Easy CA management
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CA manager

This tools collection is our take on managing a CA, signing SSH keys and certificates, signin SSL certificates.



This is a shell for a user, the shell only reads the input from the user and return a JSON. We like to use this user with Ansible to request and retrive ssh host certificates.

The server logs can be found at /home/request/request_server.log


The input must be a JSON file, e.g

	"request": {
		"keyType": "ssh_host",
		"hostName": "my_new_server",
		"keyData": "ssh-ed25519 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa root@my_new_server"
	"type": "sign_request"

the example is a sign_request for a ssh host certificate.

	"request": {
		"keyType": "ssh_user",
		"userName": "my_username",
		"keyData": "ssh-ed25519 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa my_username@my_hostname",
		"rootRequested": true
	"type": "sign_request"

This example is sign_request for a ssh user certificate with root access.

The shell just output a json with status, reason, failed and msg keys.

	"failed" : ...,
	"msg" : ...,
	"reason" : ...,
	"status" : ...

The keys failed and msg are only requested to comply with ansible.


This is a shell for a user, the shell limits the commands to the one we are interested, like generating a SSH/SSL CA, signing keys.

# LILiK CA Manager

Welcome to the certification authority shell.
Type help or ? to list commands.
(CA Manager)> ?

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
describe_cas  gen_ca  help  ls_ca  ls_requests  quit  sign_request


The only configuration needed is the path where to operate, modifying te file paths.py is all is needed.