@ -1,36 +1,61 @@ |
module Strategy0 where |
module Strategy0(Strategy0) where |
import qualified Data.PQueue.Prio.Max as PQ |
import System.Random(StdGen) |
import Data.Maybe (isJust) |
import Datatypes |
import Datatypes.Game (Command(..)) |
import qualified Datatypes.Game as Game |
import VM |
import StrategyManager |
commandsList :: [Command] |
commandsList = [MoveSE, MoveSW, MoveW, MoveE, RotateClockwise, RotateCounterclockwise] |
type Queue = PQ.MaxPQueue Int Game |
data Strategy0 = Strategy0 (Queue, [Game]) |
instance Strategy Strategy0 where |
initst = strategy0initst |
advance = strategy0advance |
getbest = strategy0getbest |
strategy0initst :: Game -> StdGen -> Maybe [Command] -> Strategy0 |
strategy0initst game _ _ = (Strategy0 (PQ.singleton (fullScore game) game, [])) |
strategy0advance :: Strategy0 -> Either Strategy0 ([Command],Int) |
strategy0advance (Strategy0 (queue,completed)) = let candidates = map (step game) commandsList |
(newQueue, newCompleted) = updateCollections candidates remQueue (game:completed) |
in Left (Strategy0 (newQueue, newCompleted)) |
where |
((score, game), remQueue) = PQ.deleteFindMax queue |
updateCollections [] q l = (q, l) |
updateCollections ((g, n):rs) q l = case n of |
OK -> updateCollections rs (pushToQueue q g) l |
Lock _ -> updateCollections rs (pushToQueue q g) l |
GameOver -> updateCollections rs q (pushToList l g) |
_ -> updateCollections rs q l |
pushToQueue q x = PQ.insert (fullScore x) x q |
pushToList c x = x : c |
strategy0getbest :: Strategy0 -> ([Command], Int) |
strategy0getbest (Strategy0 (incomplete,completed)) = let (_, bestIncomplete) = PQ.findMax incomplete |
resultGame = findListMax (bestIncomplete:completed) |
in (reverse (Game.history resultGame), fullScore resultGame) |
fullScore :: Game -> Int |
fullScore game = Game.score game + (Game.cacheToScore $ Game.phrasesCache game) |
strat0 :: Game -> ([Command],Int) |
strat0 game = let firstQueue = PQ.singleton (fullScore game) game |
(incomplete, completed) = findBest maxIter firstQueue [] |
(_, bestIncomplete) = PQ.findMax incomplete |
resultGame = findListMax (bestIncomplete:completed) |
in (reverse (Game.history resultGame), fullScore resultGame) |
where |
maxIter = 50000 |
findListMax :: [Game] -> Game |
findListMax (x:xs) = innerFindListMax x xs where |
innerFindListMax currentMax [] = currentMax |
innerFindListMax currentMax (y:ys) = innerFindListMax (if (fullScore currentMax) > (fullScore y) then currentMax else y) ys |
partition :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) |
partition p items = innerPartition items [] [] where |
innerPartition [] ts fs = (ts, fs) |
@ -55,19 +80,30 @@ tryPowerPhrases game = validResults where |
Lock _ -> innerExpand nn ps |
_ -> Nothing |
findBest :: Int -> Queue -> [Game] -> (Queue, [Game]) |
findBest 0 queue completed = (queue, completed) |
findBest i queue completed = |
let candidates = map (step game) commandsList -- ++ (tryPowerPhrases game) |
(newQueue, newCompleted) = updateCollections candidates remQueue (game:completed) |
in findBest (i - 1) newQueue newCompleted |
where |
((score, game), remQueue) = PQ.deleteFindMax queue |
updateCollections [] q l = (q, l) |
updateCollections ((g, n):rs) q l = case n of |
OK -> updateCollections rs (pushToQueue q g) l |
Lock _ -> updateCollections rs (pushToQueue q g) l |
GameOver -> updateCollections rs q (pushToList l g) |
_ -> updateCollections rs q l |
pushToQueue q x = PQ.insert (fullScore x) x q |
pushToList c x = x : c |
-- |
-- Old Strategy0 Code |
-- |
-- findBest :: Int -> Queue -> [Game] -> (Queue, [Game]) |
-- findBest 0 queue completed = (queue, completed) |
-- findBest i queue completed = let candidates = map (step game) commandsList ++ (tryPowerPhrases game) |
-- (newQueue, newCompleted) = updateCollections candidates remQueue (game:completed) |
-- in findBest (i - 1) newQueue newCompleted |
-- where |
-- ((score, game), remQueue) = PQ.deleteFindMax queue |
-- updateCollections [] q l = (q, l) |
-- updateCollections ((g, n):rs) q l = case n of |
-- OK -> updateCollections rs (pushToQueue q g) l |
-- Lock _ -> updateCollections rs (pushToQueue q g) l |
-- GameOver -> updateCollections rs q (pushToList l g) |
-- _ -> updateCollections rs q l |
-- pushToQueue q x = PQ.insert (fullScore x) x q |
-- strat0 :: Game -> ([Command],Int) |
-- strat0 game = let firstQueue = PQ.singleton (fullScore game) game |
-- (incomplete, completed) = findBest maxIter firstQueue [] |
-- (_, bestIncomplete) = PQ.findMax incomplete |
-- resultGame = findListMax (bestIncomplete:completed) |
-- in (reverse (Game.history resultGame), fullScore resultGame) |
-- where |
-- maxIter = 50000 |
-- pushToList c x = x : c |