- var settings = [
- {
- id: "long_post_visualization_enabler",
- name: "Long Post Visualization Mod Enabler",
- description: "Enable long post mod?",
- type: "checkbox",
- },{
- id: "long_post_visualization",
- name: "Long Post Visualization",
- description: "Select which way you prefer to display long posts",
- type: "radio",
- options: [ "Sidebar" ]
- },{
- id: "night_mode_enabler",
- name: "Night Mode",
- description: "Enable or disable night mode",
- type: "checkbox"
- },{
- id: "night_mode_starting_hour",
- name: "Night Mode Starting Hour",
- description: "in hours. Ex: 19",
- type: "range",
- options: {
- min: "0",
- max: "24"
- }
- },{
- id: "night_mode_ending_hour",
- name: "Night Mode Ending Hour",
- description: "in hours. Ex: 7",
- type: "range",
- options: {
- min: "0",
- max: "24"
- }
- },{
- id: "video_controls_enabler",
- name: "Video controls",
- description: "Show controls on gif posts to pause or seeking gif?",
- type: "checkbox",
- },{
- id: "nsfw_enabler",
- name: "Show NSFW",
- description: "Show NSFW posts without login?",
- type: "checkbox",
- },{
- id: "disable_wakeup_enabler",
- name: "Wakeup pop-up",
- description: "Disable wakeup pop-up?",
- type: "checkbox",
- }
- ];
- // var settings = [
- // {
- // id: "1",
- // name: "Message 1",
- // description: "Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet",
- // type: "checkbox"
- // }, {
- // id: "2",
- // name: "Message 2",
- // description: "Sim secutur iusit",
- // type: "checkbox"
- // }, {
- // id: "3",
- // name: "Message 3",
- // description: "",
- // type: "radio",
- // options: [ "black", "blue"]
- // }, {
- // id: "4",
- // name: "Message 4",
- // description: "",
- // type: "range",
- // options: {
- // min: "0",
- // max: "100"
- // }
- // }, {
- // id: "5",
- // name: "Message 5",
- // description: "",
- // type: "dropdown",
- // options: [ "test", "seconda voce"]
- // }, {
- // id: "6",
- // name: "Message 6",
- // description: "",
- // type: "text"
- // },
- // ];
- document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
- displaySettings();
- addListeners();
- loadSettings();
- });
- function displaySettings(){
- var tableSettings = document.getElementById("settings");
- var tableBody = tableSettings.getElementsByTagName("tbody");
- var newElement = "";
- settings.forEach( function( setting ){
- var type = "";
- newElement += "<tr id='setting_"+setting.id+"' data-type='"+setting.type+"' class='setting'><td>"+setting.name+"<span class='description'>"+setting.description+"</span></td><td>";
- switch ( setting.type ){
- case "checkbox":
- newElement += "<input id='checkbox_"+setting.id+"' type='"+setting.type+"'>";
- break;
- case "radio":
- setting.options.forEach( function( option ){
- newElement += "<input type='"+setting.type+"' name='radio_"+setting.id+"' id='radio_"+setting.id+"_"+option+"' value='"+option+"'>";
- newElement += "<label for='radio_"+setting.id+"_"+option+"' >"+option+"</label>";
- });
- break;
- case "range":
- newElement += "<input type='"+setting.type+"' class='rangeSelector' id='range_"+setting.id+"' min='"+setting.options.min+"' max='"+setting.options.max+"' >";
- newElement += "<label for='range_"+setting.id+"' id='range_value_"+setting.id+"' ></label>";
- break;
- case "text":
- newElement += "<input type='"+setting.type+"'>";
- break;
- case "dropdown":
- newElement += "<select>";
- setting.options.forEach( function( option ){
- newElement += "<option value='"+option.replace(" ", "_")+"'>"+option+"</option>";
- });
- newElement += "</select>";
- break;
- }
- newElement = newElement + "</td></tr>";
- });
- tableBody.innerHTML = newElement;
- tableSettings.innerHTML += tableBody.innerHTML;
- }
- function addListeners(){
- var settingsElement = document.getElementsByClassName("setting");
- for (var i = settingsElement.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- settingsElement[i].addEventListener('change', saveSettings);
- }
- var rangeElements = document.getElementsByClassName("rangeSelector");
- for (var i = rangeElements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- rangeElements[i].addEventListener('change', function( element ){
- var labelIdNumber = this.id.split(/_(.+)?/)[1];
- updateRangeValueLabel( labelIdNumber, this.value);
- });
- };
- }
- //saves the data into storage
- function saveSettings(){
- var setting = this.id;
- setting = setting.split(/_(.+)?/)[1];
- var type = this.getAttribute('data-type');
- switch (type){
- case "checkbox":
- var value = this.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].checked;
- break;
- case "radio":
- var value = document.querySelector('input[name = "radio_'+setting+'"]:checked').value;
- break;
- case "text":
- case "range":
- case "dropdown":
- var value = this.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].value;
- break;
- }
- var obj = {};
- obj[setting] = value;
- chrome.storage.sync.set(
- obj
- , function(){
- //callback function after saving the preferences
- document.getElementById("bar").innerHTML = "Preferences saved, refresh 9gag pages to enable new preferences.";
- });
- }
- //get the value stored in the storage and will be shown in the text box.
- function loadSettings( ){
- chrome.storage.sync.get( null ,function(obj){
- updateSettings(obj);
- });
- }
- function updateSettings( storedSettings ){
- for( var settingId in storedSettings ){
- settingId = String( settingId );
- settingObject = document.getElementById( "setting_"+settingId );
- if( typeof settingObject != "undefined" && settingObject != null){
- type = settingObject.getAttribute('data-type');
- switch( type ){
- case ( "checkbox" ):
- settingObject.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].checked = storedSettings[settingId];
- break;
- case ( "radio" ):
- document.getElementById( "radio_"+ settingId +"_"+ storedSettings[settingId] ).checked = true;
- break;
- case "range":
- settingObject.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].value = storedSettings[settingId];
- updateRangeValueLabel( settingId , storedSettings[settingId] );
- break;
- case "text":
- case "dropdown":
- settingObject.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].value = storedSettings[settingId];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function updateRangeValueLabel( labelIdNumber, value ){// console.log(this.value);
- var label = document.getElementById("range_value_"+labelIdNumber);
- label.innerHTML = value;
- }