
algoIdxs = take (length resultsFromAlgorithms) [ i | i <- [0..]]
bestGames = zipWith (\(a,b) c -> (a,b,c)) resultsFromAlgorithms algoIdxs
bestGame = foldl findBest ([], 0, 0) bestGames
findBest best nextBest = if ((bestScore best) > (bestScore nextBest))
then best
else nextBest
bestScore (_, score, _) = score
advanceGameComputation :: GameComputation -> GameComputation
advanceGameComputation gc = map advanceWrapper gc
